Welcome to Star-Struck Nursery; the new adoption agency on the web devoted to adopting out orphan stars.  All of the stars need a good home and a caring individual to look after them. 

There are currently 14 different types of stars to adopt in a variety of colors.  The newest ones include Fairy Star, Dragon Star, Angel Star, and Doctor Star.  

Please, before I can let you adopt a star, you need to sign the appropriate

Would you like to see the stars that have already been adopted?  My "Happy Star" Taliesin would be glad to show you his friends' new homes.  Click on him to go see.

If this is your first time adopting a cyber pet or even if it isn't, it would be a good idea to look over the link below. 

Would you like to see the cyber friends I've adopted?  Click here to have a look.

If you have any questions or comments, please mail them to me at songbooksociety@hotmail.com

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