Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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May 24, 2001.

Dave Drummond,

Superintendent of Schools,

Sooke School District #62,

3143 Jacklin Road,

Victoria, B.C., V9B 3Y8.

Dear Mr. Drummond;

This letter is in reference to the proposal by Sooke Council to provide sewerage servicing to a specified area of Sooke. Sooke Elementary, Journey Middle, and L'Ecole Poirier Schools would be within the proposed area.

Because schools are exempted from capital tax, there is the suggestion that a portion of the capital costs could be recovered by 'weighting the user fee to schools above what would be normal user sewage generation guidelines.' (Sewerage Study Steering Committee Minutes, April 10, 2001).

As a recently-formed citizens, organization in Sooke, WRATH (Worried Residents Against Tax Hikes), is concerned that all stakeholders be fully informed and involved in the process.

Perhaps Sooke Council has had discussions with the school district, and you are aware of the issues. In the event that you have not been involved in such discussions, this letter will serve to inform you of the ongoing process and of possible ramifications to the Sooke School District.

Yours truly,

Gail Hall,

Research Director, WRATH,

Worried Residents Against Tax Hikes in Sooke (WRATH)

P.O. Box 886,

Sooke, B.C, VOS INO.

c.c. Mayor Macgregor & Sooke Council Members

Board of Trustees, Sooke School District #62



Sewer Proposal



Contact WRATH
