Setting:  Merchant Federations home planet of Black Label and their capital of Super Supreme.  The Security Guard have held off the Hurricane Troopers for 7 months now, but the Establishment is making one big push and all looks doomed for the Federation.  Senator Rydder arrived knowing his planet had been destroyed so he is going to control the Federation army.  The Establishment have just introduced their EKI fighters to break this stalemate.

Rydder:  Sergeant report.
Sergeant:  Well sir.  The Establishment are now making a push with 50 000 troopers not to mention their EKI fighters and ATE-WT's.  Our army is now only 5 000 strong and 4 000 wounded.  WE ARE DOOMED SIR (losing control).
Rydder:  Calm down son (putting his hand his shoulder).  Now listen to me carefully.  (He nods) Arm every available person, prepare the Space Fighter Corps for battle.  Did you get that?
Sergeant:  Yes sir
Rydder:  THEN MOVE IT! (he yells.  The Sergeant leaves and Senator Sofia speaks up)
Sofia:  Senator?
Rydder:  Yes Senator.
Sofia:  Do you think we can win or what?
Rydder:  No I don't.  But if we can hold the Establishment here longer it gives the Confederacy time to prepare for a counterattack.
Sofia:  How do you figure that?
Rydder:  When Lilo left she knew there was going to be conflict.  So I knew she was preparing her army to defend the galaxy.  So if we can hold them here longer than it gives them time.
Sofia:  Okay now I get it.  You know heaps of stuff hey. (he doesn't answer)
Rydder:  (over the intercom) Attention all personnel.  I have one last announcement to make to all of you.  Soon the Establishment are going to attack in massive numbers, I now plead to all of you to fight and never run and never surrender.  You can all be proud of yourselves, you have fought with such tenacity and bravery.  Now I would like you all to picture where you will be in a weeks time . . . if you find yourselves in the clouds than don't fell deficient because you have served the gods well.  I wish you the best of luck, over and out.
(loud cheering echoes throughout the capital, it suddenly stops with the call of charge by the Hurricane Troopers.  Explosions blaster fire rage through Super Supreme)
Sergeant:  CHARGE!!
Security Guard:  AH!! (they run to their defense positions)
Sergeant:  Open Fire!
(The Guard returns fire at the Hurricane Troopers with some immediate success)
Soldier 1:  Sergeant there are too many we can't hold them.
Sergeant:  Hold your ground men!  (over the intercom to Rydder) Where the hell is our aerial support?
Rydder:  It's coming the SFC's are just getting in the air now.
Sergeant:  Men.  RETREAT now back to the buildings. (the Forces turn and run as the Hurricane Troopers charge up the hill blasters a blazing) Lance Corporal move it now.
Corporal:  Yes sir, I coming AHHHHH! (as he is shot down)
Sergeant:  Jesus.  Fall back men!!
(seconds later the P-3's swing through cutting down the front line of troopers which sends the Guard back on the attack)
Soldier 1:  Shit we can't do this.
Soldier 3:  Shut up and shot idiot, and fire.  Don't Give Up
Soldier 5:  I'm out.
Soldier 2:  Here, it's my last one.  Make them count . . .  (Soldier 2 turns in time to see Soldier 5's head get blown off) Holy Shit!!  Okay you fuckers you want a piece of me (he runs out of the stronghold and charges the lines).  Come on, you like that (shooting one Trooper).
Soldier 4:  Jimmy get back here (as Jimmy gets shot).  Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy NOOOO!!
Soldier 1:  RETREAT!!!
(All the forces begin retreating when the Sergeant charges forward yelling Charge, which in turns changes the direction of many men who charge with him.  At the same time the P-3's are coming back in when they are intercepted by the EKI's)
Red Leader:  EKI's coming in 3 o'clock and fast
Red 3:  I see them
Red Leader:  Evasive action (the P-3's brake apart).  Arm your Garha blasters and prepare for air to air combat.
Red 9:  Sir we are no match for them, we aren't as highly trained for gods sake.
Red Leader:  Arm your blasters and that's an order Red 9.
Red 9:  I'm getting out of here (an EKI moves in and opens apon Red 9).
Red 6:  Look out Red 9 he coming in fast.
Red 9:  I see him AHHHH . . . . . . (as he is blown up).
(in the Establishment fleet; the squad leaders talks to his men)
EKI Commander:  Kill them all, (pause) leave nothing.  (as the EKI make one final swing through taking the P-3's by surprise and destroying everyone of them) Perfect fall out men. (the EKI's being to pull out when a reserve group of P-3's comes out of the valley at full speed)
Purple Leader:  (to squad over intercom) Arm your shock cannons.
Purple Squad:  Roger that.
Purple Leader:  Open Fire!! (he orders)
Purple 3:  I'm going in.  (he fires apon an EKI) He's going down.
EKI Commander:  We need some more support.  I repeat we need more support.
