Setting:  The small planet Pasim where the Senate is only three days from finding out the election results for the new Nabob.  A rather big argument has erupted between Princess Lilo and Senator Rydder over the Senate situation.

Rydder: Your Highness please!  This Senate was elected by the people so they believe in our actions.  We care for them.
Lilo:  You just don't understand anymore do you?  The so called people you care, don't give a crap on your 'actions'.  No one believes the shallow promises this Senate makes.
Rydder:  Just wait a minute!!
Lilo:  NO!!  You wait a minute and think about your actions.  This Senate doesn't stand for peace and objectiveness as it once did.  It stands for the evil of this galaxy and if this . . . man (pointing at Senator Sanitarium) is elected to Nabob he will destroy you all and your Senate will be vaporised.
Rydder:  Senator is this true?  (talking to Sanitarium)
Sanitarium:  I deny these accusations.  I am running for Nabob to restore the peace and objectiveness we once had. (applause echoes the halls)
Lilo:  BULLSHIT!  This is what I mean Senator.  Well I am not going to stand around and watch my people die to this murderer.  I declared the Confederacy's end of loyalty to this helpless Senate.  We are gone.  And we will survive!
Rydder:  Princess wait.
Lilo:  WAIT, for what?  To die.  No thank you.  I hope you can live with yourselves or even live at all.  Goodbye gentlemen.
(Lilo and her informants storm out of the Senate starts arguing.  Within hours the entire Confederacy fleet pulls out of orbit and goes into hiding).

Setting:  Sanitarium's room with him is Darf Bald and Senator Shamrock Sean (favourite in becoming the new Nabob.

Sanitarium:  Sean as you know we are fierce rivals for Nabob.
Sean:  Of course.
Sanitarium:  Well I suggest we have a partnership, or otherwise I am going to persuade you with the powers of the Forz.
Sean:  GEE, let me think . . . . sure.
Darf Bald:  When you we a child you expressed an interest in becoming a commander of a giant starship.  Is this true?
Sean:  HA, yes and I wish I could still do it.
Sanitarium:  (to Bald) Excellent!
Darf Bald:  We can fulfill this dream for you Senator.
Sean:  Great what do I have to do.
Sanitarium:  You are to stop running for Nabob and cast your votes to me.
Sean:  I'll have to think about this very carefully.
Sanitarium:  Of course, of course my dear Sean.  But to help these thoughts, Commander Bald will show you what you will command in my imperial fleet.
(Darf Bald places a holographic movie for Sean to watch)
Bald:  As you can see the 1st Death Cigar will be the most destructive starship in the fleet and possibly the galaxy.  Powerful enough to destroy entire planets in a single blast.
Sean:  Consider all of my votes yours Senator!
Sanitarium:  Excellent!!  Now let us celebrate by eating some of my Wheat Bix.  Welcome to the brightless side Shamrock Sean.
Sean:  So Lilo was right you intend to wipe out the Senate, Sanitarium.  Oh do you have anything to drink I could do with a shot.
Sanitarium:  Yes she was right, but we'll get her and her Confederacy.  I hate the Senate the colour of the walls always bugged me and besides if your more powerful than the Senate then why do you need it Hey!!  So you drink?
Sean:  Of course, who doesn't drink in the festive season?
Sanitarium:  We don't.  We have a special program for you when we take over the Senate, Pissheads Anonymous!
Sean:  Great I want to give up drinking.  A toast then to the mighty Establishment let no one get in the way of progress.
(They raise their Wheat Bix and begin to laugh and laugh)

Setting:  Two days later in the Senate halls only 5 hours before the results of the elections would be known.  Sean has stepped up to make a speech to the Senate.

