The sex explosion has happened. A lot of society has bee laid waste by it. You and I are chosen to be different and to make a difference. While growing through the pressure of youth… pressure from within ourselves and from other people, it is good to know that the Bible has teachings to really encourage us. We read:

"Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers… For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants (those who have faith in God). For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest (representative for people) in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people (take their punishment and make them acceptable to God). Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted". Hebrews 2:11, 16-18. This applies to all Christians whether male or female. From this we realise that…

1. The Son of God became truly human. He had the full nature of God and the full nature of a man.

2. Jesus had hormones. Though He did not sin, He understands the power of temptation.

3. Jesus is in the job of making people right with God and He enables them to live in a way that brings honour to God.

4. Jesus is merciful and trustworthy in the task of representing us before God. He can be trusted to help us in times of temptation.

When there is that strong tension between our minds which want to please God and what our bodies want, we can take comfort in the fact that the Apostle Paul recognised the same problem. In Romans Chapter 8, he talks about two laws. They are:

1. The Law of sin and death operating in our bodies. It keeps us from pleasing God. It operates powerfully when our minds are set on what our old sinful natures want.

If I wanted to fly overseas I could run down the runway flapping my arms. They might well put me in a straight jacket because it isn't a good way to get there. Why? Because I don't have the nature of a bird. I cannot overcome gravity.

Similarly, as Christians, we cannot overcome this Law of sin and death in our own strength. We fail, and can feel defeated and condemned… a bit like flapping into the fence at the end of the runway. Fortunately there is another law. It is:

2. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. This operates in those who have their minds set on what God wants to do and who are "In" Christ.

A better way to fly overseas is by aeroplane. The powerful engines enable the jet to overcome the law of gravity for us. This only happens if we are in the jet.

Similarly, as Christians, the same power God used to raise Jesus from being dead is available to us. To be "in" a jet we decide to go where it is going, trust it enough to get on board and surrender our whole being to it. As far as I know we can't usually leave parts of our bodies back at the airport.

Similarly, we experience the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus when we are surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ, trust Him, and are determined to do what He wants. This should be a daily decision as well as a lifetime commitment.

There is therefore good reason why a person who really wants to, can have the best in youth, love and appropriate sex. If we can make relationships and sex the big deal in our lives, we will probably struggle. If we make knowing Jesus Christ the number one priority, then the rest will fall into place in its right time.

Let's celebrate the gift of life and love and people by giving them only the best.

So here's to you:

and thanks to God, who planned it all.


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