It's US - Andy and Alex!  Don't we make a great couple??
We met on the fateful night of 26 December 1995.  A long time ago, right?  TOO long I think!

We were in a public chatroom (which no longer exists) when somebody asked me how my Christmas was.  I replied that I hadn't had it yet because being Ukrainian I celebrate it in January.  Andy then replied "Me too! I'm Russian".  We started talking and then went into a private room to get to know each other better (get your filthy mind out of the gutter RIGHT now!!!  That came later! *lol*)

We met again a day or two later by accident and as I was about to go interstate for a while we exchanged email addresses and promised to keep in touch.

When I returned we began chatting regularly and making times to meet (every NIGHT!!).  It wasn't long before fate took over and we fell in love. 

Two years later, Sunshine and Andy met face-to-face at Melbourne Airport (1:00AM on the 19 January 1998)! 
On Friday the 13th (!) February Andy was due to depart! *sniffsniff*, although it was not an entirely unlucky day for us!  This turned out to be the day we officially became engaged and announced it to my family.  We spent our last day together celebrating Valentine's Day a day early and shopping for an engagement ring - Andy's Valentine's Day present to me!

The above picture was taken during this first trip to Australia!
WELL!!  Much has happened since this page was last updated!

June 2000 - Andy finally arrives in Australia - forever this time!  I feel so happy and complete!

7 October 2000 - WE finally get married and have the most romantic fairytale wedding ever!

Dec 2001 - We sign building contracts for our first home together!!

24 March 2003 - We finally move into our first home together!