This site is a brief look into the many interesting things in this vast world of ours. It is a place to state your thoughts on many topics. I will list three topics every week that seem prefilant to the world around us and tha effect most individuals. then you simply send your thoughts to my email adress (

I will then place your point of view on my page so that other people can react to what you say. If a topic sparks a lot of people to write in then the topic will stay on for as long as new thoughts keep coming in. I will try not to let my personal biases enter into the forum and will try to get an equal number of staements from each side of any agument

these will be updated every day at 10 pm

The rest of this site includes many interesting things that are avalible to look at and read about on the web.

Here are some cool pictures of some great comics






Cool Links

Nit's page - Atheist, Gun, and music info.

please join me later and please bookmark this page
