Where Poets Go
There is a place where all true poets go
we float along our rivers stream.
It's waters fill our souls.
Aloft we go into our whirpool of dreams.
No one else can go with us 'nor take us there.
Willingly ,faithfully we draw into the wilderness of our poetry flow.
It's our gift from God
our true calling   our desire
Moments of connecting with our spiritual soul
that dwells within us.

Amid the multitudes we exist
living out our lives
by a design we have set.
Touching the inner core of another vessel'd soul
distant lands we often go..
Belonging to no one it seems
floating along the river stream of our wilderness road.
Unto a  land of peacful dreams.

We are not  into this world
but exist unto a world of our own.
One of our precious design and molding.
We are alone
but not alone.
We are found everywhere in all places
rivers , streams and oceans too.
Our design of life is one of a spiritual nature.
A deeper current is always present
in our veins.

We are well seasoned in life and its meaning.
We all have been wounded much
now relieved of all past pains.
Forever swimming the ocean current that lys within  our poetic dreams Wc are a breath of fresh air to some
a hope for others
a precious memory to a lost loved one
a treasure to most.
Our love touches one deeply inside
and remains there forever.
We are a people of deep commitment
to each other.
Our maker designed us like this.

True poets always go
unto their  land of  precious dreams.
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