(Darf Bald is commanding the attack from Mayo transmits to the Commander to pull out while all the EKI are being brought down around him)
Bald:  Commander pull your men out immediately.
EKI Commander:  But Commander, then we will lose control in the air and our ground forces will perish.
Bald:  That's an order citizen if don't follow it you will die with the rest of them.
EKI Commander:  What!!
Bald:  Shamrock will do the rest.
EKI Commander:  But my men will expire.
Bald:  A small cost for a big victory.  Now move out!
(EKI Commander and two other fighters fly off leaving the troopers open for an aerial attack.  However the 1st Death Cigar has pulled into orbit around the Federation's home planet.  Shamrock Sean is so stressed he has had some to drink and is worst for wear)
Sean:  Death Cigar will be ready to fire in T-minus 3 minutes and counting.
Bald:  Roger that Admiral.  Have you been drinking again Shamrock?
Sean:  (struggling to talk) No (burp) I have stopped drinking thanks to pissheads anonymous.
Bald:  See right through you I can (being forceful).  You will regret it.
Sean:  Alright Darf.  I have had some to drink, but how would you feel if you were going to destroy your people in 3 minutes?  Hey.
Bald:  Your point is well taken.  But you can't drink just for that.  You survive this time.
(aboard the Death Cigar now).
Cigar Gunner:  Sir T-minus 60 seconds.
Sean:  Aye Aye.  Prepare for attack.
Lieutenant Nope:  (speaks over the intercom system) Prepare for attack.
Sean:  Set target coordinates (to gunner).
Nope:  Set target coordinates (to gunner).
Gunner:  (to Sean) Target set sir.  T-minus 25 seconds.
Nope:  Target set sir.
Sean:  (becoming impatient)  Thank you.
Gunner:  T-minus 15 seconds to target sir.
Nope:  T-minus . . . . (as he is interrupted by Sean)
Sean:  I can hear him Lieutenant.
Nope:  Yes sir (the Gunner begins to count in the background)
Gunner:  6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 we are open to attack sir.
Sean:  Aye Aye.
(back at Super Supreme.  Rydder realises why the EKI's have pulled out).
Rydder:  (to Sofia) We are about to die.
Sofia:  Holy God.
Rydder:  Oh I think we would want god on our side don't you think?  Anyway I just hope we have delayed them long enough.
(back at the Death Cigar, Sean is preparing to give the order to fire, but is having second thoughts as begins to play)
Gunner:  Admiral we now have a window of only 2 minutes.  If we are to fire the time is now, sir.
Sean:  Thank you Captain.  Never have I had to make a decision as hard as this one.  To weight up my ligeance with the Establishment now to the people I have loved for as long as I have lived.  To approve this attack will mean I'm the murderer of millions, (pause) but to disapprove this attack I will be classed as a traitor.  Regrettably I must go with what my gut is saying is right.
Gunner:  Well are we going to fire sir?
Sean:  (really relaxed) Yep.
Nope:  Did you hear that Captain, prepare to fire.
Gunner:  Yes sir.  Preparing to fire.
Sean:  Lieutenant Nope?
Nope:  Yes Admiral?
Sean:  Please be quiet.
Nope:  Yes sir.  Being quiet sir.
(So the firing sequence began, back at Super Supreme Rydder knows what is about to happen.)
Rydder:  We are about to die Sofia.
Sofia:  Is it that bad?
Rydder:  Well we are about to die (as the loyal troops walk up to Rydder).  Men why have you stopped? (Sergeant from before speaks up)
Sergeant:  The Hurricane Troopers just started to run away like something was about to happen.
Rydder:  Well something is.
Sergeant:  What Senator?
Rydder:  The Death Cigar has pulled into orbit.
Sergeant:  How do you know this we haven't been able to jam into their frequency.
Rydder:  Did you see those EKI's pull out so fast (the Sergeant nods).  Well that means they were getting out of here, that was the same with the Hurricane Troopers they are running back to their transports because they know the Death Cigar is about to fire . . .
(We turn back to the Death Cigar where we are in the final sequence and Sean will give the final order to fire).
Sean:  Arm the weapon.
Gunner:  The weapon is armed sir.
Nope:  The weapon is hot Admiral.
Sean:  (getting pissed off) Thank you Lieutenant (gritting his teeth) Target Black Label
Nope:  (to gunner) Target Black Label
Nope:  (shrugging up) Yes Admiral.
(Back to Black Label and Super Supreme)
Sergeant:  Senator.  It has been an honour to serve next to you (shaking his hand).
Rydder:  Oh I think I'm going to cry.
Sofia:  Here's a tissue. (gives him the tissue)
Rydder:  Thank you men.  Long lived the Federation
(Back to the Death Cigar)
Gunner:  Ready to fire Admiral.
Sean:  Well here it is (takes a deep breath).  On my count 3, 2, 1, (pause)  . . . FIRE the weapon. (and with the turn of a key Black Label, all of it's population including 84,763 Hurricane troopers who failed to answer the names at the roll call on board the Mayo. News spread fast over the complete destruction of Black Label and the Federation).

