Jabba's Park - Where your dreams won't come true

The Truth
Message Board

Jabba's Park - You won't be leaving any time soon

Jabba's Park

Updates - 21st Feb, 2002

 Here it is, the first big update since our beginnings. I was hoping to add a lot more, but that would have involved redesigning the site AND board, and I just can't be bothered right now. So, what has been added this time? Well, our "Enemies" section now includes the archives of our battle against enemies of Jabba. It will eventually flourish into it's own section, but for now, this'll do.

 We now have exactly 50 registered members on our board! Congratulations, the park has gone big time. In fact, the only ezBoard which is more popular in our community circle is Tenkai (which you can investigate down on the Links page).

 PEACE!     -Gazmof

 Welcome to Jabba's Park. What is the park, exactly? That is a commonly asked question. Here we discuss many things, including Star Wars (obviously), but that's not all. We also partake of anime, manga, video games and of course, Jabba himself.

 Since the park can seem overwhelming at first, here is a guide to what the different sections are all about. Be glad for it.

 "The Truth"

 This is where we reveal the long-wondered truth among lies. Ever wondered how Jabba caught that weird monster underneath his throne room? Want to know how handy he is with a lightsabre? This is where you'll learn all about what's really been going on in Jabba's world.


 Here you'll find the opinions that matter on the things that don't. Minions, celebrities, and sometimes even Jabba will contribute their thoughts on hot topics.


 Learn all about Jabba's enemies right here. That Skywalker chap, Piccolenks, and even the sinister SmarterChild are all listed here. Remember that you can help Jabba, by joining the cause!


 Information on how to join the ever-expanding list of Jabba's minions! As a minion, you can help Jabba fight against his enemies, the government and the evil X-Box Clan! Go on, you know you want to - Make Jabba's voice heard! Loser.

 "Message Board"

 Make a noise at Jabba's Message Board and tell us you're here! Talk to other members of the park community then viciously flame them just as it was foretold! Don't have ezBoard? Then GET OUT YaBB SPY!!


 Affiliates, lovers and morons. You name it, we've got it. Once you're done with the park (you don't do it, it does you), take a look over Jabba's favourite selection of websites. If you want to have your site added to the list, take a chance and email it to Jabba. If he approves, it will be added (and a word of advice: The more naked ladies, the better).
