Well, This site is what remains of a once mediocre site that i made. To visit my new lame home, go to the site I have created on my college account, click here please enjoy this picture of Mr. Tharp.

or listen to this song

or fill out the improv survey

or go to tangent land

I made this page about my school, maybe you would like to see it... or not, whatever.

Or if you want to see my gallery of halloween costume pictures, go to my Halloween page. I won the halloween costume contest at my school all four years in a row. I have also won 4 other contests outside of school. I love making stuff.

I made this page a long time ago which described several of my freaky dreams. Want some insight into my head? go here

check back after exams, maybe i will get some more time to work on it.

If you don't really care about me, and just surfed in on accident, here are some more interesting places to go.

Piercing Mildred is really cool. My mildred's name is Sarahlou. look her up on the "freaks on Parade" or start your own mildred by clicking below.

Piercing Mildred