I hope I have not bored you all, and if you would like to know further information about me, my wife Jen and our troubles being apart and the hurt that goes with it,  Noah and Jayden, the findings of the false hope named Skyler Cheyenne, Jen's boys, or anything you'd like, feel free to go to the next page by clicking the arrows.. There are pictures also. Feel free to stop by my V group, by clicking on the below V picture. If you would like to be a part of our "V" family, email us for an invite...we'd love to have you.
October 8, 1976 = Birthday

Name: Rob or Jay
Age: 29
Status: Married, but always looking for good friends
Hair: Blonde Military Cut
s: Light Mystical Baby Blue
Build: Medium Muscular
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165
Dress: Alternative/Goth/Rich-Boy/Preppy
Welcome to Rob/J's WebPage
Alyssa      ---->
but you knew that...
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To go to the V RPG webpage, press the flashing V logo below!!!!
Come on and join one of the biggest talent agencies in the world. Don't forget to check the Florida column. (Can't help myself from plugging:>)
Okay, where to begin..

My name is Rob Humphrey. I  am a former Marine from 1994-2002, and in 2003 I enlisted into the US Army as a soldier,  which I am now "deployed" in Maryland, serving my country once again. I have been worldwide,  and though not the way I've wanted to, seen many different cultures and places that are less fortunate than America... this is just my feelings...Everyone should be glad you live here in the greatest country in the world. G
o U.S.A.!!!
I am one big Florida State Seminole fan. If it has to do with FSU, I'm there. Whether it is football, baseball, basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis, or golf, I support my Noles. For current information on the Florida State University Seminole program, click the pictures below. If you did not realize by now, the colors are garnet and gold!
I am a solitary practionist. What this is simply is I possess certain skills that would allow me into the Wiccan religion. Being "natural" is not easy, and should be thought of as a very painful way to live your life. I have been through many religions, from Christianity (Protestant, Southern Baptist, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc.), Catholic, Wicca, Seventh Day Adventist, etc. I have seen many types, many rituals. I have met the Pope on three occasions, and have talked to him briefly twice. If the Pope, who I confessed my religious preferences to, can forgive and kiss my forehead, I do not see why no one can accept my multi-religioned atmosphere. If you are interested in my true beliefs, I would be glad to explain them. All I will comment on here is that I do think God exists, but he is not unlike any other superior. He has delegates. The Bible calls them angels, and we all call them lost souls. I call them gods and goddesses. For example, do you honestly think Greek and Roman mythology were just myths? Do you think spiritual places such as Easter Island, Atlantis Isle, the unnamed Bermuda Isle, whick sunk along with Atlantis, creating the "Bermuda Triangle", and other "mythological gods and goddesses" were figments of imagination? I don't think so...
If you have been a friend for a while, and look in on this often, you know of SkyChey. Well, peeps, it seems as if the search for her is over. It seeme as if she was a figment of my imagination. She was created in the mind of my sick ex-girlfriend, her mother. She was created to be used as a bargaining chip.. She was the prize of my life and all you people who consider children as baggage or bargaining chips can leave my website now.
I have three pet peeves...abuse of children, women and animals, nontrustworthyness and unfaithfulness, and being someone you're not...if you want to email me, or talk, dont play someone youre not...Honesty and trust are nine tenths of my law...everyone assumes on the net that everyone is fair game...the only problem with this is that usually people have trouble when it comes to dealing with those jealous partners who think that it is alright to talk sexual to someone on here, and sleep elsewhere...well, as far as I'm concerned, it's cheating. I still would like chat friends, because you never know when you'll need some advice from that person who knows nothing about the situation.
As most of my friends know, I am not too fond of the male population in general. If you are a guy, I am sorry, but you are prejudiced at this point. This, however, is my only prejudice. If you are a man, and you can prove to me your devotion to your significant other, or can convince me you aren't a part of the 98% of the male scum population, then I will not prejudice you. For your information, this doesn't apply if you are a bi or homosexual male, as more than likely you are a part of the two percent because you already know how a woman should be treated. For the record, I am neither, but I respect bisexuality. Who are we as humankind supposed  to tell love how to work?
I am  married, to a beautiful woman named Jennifer, and she is my favorite person and best friend. I know that Jen is my true love, so I don't ever think of the worst or plan on ruining it.
I know I have not been in Chat Central in a while, but I have grown up a lot since then. A total commitment to family and friends now lives within me, and if she lets me, it will stay. The single man I once was is gone, and in his place a very confused man who still thrives to possess as many friends as possible. I know "forever" isn't just a word; "I love you" isn't either. I do want to tell all my chat buds that I wish you would remember the good times, and all the advice Dr. J used to have for you. I miss you all so drop me a line sometime... 
I have two sons. Their  names are Noah Robert Humphrey and Jayden Nathaniel. Pictures of the boys are on the next pages.
Jen has two boys from a prior marriage, Ashton and Hunter, and I tried to adore them as if they were my own. This is to no prevail, however. Though nothing could ever allow me to forget the anguish and pain my ex put me through by creating a life for the benefit of getting a life with me, and me finding out it was all a lie. I have not counted out the possibility of a younger sister for them, but at this time, I want to secure my life and family before I commit to bringing in another life into the world.
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We will NEVER forget!!!
Yeah BABY!!!
Silly rabbit, chicks are for dudes!!!
Updated 11 June 2006