In this land i was born in the summer of fifity-five.
For it was then and there I came alive.
I was one of four chosen to arise here.
Where the elm grows and the the summer breeze blows.

Down on earthly plains a seed I did sow
for all the world to know.
Along its hollow ground my true soul
I had found.

A youthful desire to explore and want more.
Long solitary walks amid the prairie grasses
I did go.
How was I to know just  how much it would fill my soul.

In the meadow land of my youth Egypt took me in her vista.
Showing me all her natural moves and earthly colors.
In my desire to seek all I walked endlessly and tall
amid the priarie grasses and wooded passages.
Nestled in her heartland she took me by the hand.
Guiding me to an earthly plain only seen by the poets eye.
Though I've left over the years
I've never said goodbye.

In my dreams and hopes quite seeming
I often return to my birthplace.
Where life was held in such gentle grace.
Where I journeyed and found a smooth summer rainy sound
that rocks me to sleep everynight.

Often I take my children there so that they may hear the meadowlarks song
in the evening when the sun is turning down.
Helping them find lifes true meaning
while standing on this hollowed'ground.

All the while being nestled in her cradle
finding peace and love.
Gazing at the flight of the evening dove
in the lands of Egypt.

O! Egypt
How precious you are to me


(c) copyrighted 2001-2010 Southwestpoet  (all rights reserved)
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Windsongs of Earthlife