While the primary purpose of this page is to show you photos of Earth from Space (go to photos), there are reasons that the far reaches of our universe hold me in their spells. For me, space has appeared always to hold the mysterious force of life. Growing up, imagination and reality blended as I read everything on the subject and devoured every Robert Anson Heinlein book that came my way. With fervour, I related to his ideas on science, humanity and his continuing support of space exploration programs.


Heinlein applied his own truisms to fiction as though they were feasts for the jaded reader and merely for his momentary amusement. I have been surprised to find out how many fans he has retained long after his death. Follow the link above to find a selected few who have set up home pages and websites on this subject. And there, along with much related information, tributes and a few sideswipes, are complete bibliographies of his writings,both fiction and non-fiction.

My mind had become heavy with study of more reality-based subjects when I began looking for escape literature again and found to my satisfaction that science fiction was beginning to be based more often on hard scientific fact than on slimy green monsters.


But the excitement of finding Isaac Asimov and his "Robot", "Foundation" and other series continues to this day as I find more of his fiction and non-fiction to keep me roaming more alien environments and researching more scientific vocabulary. Although Asimov left a mammoth collection of writings(books, short stories, lectures, etc.) following his death, he is missed personally by many. The more I study his works, the more I would like to have known him.


You will probably have noticed by now that I like Space itself and watch with interest and awe as we go further into the unknown. Sometimes I like to track the satellites roaming 'round the earth. And I have put together a few pictures of the evolution of the Planetary Rover Robots, along with other robotic applications, for my "Computer Things" page, and must report a certain affinity for the waterless red planet of Mars. And there is now a website for the exciting discoveries being made by the Hubble Space Telescope.

But this page is meant to lead you to photographs of earth which have rare beauty and detail taken by astronauts while on space flights. These have detailed captions to lure you gently into the images. My thanks to NASA for the privilege of using them here. As a true Cancerian, the places I like are invariably surrounded by, or close to, large earth bodies of water. And what is larger than our precious oceans?



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