My Fair Maiden
Hearts conviction landing again
Memories of distant romance torment my mind
Voiceing out the echoes my soul feels
Rooted deep,embedded in my hearts vein
is the loneliness known only to the man
many call "Southwestpoet"

Come!   Come! my fair maiden
Rescue,capture thy knight in shinning armor
Place thy lips upon thee
My sweet rose of precious waters
Release all my river of love I have held inside for so long
Wrap thy precious fruits around thee
My fair maiden
Walk alongside this man of destiny
Soften' his hand with yours my love
Release this hairy beast that lys within him
Let the lion in him roar amid the mountaintops
Take him in all the way and release him!
Let him feel your river of love forever more flow all over him
'For he was born  and built this way

A true worshiper of God
In search of  a mate born of God also
Gentle loving and kind willing ,obedient and faithful
Submitting to each other wholelly and completely
are his earthl;y desires and passions!

Come my fair maiden
Let us go into the mangrapes
and partake in the friut of our lovemaking
Taste the wine of my body as i taste yours
Desire the design of the flesh that is before you now
Yoke us together making us one
in the friutfullness of each other
Let our moans and sighs enter each others minds
as we discover what we already know
We are inseperatable and in need of one another.
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Love poetry
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