Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Building demonstrate seniors facility doesn’t need sewers

Letter by John Stephen to Sooke News Mirror December 3, 2002

The Vancouver Island Health Authority is withholding a 50-bed seniors’ care facility for Sooke until there is a sewer system in place (News Mirror, Nov. 13). Why is that?

Both the Sooke Harbour House (with accommodations for more than 50 guests) and the (now-ex) social services building on West Coast Road occupy relatively small lots but process their liquid waste through highly efficient, self-contained sewage treatments plants without contaminating any environment beyond their own property lines.

Why can’t a seniors care facility do the same thing? I suspect this is yet another plot to force a community sewage system upon us when we really don’t need it.



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