Welcome to the families page!

This page was designed to supplement the lessons I teach using the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Social Studies curriculum for People and Neighborhoods. This guide is meant to be taught in the first grade.

The purpose of the following pages is for myself and other teachers who use this curriculum series to incorporate technology into lessons. These pages can also be used by parents and children looking for information on how families change, why families have rules, why families should work together, and what families in other lands are like.

In the following pages, I use examples from my own family to discuss how families change, provide links to websites containing various family rules, discuss chores for children, discuss activities families do together, and provide links and a chart of information on families from different lands.


For Teachers

Below are my unit objectives for the families curriculum.

  1. Describe how people and families are unique and special.
  2. Show how people and families change as they grow over time.
  3. Demonstrate why family rules are important.
  4. Discuss why it is important for families to cooperate, share, and work together.
  5. Discuss how families live all over the world and share common dynamics.

NOTE: The following pages are meant to be a springboard for discussion. That is why there is not a large amount of information.


Families are special. A family can be made up of different numbers of people. Families can be made up of as little as two people when there is just a man and woman, or a mom or dad and a child, or as large as thirty-four, in the case of the woman in the Guiness Book of World Records who had thirty-two children. Each family is different from the next, although many families do similar things. Families live all over the world. American families have an average of two children. Some families live with other relatives like grandparents, cousins, or aunts and uncles. Other families even live with friends.


Go to page 2 Families Change

Go to page 3 Families Have Rules

Go to page 4 Families Work Together

Go to page 5 Families In Other Lands

Please e-mail your comments to the address below.


Posted: July 30, 1999

Last Updated: July 8, 2001