Deb's Place

This is my very humble attempt at a web page. These pages are still UNDER CONSTRUCTION since I haven't quite finished any of them...I plan on telling you a little about my life, my love, my favorite things, and just things in general. I will be adding pictures sometime in the future. So be sure to check back every now and then.

If you couldn't tell by the title of this page, my name is Deb...well actually Deborah but I am only called that when I am in big trouble, which at my age is rare. *grin* I am 30, and I live in North Central Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth area) with my cat, Tequila (don't ask unless you really want to know). Anyway, my family, Mom and Dad, as well as my younger sister, Diane and her husband, Lyle, live here also.

And for y'all who think we drive pickup trucks, wear boots and 10 gallon hats, and live on ranches...jeez, you've been watching too many reruns of Dallas. This Texan drives a sports car and hasn't owned a pair of boots in 15 years!!

Texas happens to be a very diverse state...and living between Dallas and Fort Worth, I have been lucky to experience a little bit of everything. Dallas is more cosmopolitan, in my opinion. It has the nightlife, party-like's more "progressive". Fort Worth on the other hand is more "laid back". Things are just slower paced. Ahh, the best of both worlds.

Y'all come visitTexas some time, ya hear!

Here are some links to my other pages, browse as you please, I do hope you find your trip thru my pages welcoming and relaxing...and if not, oh well, I tried my best.

A Few Of My Favorite Things
Midis For Your Musical Enjoyment
Oh No...Pictures of Me
No Truck Here!!
Interesting Pictures
DeB's WeB SpOtS
Thank You's

Click on the icon to send me an email to say hi or to let me know what you think about my little spot on the web...or you can sign my guestbook below.

Sign my Guestbook!

For those of you with a midi player, the midi playing is "One Man's Dream" by Yanni. Yes, you are listening to Yanni....who would have thunk it?

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