Hi! You've reached my guestbook. If you haven't signed it yet, please sign it now. Feel free to read what other people have written.

Lorna - 03/08/00 16:03:18
My Email:Partygirl95@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 13
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: freddie prinz junior
Favourite Actress: drew barrymore
Favourite Film: she's all that

Great website. Good luck to everyone here who is having/about to/had treatment.

Jessica - 01/25/00 23:55:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/theoffspringz
My Email:Yeshika13@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 14
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: retinal blastoma
Favourite Actor: dunno
Favourite Actress: dunno
Favourite Film: The Matrix

you have no idea how long i have searched for someone my age who had RB!!!i lost my left eye when i was 1. i would really love to talk to you so please email me!

s white - 01/24/00 19:20:07
My Email:jtmail @tribehouse29.freeserve.co.uk
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: My son has Leukaemia diagnosed on the 1st October. He is 17. He has ALL/ML
Favourite Actor: Mel Gibson (Well I am over 40!)
Favourite Actress: None
Favourite Film: The Sixth Sense

Hope your treatment is progressing well. My son is just about to have a bone marrow transplant at Birmingham QE Hospital. All very unknown!

maggie - 11/10/99 17:22:39
My Email:m.szczurowska@marianopolis.edu
Age (optional): 18
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no

Hi, I stumbled on your page by accident(Iwas looking for info on Jostein Gaarder)but I'm glad I did. Your poetry is inspiring.I wish I had the optimism and courage you have. I'm always on the lookout for new buddies so if you feel like writing back, that' great, if not, you don't have to.My name is Maggie,I'm 18,I live in Montreal,Canada.I love reading.The only show I realy like is Stargate,SG1.A good movie I saw recently:American Beauty.My other interests include art music and travel.Hope all goes well f r you!

08/07/99 09:10:01
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

STEV - 07/26/99 13:32:24
Age (optional): 18
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: NO
Favourite Actor: JOHN LAGYUZAMO
Favourite Actress: JENIFFER LOPEZ


Silkie deWinter - 07/23/99 20:07:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~silkie_d
My Email:metalcat@hotmail.com
Age (optional): mesozoic
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: Claude Rains
Favourite Actress: Bette Davis
Favourite Film: Local Hero

HUGS to you girl! Very good stuff here and a lot of effort put into making it work! *VBS* Come and visit - you might like my pics if not the poetry!

Anna Wiget - 07/17/99 07:29:00
My Email:
Age (optional): 16

The Cheung Family, I am very sorry that you suffered such a loss. You have everyones support. Dear Sarah, If somehow you are reading this, even in heaven i am sure they have computers. I hope you are enjoying the Grand Cananyion. I am thinking of you always. Love Anna xxx

hadeel ibrahim - 07/13/99 14:15:57
My Email:hadeel@anti-social.com
Age (optional): 15

The Cheung family: i'd like to say how sorry i am and that my thoughts are with them. Love, Hadeel.

Whitworth Family - 07/10/99 08:03:26
My Email:whitwo@iafrica.com

To Sarah's family. We are so very sorry. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

laura-faye (cookie) underhill - 06/22/99 10:56:34
My Email:bomb0910@yahoo.com
Age (optional): 15 (sigh...still a year to go)
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: joshua jackson.......and no i'm not shallow
Favourite Actress: hmmmmmm, i dont realy care!
Favourite Film: at the moment cruel intentions (even though i havent seen it)

heeeheeeeheeeeee.............now that i have annoyed you on the phone i will start on the internet....(world domination will be mine).... the wolf is bering a pane in the neck, literally (i still have the scars), i wll try to visit this summer (much to yo r eternal joy) .......i just realised that if you are not sella but are reading this then you will think im wierd (well done it took sarah three years)........love cookie

Laura & Cecilia - 06/19/99 01:12:34
My Email:lolarne@aol.com
Age (optional): 34 and 4 1/2
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: Cecilia has ALL
Favourite Actor: Chomper (from land before time)
Favourite Actress: Minnie Mouse
Favourite Film: The Land Before Time, says Ceal - The Wizard of Oz says Mom

You go girl! My daughter Cecilia was diagnosed this year also. You sure do have a rare and unique combination of cancer stories, and that also means that you are a rare and unique girl that will CONQUER this. Our best to you from Los Gatos California. Love, Laura and Ceal

Simon Mavroleon - 05/03/99 15:21:47
My Email:You know it...
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: Joey off Friends
Favourite Actress: Seven o' Nine
Favourite Film: First Contact

I really like your page, and I am also very impressed with everything you have acoomplished-Keep it up ---Mav---

Catherine F. Goble - 04/30/99 09:00:07
My Email:cf_goble@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 18
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: No
Favourite Actor: Joseph Fiennes
Favourite Actress: Jamie Lee Curtis
Favourite Film: Shakespeare in Love

Sweetiepie, This homepage is fantastic. I love that picture of my darling sister with strange things coming out of her ears in Biology! All the pictures contain her...she's such a show off! Well, I look forward to visiting again soon. Love, Catherine x

teggy, puka, bitch you choose - 04/29/99 11:59:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/southbeach/jetty/9261
My Email:wiggs_98@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 16
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: christian slater, al pacino, robert di niro, jim carrey, adam sandler, josh hartnett
Favourite Actress: drew barrymore, susan sarandon,
Favourite Film: true romance, scream, too many to write down