Sean:  Something very important has arisen over the last few days and it is with great sorrow that I must report . . .
(Sanitarium and Bald begin to look worried as Sean's tone of voice has changed)
Sanitarium:  (To Bald) What the hell is he saying just get on with it Shamrock.
Bald:  Great master I'm unsure.
Sean:  . . . that I'm standing down from this Senate (a state of shock echoes through the halls). I have also decided that my votes will be re-casted to Senator Sanitarium (he stands) and I have all the faith that he will do what's best for the galaxy.
Rydder:  You have just dropped a bombshell on this Senate and your not going to tell us why you are leaving.
Sean:  I'm leaving to fulfill a childhood dream.  Farewell and good luck.
Rydder:  Just maybe Lilo was right . . . (he whispers to himself)
(Sean walks out and silence falls when it is broken by the voices of the two Merchant Federation informants)
Informant 1:  Senator Rydder, what is the Merchant Federation to do now?  We have no leader and now are in trouble of losing our vital seat on this Senate!
Rydder:  All I can say is elect a new leader to replace Sean
Informant 2:  Princess Lilo was right (He whispers to Informant 1).  Shamrock Sean has just defected to the Establishment.  Prepare our forces for battle tell them to destroy any Establishment craft that are within firing range.  Do it now go quickly.
(Informant 1 runs out to warn his people of the Destruction ahead)
Rydder:  May I ask where he has ran off too?
Informant 2:  Oh he has just gone to our quarters to look up people to replace Sean.  Oh yes also he needs to do a number 1.
Rydder:  Very well then.
(4 hours later the Establishment Flagship Mayo arrives and docks at the starship command centre.  Back in the Senate halls everyone has re-gathered for the announcement of the new Nabob of the galaxy)
Senator Sofia:  It is with a great privilege that I am able to announce the new Nabob of the Pioneer Senate and the galaxy who will begin his term in office immediately.  A person who I think will achieve many things and change the galaxy . . . Senator Sanitarium.
(Thunderous applause echoes through the Senate and Sanitarium stands to deliver his speech. Meanwhile the Flagship Mayo has docked and ground control is beginning to open to main doors to let the ships citizens through)
Control Tower:  Welcome Mayo.
Commander of Mayo:  Thank you we are grateful to be here on this wonderful planet.
Control Tower:  I know this will sound weird asking you this, but I have to.  Please state your purpose.
Commander of Mayo:  No problems just a routine pick up and drop off.
Control Tower:  Very well proceed.  Oh congratulations.
Commander of Mayo:  What for?
Control Tower:  Senator Sanitarium has just been elected Nabob.
Commander of Mayo:  Excellent.  This means we have a mission redirect.
Control Tower:  Oh yes.
Commander of Mayo:  Quiet simple orders actually . . . THE DESTRUCTION OF THE PIONEER SENATE!!
(A Hurricane Trooper boarding party storm into the control tower and blast everyone in there. Other parties begin to take prisoners and become involved in minor gunfights with Senate guards.  The sounds of blasters are heard all around expect for the Senate hall where Sanitarium's speech continues)
Sanitarium:  . . . I take a great privilege in knowing I was elected by you so you have faith in my ability and I will restored the peace and justice we once all took for granted (Suddenly a loud crash is heard from just outside the doors and a wounded guard stumbles in screaming).
Guard:  Ambush!  Evacuate immed . . . . (Bald kills him with his Laz-Sword)
Rydder:  So the Princess was right hey Sanitarium?  You're under arrest Sanitarium!
(Hurricane Troopers start running into the Senate, surrounding the halls)
Sanitarium:  You can't arrest me.  Now let me finish my BLOODY SPEECH Okay.  My first order of power is that I appoint myself Emperor and declare Martial law throughout the galaxy.
(As he says this Hurricane Troopers begin taking everyone hostage.  However Senator Rydder and Sofia escape)
Sergeant:  Emperor what do you want us to do with everyone?
Sanitarium:  Gee that sounds nice Emperor . . .  I have no use for these people anymore destroy them all!
(The screams of the Senators and Informants and drowned out by blaster fire of the Hurricane Troopers.  When the shooting stops no one is left alive)
Sanitarium:  Come my Pith Knight let us leave this sorry planet and clam the galaxy to be ours and the Establishment's.  (to Hurricane Squad commander)  Find those two and estroy them.
Bald:  Yes master.
(They exit the Senate halls for the last time and board Mayo.  At the same time Shamrock Sean and the 1st Death Cigar pull into orbit with Pasim, to complete the Destruction of the Pioneer Senate)
Sean:  Emperor, asking for your permission to fire.
Sanitarium:  How stupid can you be Sean.  Just think about it for a second you are the commander of the Death Cigar you give the order to fire, you half wit.
Sean:  OK I've thought about it, now what do I do Emperor.  Besides you are still on the planet hello.
Sanitarium:  Your drunk aren't you?  Just FIRE! idiot FIRE!
Sean:  Right.  FIRE NOW!
Death Cigar's Gunner:  But sir, you must arm the weapon, give it's target, then give the permission to fire.
Sean:  Goodo, third time lucky.  Arm the weapon (Gunner arms the weapon).  Target Pasim (Pasim's coordinates are typed into the firing system).  Fire the Weapon!
(the button is pressed and a huge laser beam strikes down on Pasim and Pasim is completely destroyed)

(War now rages over the galaxy between the Merchant Federation, League Alliance and the Establishment.  These war are only know as the great Pioneer Wars.  The Establishment have taken the upper hand and are now slowly taking over the galaxy)

Setting:  Tantive a small moon in the Chrono section.  Thomas J. Nightmare has found out his home and parents have been destroyed by the intergalactic banking corporation.  Here Bruce Skychannel finds Nightmare, and insists that Thomas J. should come with him.

