Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Who asked if we want to even consider sewers?
by Ken Pungente, November 2000

It seems that something has been missed here. We are spending thousands on a sewage study, but the basic question hasn't been asked of the people of this community. Do you want sewers or not?

If this study is to determine what kind of sewers you get, then it means that the mayor and six councillors have decided for sewers without going to the people.

If you asked all the people in single family dwellings if they are having a problem with their existing septic systems you'll find very few are.

If there is a referendum then it should read: Are you in favour of sewers or not? It shouldn't say you're getting sewers whether you want them or not and that you only have a choice of what kind of system you want.

Let's stop the smoke and mirrors show and have our mayor and councillors stand up and say if this is what they are going to do.



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