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The pics are here!!!Check them out!!!

Here is a pic of my wife and our friend at their company halloween party last year. This was long before she was pregnant! :)

My wife told me I need to update the page so here I go. Montana is now 11 months old and starting to walk around and bump into stuff with her head. My favorite thing to do after a long day at the job site is to be on edge every time she starts to walk around. It's been a lot of fun so far. It's amazing how fast people grow up. Micheal is getting older and is starting to be interested in more sophisticated things. (Did I spell that right? ) Amanda is growing up very fast but she is still shy around new people. However, the shyness disappears fast.

I no longer coach at the Tri City Inline Hockey League. You will not believe all of the crap that was going on there. It's a real shame too, that place could be a great place. To find out how that place treats their volunters just click here.

If you have visited my page in the past then you know about the nail and sail contest. This year we did much better!!! For some reason one of our original crew members couldn't make it down to the contest so we had to find a sub fast. We enlisted Scott's brother , Frank, and then we started to get to work. We built a boat closer to the original design that we had last year but with a few changes. We were done building it in a hour and we started to design it. Before I forget I need to thank our sponser.

Thank You National Test Equipment

When the gun went off we had some problems. As we started to row away from the launch the back end of the boat went under and we sank. Scott and I towed it back to shore for another try. This time I slide as far forward as I could and went to paddling. Little did I know, Scott was doing everything he could to keep the boat from tipping over as I was thrashing around :) When we were almost to the bouy, ( about 100 feet from shore ) I started to think about the long swim we would have if this damn boat sank again. As we rounded the half way mark the gun fired again to make the winner of the race but we still had some fight in us. We spotted a boat about 40 feet infront of us and knew we needed to pass it to save face for our less than elegant start. With the crowd of about 500 people watching we not only beat the boat to the finish line to take forth place but we beat then by 20 feet!!! We could have had a good chance of winning if we didn't sink right off the start. Please excuse my poor writing skills, my interest in 9 ball far out weighed my interest in English during high school :p .

Well I'm getting tired and I need to pick up my door for tomorrows work. By the way, if you have any questions about getting a new garage door installed or if your door or opener is making some funny noises just let me know. I intall a crap load of those things every week so I know how to fix a few things. Just email me when you have a question.

Don't forget to click on my links page. There are some great programs as well as web sites I am sure you will enjoy.

Special thanks to Jenny, Mikey, and Danny for the use of their web site and graphics. You will find links to their pages on my links page. Thanks again for your help on making my page as active as it is.

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