Nightmare:  Hey RUPORN05, would you hurry up (RU beeps).  Useless space trash.
(Skychannel appears out of nowhere)
Skychannel:  Greetings young Nightmare, my name is Bruce Skychannel I've been watching you Nightmare.
Nightmare:  (he looks around at the empty desert and looks back)  You'd be the only one.
Skychannel:  I dream bad times.  Your parents have been destroyed by the most evil force in the galaxy (he points ahead).
(Nightmare finds his house is gone as it was mortgaged to the intergalactic banking corporation and Large Banker)
Nightmare:  HEY!!  I'll get the banks for this and make this galaxy a better place to live.  And you can help me RUPORN05!
(RU Beeps and spits then falls over due to poor craftsmanship)
Skychannel:  Thomas J. we must learn to control the Forz that is so strong inside you.  One day you will rise to greatness and become a Java Knight.  Now if you wish you can become my Haako apprentice, and I will train you to greatness.
Nightmare:  Train me, Train me to greatness so I can destroy Large Banker and restore peace to the galaxy.
Skychannel:  Lets leave for a secret Confederate base in the Cosmos System.  We will then continue your aggressive training.
Nightmare:  I once flew with the Confederacy, but to my knowledge they never had a base in that system.
(Skychannel puts his arm around Nightmare)
Skychannel:  Thomas J. the galaxy is in turmoil.  Pasim has been destroyed by the Establishment and Emperor Sanitarium.  Now there is a huge arm wrestle and the Establishment is winning.
Nightmare:  What do I have to do with this.
Skychannel:  I have been sent by the Java High Council to find you.  The council feel you are the galaxies only hope.
Nightmare:  The future of freedom is in my hands.
Skychannel:  Yes.  If you feel this pressure is too much than you can back down.
Nightmare:  NEVER!  I have never stood down from a challenge and I am never going to.  Iwill win and restore everything that has been destroyed.
Skychannel:  Very well lets leave (They board Skychannel's small Aegis transport and head for Duodena)

Setting:  Gos Fisley Cantina where Nightmare and Skychannel arrive after the transport breaks down and are looking for a ride where they meet Spurr a small hairless creature from Nesbit.  The Cantina is full of pilots, bounty hunters and criminals.

Nightmare:  I don't understand Bruce.  I can fix the transport.
Skychannel:  It's better that we travel with a professional smuggler and I hope he is here.
Nightmare:  What brains.  Great idea master.
Skychannel:  Thomas J.
Nightmare:  Yep.
Skychannel:  Shut up.
Spurr:  Bruce Skychannel.  Long time no see eh!
Skychannel:  Spurr my hairless friend.  The man I wanted to see.  We need a ride to Duodena in the Cosmos System.
Spurr:  I sure we can manage it but it's up to Obo-jon and that means it will cost ya.
Skychannel:  Money is no problem we need that ride.  Oh this is Thomas J. Nightmare my new Haako apprentice. (Spurr and Nightmare shake hands)
Spurr:  Glad to meet you.
Nightmare:  The same.  What culture are you?  Its just I've never seen one of your kind.
Spurr:  I come from the Kirov race.  OK lets go over to our table (they head to a table where Obo-jon is seated eating potato-pie).  Obo-jon.  These men want a ride to Duodena and will pay a high price.
Obo-jon:  Really I need 500 Tarkins or no ride.
(Skychannel opens his pouch and pulls out a 1000)
Skychannel:  AH.  Sorry to ask but do you have change?
Obo-jon:  (looks in his pouch) Ah.  No sorry I don't so I'll take you for free.  Lets go
Skychannel:  I must protest I will pay you when we arrive.
Obo-jon:  Fine.  Oh crap (looking over towards the door Obo sees Zuckuss Rebo's guards).
Nightmare:  What is it?
Obo-jon:  There are some of Zuckuss Rebo's guards at the door.  Their probably here to get that cargo I failed to deliver.  Lets get out of here now!
(But as they are creeping out Spurr trips over and makes a racket drawing the attention of the guards who see Obo-jon)
Guard 1:  There he is.  Get him (they draw their blasters and begin to run over to the other side of Cantina)
Spurr:  Oh shit.
Obo-jon:  Spurr you fudging idiot.  Run outside now.
(Nightmare, Skychannel and Spurr run outside Obo-jon waits inside for the guards)
Obo-jon:  Now fellas.  Lets not get hasty here.  Firstly what do you want.
Guard 2:  Zuckuss has sent us to retrieve the cargo you failed to deliver.
Obo-jon:  There we go now I know why I'm going to kill you guys in two seconds . . . (the guards quickly draw their blasters but Obo slays two of them before they get a chance to shoot.  The third guard survives and fails to hit Obo).  I would advice us all to leave and now.
Skychannel:  Yes.  I agree I sense the presence of Hurricane Troopers.
Obo-jon:  Yeah well I was more worried about getting my arse blown off but yeah.  Spurr where did you parked the Eagle?
Spurr:  That's right always blame Spurr.  I sure you parked it Obo-jon not me.
Nightmare:  Is this Centaur Eagle yours Obo-jon?
Obo-jon:  Ah yes it is (all the time it was right behind them).  Thank you Thomas J.
Nightmare:  No problem man.  I had a lot of contact with Eagle's when I flew with the Confederates.

