Ffoeg's Bookmarklets

Here are the bookmarklets that I have created that I feel are ready for distribution. You can freely use and redistribute these bookmarklets, but please do not modify them. They work by loading scripts from this server into the current page, so they will automatically be updated when I modify the scripts.

If you want any features added to the scripts, you can email me with a request. If it's possible to add the feature, I will either add it to the current bookmarklet or make a new one that functions the way you want.

Internet Explorer 6 was the worst thing to happen to the Internet, and now that 7 is out there is no excuse to be using it. Either upgrade to 7 if you have Windows XP, or get a real browser like Firefox.

Convert Gallery to Slideshow

What it does

This bookmarklet will convert a typical photo gallery page to a full featured slideshow complete with keyboard shortcuts. Great for browsing porn when you need you right hand free ;)

How to use it

With the bookmarklet installed in your favorites or bookmarks, navigate to your favorite gallery page. Click the bookmarklet. The gallery should convert itself into a slideshow and start running immediately.




Right-click this link and it add to your favorites or bookmarks: Convert Gallery to Slideshow. Simple as that.

Send it to Ffoeg

What it does

It will send me a link to the current page you are viewing. I have a database set up to store the links and I will check it once in a while. If you find anything good or you want to get at least one visitor to your page, go ahead and send it to me. I love links.




Right-click this link and it add to your favorites or bookmarks: Send it to Ffoeg. Simple as that.