
Now who in the heck is Jacob? Hmm...well, Jacob is a special person in my life right now and its just so odd how you can find that special one. He and I met on of all places, the internet. Surprising for some of you but its true :) and have been together now for over a year. He has helped me so much in so many ways and has made me feel good about myself, well..I think he's still working on that. But its working so far :) I never thought someone could be so wonderful would come along, then I found out that I was wrong once He and I got to know each other better. We had some things in common and just from that, I knew that I wanted to meet him.

After "chatting" we finally met months later and just instantly clicked! Sure, I admit I was kinda nervous finally meeting him but I think he was more nervous than I was *grin* Ya know, I always thought it was nuts when I heard about people meeting others on the internet and watching all the news made me think that all people out there were psycho ..What people don't realize there is a good side to the internet as well..You just have to watch who you talk to :)...I love Jacob for who he is..I mean, after all, he's smart, gorgeous, funny, weird, nice, sympathetic, and oh-so-caring..These are just some of things I've always looked for in a guy..and lucky me! I found him! Or did he find me? *tee-hee!* Well, whatever how it came to be, I'm just happy to be with him now and share my life with him. I'm much happier and having the time of my life with him. Now I just gotta figure him out and convince him that I don't do rollercoasters like him :D A girl can wish, can't she? *grin*

Jacob, if you are reading this, I want you to know that you mean the world to me and am grateful that you came into my life. Sure, I can be hard to live with sometimes, but just think, you can be too :) I guess we're still trying to figure each other out but what I do know is that I love you :) You have become an important part of my life and thank you for all the things you have done for me. I thank you for helping me with my self-esteem and loving me for who I am. There are very few little guys out there like you and am glad to know that you're with me. No matter what, I'm always going to be there for you and you will **ALWAYS** have a place in my heart where you belong. **SmOOcHiES**

*Click on Gumby to check out Jacob's Webpage*