Setting:  On board the YT-1900 heading to Duodena.  Thomas J. has been challenged by Spurr to a game of intergalactic chess.

Nightmare:  Infantryman to Starcruiser, Star match
Spurr:  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!  I'm losing this doesn't happen!
Obo-jon:  Spurr hates to lose especially to someone he doesn't know too well.
(Spurr is beginning to get worked up at the edge of defeat to Thomas J.)
Spurr:  There try to beat that move Nightmare.
Nightmare:  There you go (he makes the move that wraps up the match).  Star match mate.
Spurr:  AH!!  Unbelievable I lost to him! (Spurr begins to punch the table)
Obo-jon:  Calm down Spurr.
Spurr:  I'll remember this young Nightmare.  And I'll get my vengeance.
Skychannel:  Lets begin the training.  Put this on.  (he places a trash can on his head) Now deflect the blaster bolts that come at you
Nightmare:  Master how am I to do that, when I can't see.
Skychannel:  Let go and the Forz will help you.  (Nightmare gets hit and Obo laughs).
Nightmare:  (To Obo) How come you don't believe in the Forz?
Obo:  Listen sport i've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other and i've seen a lot aof strange things which makes me believe that these isn't one power Forz controlling it all.
Skychannel:  This time let go of your feelings and let the Forz be one with you. (Nightmare deflects 5 bolts) There you go you have it.
Obo-jon:  Beginners luck.
Skychannel:  Im my experience there is no such thing as luck.
Obo-jon:  We are coming up on Duodena.  Spurr (they move to the cockpit).
Nightmare:  I could almost see the bolts
Skychannel:  Your on your way the becoming a Java.  When you learn to close your mind you will hear the Forz talking to you.
Nightmare:  Yes master.  (they move to the cockpit).
Skychannel:  This is the frequency for the base HU 0X77
Obo-jon:  Confederate base HU 0X77 this is KL 5V23 copy.
Watch Officer Gordon:  This is Confederate base over, please repeat.
Obo-jon:  This is KL 5V23 over.
Gordon:  You are clear to land we will let a beacon out to show you where to land over.
Obo-jon:  Copy that.

Setting:  After the Eagle has landed.  Commander Krammer and some guards approach them. They get word of Lilo's kidnapping

Skychannel:  Hi Krammer.
Krammer:  Bruce we are on full alert after Princess Lilo was kidnapped by Large Banker and the intergalactic banking corporation.
Nightmare:  Large Banker must pay.  We must get her back!
Obo-jon:  We have to head back to Gos Fisley Cantina Spaceport, but we will return as soon as I try to fix things with Zuckuss.
Skychannel:  Farewell.  Thank you for the ride.  I must pay you next time
Nightmare:  Thank you Obo-jon.  I will look forward to fighting side by side in the near future Obo-jon.
Obo-jon:  I'll have to think about that.
(The YT-1900 leaves and Skychannel and Krammer talk about the situation)
Krammer:  We have to get Lilo back as soon as possible.
Skychannel:  I agree but she is just bait for something bigger.  I'm gathering Large Banker will have the Princess sent to his starship the Debt Star.
Krammer:  Then what do you suggest to do?
Skychannel:  Myself and Thomas J. will board with Large Banker's Debt Star and get inside recover the Princess and get out of there with out lives in tact.  But we will need a small transport, a code to board with the Debt Star and two pilots.
Krammer:  This may take a few days to get the information and equipment.
Skychannel:  Fine.  I need time to train my Haako apprentice.
(Krammer rushes away to begin getting everything ready for the daring plan)
Nightmare:  We have to get the Princess back!
Skychannel:  Once again I agree.  But not yet she will be in no danger.  First we must enhance your skills as Large Banker will be a formidable opponent.
Nightmare:  I will succeed.


Will Lilo be saved.  Will Thomas J. Nightmare defeat Large Banker in his first fight as Haako apprentice.
The war is drawing to a close.  Obo-jon has become a wanted man.
Sanitarium wants the Confederacy found and destroyed . . .
See the WORZ continue
See a hero in the making
See a world come to a crushing end

All animals and characters that were featured in Episode 1:  Destruction of the Pioneer Senate were not harmed and most of them survived.
