If you've been here before and once again came back looking for new poems, sorry I don't put them up as often as I used to. First of all I don't write as much anymore and I wouldn't have the time to put them up anyways. But keep returning anyways, there will be new ones once in a while (check in the Third Book). Oh, and thanx to everyone who's written me emails and sent me comments, I appreciate it. Anyways, remember you can't copy these poems without asking me first, and enjoy! -Jan 13/98
My first poem book. From December/96 to April 23/97
My second poem book. From May 1/97 to July 23/97
My third poem book. From July 23/97 till the present
The Spotlight. This is a page where I sorta divided the poems into catgories, I guess you could say that. Like the longest poem, my fave poems, loviest love poem, the poem that caused me the most trouble etc.
This is a page of my very talented friends' poems. There's poems from 6 of my friends (soon to be 7) from both real life and online.

My Fave Links

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