Welcome to CM's Diaper as Inserts Page.

This page was developed as I have noticed that many Adult Diapers do not hold well overnight. Quite often, they leak. I had read of the possibility of using children's diapers as inserts, and thought I might try. In the process, I found a method that works for me. I share that method as best as I can. Please keep in mind I am not an artist, so this is the best I can do. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated. E-mail me at cm74@jps.net

Step One: Poke Holes in the Children's Diaper
The suggestions I have read say either to poke holes with a pin, or to cut slits with a knife.

I go for the pin meathod. The slits tend to leak the filler material.
noleak0.jpg I poke holes in two places. Pushing hard, I poke holes through the absorbant core fo the diaper, in theory to let the liquid leak trough. a few per square inch is about it. Next I poke holes in the middle area, between the area where the core is and the leak guards. This way any liquid not absorbed by the core will leak through into the adult diaper over it.


Step Two: Cut the Tape Sides (Back) Off

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Step Three: (The tricky part) Putting it on.

The idea here is to wrap the genitalia in the Child Diaper, which keeps the liquid from spilling out the top and sides of the adult diaper.
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We start by folding the diaper at the 1/4 mark, over the genital. The short section goes next to the body, while the long part goes over the genitals, and through the legs, like a Guard for Men that goes in underwear.


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The flaps are folded over. If Pampers are used, they have a nice square of plastic that holds everything in place, otherwise the tape from the removed sections can be used to secure the flaps.


Finally, put on an Adult Diaper, and enjoy a good night confident that the odds of leaking has been greatly minimised.


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