Internet Link Exchange
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Something about me

You must have guessed by now I'm a Calvin and Hobbes fan !

I work for Microsoft. Used to be at Hyderabad, in late 2002 I moved to Redmond.

I studied business management at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. My specialization was in the area of Information Systems.

I am a native of Kerala, a state on the South-Western tip of India. I did my M.Sc. in Physics from IIT Kanpur (1989-1994), and joined Infosys Technologies (P) Ltd, Bangalore as a software engineer. After a year, I joined Network Systems & Technologies (P) Ltd at Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala. After my MBA I joined Microsoft at Hyderabad, India.

An old picture of me... ( (very old - circa 1997) ). I'll have to update this site with pictures of my family - that's my wife Raji and son Shaun.

The rest of this site is ancient ... in fact I think I started this personal home page maybe in 1995 - that's pretty ancient by internet standards. Geocities moved to yahoo but the site stayed. I haven't updated it in years though.

Here are a few pics of me and my friends ...
Pic of me
Self and friends in Japan
Me again
Friends and self at Kemigawahama, Japan

Plenty more pics here ...
that I added recently

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Last updated 15 June 2000