William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway. Undoubtedly some of the greatest writers ever. But can they really compare to the sheer genius, the unbelievable creativity, and the awe-inspiring humor that bulge from the works of Scotty? You be the judge. Some of this great 20th century writer's greatest creations are found below. Read them once and I'm sure you'll agree that this guy needs some serious help.


Bummed -- A homeless man just can't seem to get a decent meal!

The Story of Bob -- There is no way to explain this. You just have to read it for yourself!

Puppy Love -- This is not your typical Rover!

Star Wreck: The Final Generation -- The alternate, never-aired, final episode!

The Tilex Files -- Two FBI agents investigate supernatural cases involving soap scum!

Unwelcome Guests -- Those darn aliens are at it again!



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