Snake's Homepage

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Welcome to my Homepage,if you were surfing the Internet and just happen to come across this site I hope you enjoy it. First of all I work at Walt Disney World at EPCOT in an area called Innoventions. I work with Silicon Graphics computers. I decided one day since I work with all this high-tech equipment I should create a Web Page for myself about where I work, so I got with a few fellow cast members and together in a few days this is what we came up with. What I would like for people to do when they visit my site is look at my picture gallery, then look at my accomplishments gallery and take a look at my cool web links, and when you're finished please drop me an e-mail at or sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page. Take care, I hope to hear from you soon. If you would like a Web Page of your own take a look at the section People I Wish to Thank.

Kabalarian Philosophy What's in your name?

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