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Howdy and welcome to Porpoise Pond!
Here you will find the latest and greatest in humor, taken straight from the life of a misfit techie. I have taken some stories from my employment at a major computer manufacturer, some little tid-bits of useless info, and thrown them in with a peek into my hap-hazard personal life (what little life there is).

Want to talk? Have something you want to get off your chest? Need a bit of friendly advice?
Or would you rather just pick a fight?
Come on! I dare ya! =)

Just what exactly is this page supposed to contain other than the incoherent ramblings of a pseudo-disgruntled techie? The answer is nothing. I'm sorry to inform you that this page will consist of nothing but babble. But it is babble that I hope will amuse the public at large. After taking a long hard look at my life, and the lives of those around me, it occured to me that it was very much like an evil cross between the scripts for The Twilight Zone and Dumb and Dumber. Here I plan to bring to you the hapless stories of a bachelor Tech Support slave hot off the press in hypertext.
Our lives in hypertext.
It can only be up from here.


This page has taken years of work to put together. As long as you're here, please take the 30 seconds to sign my Guestbook! It causes only minor physical discomfort, and would be greatly appreciated.

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Send me some mail, dangit!

(Although this is not an adult site, I believe strongly enough in the cause to say that I am a

There will eventually be an entire page devoted to informing the public of what is out there, what to watch out for, and how to report anything you find. I am currently investigating this and will post my findings when they are collected.)

All images and JavaScript Code are the intellectual property of Porpoise Man

Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002

Background image provided by the incredible artworks of D.W.Cowgill.