Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Sooke Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP) an illusion

Letter by George Butcher (642-5388) to the Sooke News Mirror, February 12, 2003


One thing is certain from the Wednesday evening meeting on the Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP) and that is Mayor MacGregor and his sewer advocate councillors Farmers are desperate to maintain the illusion that we have had sufficient information and public consultation to move rapidly to the third and final stage in the planning process.

A Liquid Waste Management Plan is a fine and good thing. It requires calm and rational thinking; a fair assessment of all options and costs and it involves the public — our concerns must be given the same weight as technical advice. This has not happened in Sooke. An expensive sewer and outfall option was pre-determined early by an inner cabal of developer advisers and polished with a thin lacquer of high paid "expert" advice. The taxpaying public was not involved.

The Wednesday meeting should have been the kick-off event to a planning process that takes other communities years to complete. Instead we find out that we are merely months away from completing a phoney process and that the Mayor has already submitted the technical sewer design documents to the province. So your input doesn’t matter a damn.

During the meeting, the mayor admitted that the purpose of the sewer and ocean outfall was for "growth and development." He continued by basically pleading with the audience not to blow the whistle and that he had to ignore due process in order to make a quick grab for the federal/provincial grant money available under the Green Infrastructure Program. Well, I say blow the whistle.

Here are four things that citizens can do:

  1. Write to Joyce Murray, Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection. Tell her that there has been inadequate public consultation and demand that Sooke start its LWMP at Stage 1.
  2. Call your Councillors. Urge them to withdraw the sewer grant application.
  3. Work with WRATH [call George Butcher at 642-5388] to get your views heard.
  4. Do not accept the "inevitability" argument. There are several low-cost options being ignored that can achieve the environmental and health protection results we all desire.



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