Hey dude, how are you doing? i am alright, wicked site!!! love the picture of mill, well i will write and talk to you another time, take care dudette. love Na

Mill!!!!!! - 04/27/99 18:31:25
My Email:cg1@roedean.co.uk
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: nope.
Favourite Actor: richard e. grant, skeet ulrich, joseph fiennes
Favourite Actress: dunno
Favourite Film: empire records, shooting fish, spaceballs, shakespeare in love

yo sell! real funky website ya got here! aren't you proud of me, actually venturing into an internet computer?? well, speak to ya soon! stay cool. stay happy. have fun. live life to the max. get well soon. we miss ya!!! BYE! Love, Mill! xxxx

Miss M - 04/27/99 18:23:21
My Email:mad_baby@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 29
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: David Duchovny
Favourite Actress: Gillian Anderson
Favourite Film: FTF

Hi Sarah Pop in to say hello. :-) Love Miss M :-)

Mill!!!!!! - 04/27/99 18:22:13
My Email:cg1@roedean.co.uk
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: nope.
Favourite Actor: richard e. grant, skeet ulrich, joseph fiennes
Favourite Actress: dunno
Favourite Film: empire records, shooting fish, spaceballs, shakespeare in love

yo sell! real funky website ya got here! aren't you proud of me, actually venturing into an internet computer?? well, speak to ya soon! stay cool. stay happy. have fun. live life to the max. get well soon. we miss ya!!! BYE! Love, Mill! xxxx

the omnipresent MISS WHITWORTH - 04/23/99 19:31:10
My Email:kirstenvw@hotmail.com
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: Tom Cruise/James van der Beek
Favourite Actress: Emma Thompson/Kate Winslet
Favourite Film: Hook/Strictly Ballroom/A Few Good Men


laura - 04/23/99 16:23:50
My Email:bomb0910@yahoo.com
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: DD, tommy lee jones and jack nicholson
Favourite Actress: ? dont have one
Favourite Film: 'good as it gets' if i had to pick

there is no point in anyone else reading this, cause you just wont get it.. hiya sarah, the wolf hasnt got me yet, it let me live to come see this place. its really cool. i tried living on just whale bread and fanfics and it made me the way i am today (so dont anyone else try it.. unless you also want to be a freak os science). please dont c rrect my spelling- even though i am a member of the DNA (national dslexia assosiation) i still have my pride! luv ya, laura p.s:if you ever get fed up with eating yummy home baked food, mr. evans said i can borrow the stove, some butter and a loaf of bread...... p.p.s.s: mitch sends a hug and a kiss... (i hate you now)

cressy - 04/22/99 12:56:33
My Email:cressyw@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: no
Favourite Actor: sean connery
Favourite Actress: dame judy dench
Favourite Film: one of the james bonds

there is only one word for it: amazing. keep in touch babe and if you want any photos scanned... love cressy

ED - 04/21/99 23:41:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/timessquare/chasm/5469
My Email:hartnett@pavilion.co.uk
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: No
Favourite Actor: Bruce Willis
Favourite Actress: ? Dunno
Favourite Film: Loads but I can't list 'em

Hi sarah ! I hope everything is going o.k. Cheers for adding a link 2 my site. Remember, you have all my love and support and wishes for a speedy recovery. Keep safe and Strong and fight all the way ! Lossa luv, ED xxx

dee(l) - 04/13/99 02:27:00
My URL:http://defunct
My Email:dee_455@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: nope
Favourite Actor: david duchovny (hehe....i aim to please sarah honey..aim to please)
Favourite Actress: um, Jennifer Lopez
Favourite Film: Out of Sight

Ok, this is just to POINT OUT to people that i was joking. i don't pick my toenails. only my nose. thank you and goodnight :o) (to americans and other aliens; that's what we call H-U-M-O-U-R). see ya xxxxx

dee(l) - 04/13/99 02:25:39
My URL:http://defunct
My Email:dee_455@hotmail.com
Age (optional): 15
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: nope
Favourite Actor: david duchovny (hehe....i aim to please sarah honey..aim to please)
Favourite Actress: um, Jennifer Lopez
Favourite Film: Out of Sight

But i also love breakfast at tiffany's. but that would be too much like the freak who signed below. honeslty sella, don't know who she is...don't know HOW she got my name...hacker's nowadays... anyways, just a note to say, hey, howya doin' ya mad bad child!!! knowing you, i figured the best way to say hi was on the net. it's 3:30am and i'm bored...no smart ass comments about my sad life s'il vous plait madam sella!!! okay, i'm off to go pick my oenails.... :o) see ya hun, xxxxx

fghjk - 04/11/99 22:49:46
My Email:dfghjk@gfhjkk
Do you have cancer? If so, what type?: nope
Favourite Actor: hmmm... that guy who wears those pants
Favourite Actress: audrey hepburn
Favourite Film: breakfast at tiffany's

sweet page... i'm just trying to find pictures of deel's friends and see if she's been torturing your guestboo

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