Logan's Junk Yard

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I want to start by saying "Hey" and introducing myself. I go by Logan most places on the 'net. I'm from Texas but now live in Minnesota. I work as a ceramic tile setter, and a handyman, and I obviously spent a few years in the Army. Not your typical computer geek I guess, huh?? I've been "online" for about a year, but I've been dabbling in computers as a hobby since I was in high school. (Aaaah, the hours I wasted writing games in basic!!) I'm still learning HTML, so don't suprised if I try some wierd stuff on here!! Who cares, right? Well, you've read this far, so I guess that means you have at least a passing interest!! Okay, so how 'bout a picture?

My favorite radio station, K102. Drop my buddy Gino a note, he'll get a kick out of it (he's kinda new to the 'net)

Find out when and where you're favorite artist is in concert using:

Search Tour Database by: Artist City Venue
Check out the Web Rings I belong to. They are a great way to increase your traffic!!

Check out my Music Page!! A collection of midis I have found around the net

My chat room is up and running!! Click here to visit Logan's Lounge !!

I'm always working on this place, so check back often!!

Please sign my Guest Book!!

See what other folks had to say!!

See y'all later!

You are visitor number since 12/8/97. THANKS!!

Check out ACROPHOBIA. A great word game at Bezerk!! You'll find me in Venus!!

E-mail me at:


My ever expanding list of links (soon to be it's own page!!)

Home of PowWow A great chat program. Loads of fun, and a great place to play with sound files!!
Home of ICQ An awesome program to help you find your friends and family online!! Just updated Dec 97!! Check out V98a!!!!!
Palladium Times Chat One of the rooms I hang out in.
New York State Chat. Another chat room, actually two. The Mud Room and the Clean Room.
The Killer Hayseeds One of the very best Bands in the Twin Cities area. Bios, tour info, and some music samples. Check it out!!
Cat's page A very good friend of mine. You gotta see Jasper's page there!!
Venus...The ACRO room of lust love!! Check out the folks that regularly kick the snot out of me in ACROPHOBIA!!
Acro All Night A page dedicated to the rapidly growing breed of ACROholics!! Links to other ACRO players pages.
Cin-D's Whine Country Another ACROholic!! AKA norcalgal.

© 1997 Logan, aka Weapon X

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