Every cloud has a silver lining. 10407 ¼Û´Ù¼Ø In a story cinderella , Cinderella has hard time living with evil step mom and step sisters. However, Cinderella eventually marry prince and became a queen of the country that she lives. This story tells me that ¡®every cloud has a silver lining ¡¯. As many people do, I also think about this statement when I'm having hard time. I have many experiences that worked out really good after I having hard time. Two years ago, I stayed in the USA as a foreign exchange student . First six month of my time was devastating because my host family and I had really different life style . So we just couldn't get along each other to live together. Sometimes I argued with them and just ignored them. I was not happy, unsatisfied and disappointed with everything that was going on in my life. I also regret for the first time that I decided come to America . I called my local manager and eventually I just got out of my host house , went to manager's house. I asked her to change my host family then she said she will try . A week later , I heard the news from my manager . She said that there is no family , which is going to have exchange students in their home. She also added that I might have to move to another state or go back to my country , Korea. As soon I heard that I bursted into tears because the situation that I was having was more complex than I expected . The day that I heard bad news from manager , I went to neighbor's house because manager's daughter had been invited their party and I just followed her. It was Smith family. As I was spending time in their house , I introduced myself and explained my situation. Smith family seemed really nice to me. A day after I visited Smith's house , Mr Smith called my manager and said that he's going to take me as their family. It was highly emotional moment to me because actually I was preparing going back to Korea. I can never forget that moment. Fortunately, I had exceptionally happy time with Smith family until the day I leave the USA. Even though I had sad days with former host family , I loved to stay in America with Smith family for rest of the time. This experience firstly taught me how much God cares about me . Secondly, I learned that I should never give up whatever hard obstacles coming up to me because after all bad things went on there is always good coming up. In sum, from my life experiences I believe that 'Every cloud has a silver lining'.

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