Setting:  Blur City where Nightmare, Skychannel and Commander Krammer are talking in preparation for Nightmare journey to the Java High Council.

Nightmare:  Bruce I feel strong, I feel ready and I feel this power racing through my body.
Skychannel:  Please Thomas J. not in public.
Nightmare:  No you idiot Bruce.  Its like I have a new power or something.
Skychannel:  Yes Thomas tell me how you feel.
Nightmare:  Well when I was fighting Large Banker in Episode 2, I knew what his next move would be.  I could anticipate every move he was making.  It was like he couldn't beat me . . . like no one could beat me.
Skychannel:  Well do know what I'm going to do next?
Nightmare:  That's the thing I can't.  I only feel it during combat.  I can sense your feelings but not to the point where I know exactly what you will do.
Skychannel:  Well I don't know what to say. (in walks Krammer with bad news)
Krammer:  Boys (they turn to him).  Bad news, (pause) the Establishment just destroyed Black Label and any resistance the Federation were offering them.
Nightmare:  Holy Crap, is that true.
Krammer:  I shit you not, we just got word from Hothan Spy-Net.
Skychannel:  So now the Establishment have full control of 93% of the galaxy.
Krammer:  That's the good of the bad news.  The Establishment have put a contract out for anyone who can find this particular base, and it's not going to take them long to find it.
Skychannel:  Right I'm going to get Nightmare to the High Council.
Krammer:  Good.  (to his advisor) Get the base of full alert.  Move everyone under ground, heighten security.  Make sure Blur is fully hidden, move it now!  (advisor rushes off.  To Nightmare) Hey good luck kid.
Nightmare:  Thanks.
Krammer:  No I mean good luck, you're going to need it.
(They all walk off, with Bruce and Thomas J. getting into a Aegis Transport ship.  Krammer walks off puzzled at how he will hold off the Establishment if they find them)

Setting:  Skychannel and Nightmare are standing at the beginning of a path that leads to the horizon.

Nightmare:  OK what now master Bruce.
Skychannel:  See that path.  Somewhere the path ends and that is where the High Council is.
Nightmare:  So how do we get to the end?
Skychannel:  Well you walk or run whichever you seem is best.
Nightmare:  WALK!!  No way, how about you then.
Skychannel:  Well I take the transport that should be coming in a few minutes.  So I'd start walking if I was you.
Nightmare:  What!!  Why do I have to walk and you get the transport.
Skychannel:  Well I'm not a Haako as yourself.
Nightmare:  Well I must say this is pretty crap.  What am I meant to get out of this walk anyway, some Java crap I suppose.
Skychannel:  Actually  . . . you are meant to reach harmony with the Forz inside yourself.  (the transport pulls up) Well Thomas J. Nightmare good luck and hurry up.
Nightmare:  Yeah thanks (transport flies off).  Well Bruce lets see you try this on for size I'll do this task in the fastest time ever, and too add to this I will reach harmony as well.  So here it goes.  But I still protest doing this shit.
(Nightmare begins running using the agility he will need to fight the likes of Sanitarium and the Establishment)

Setting:  Nightmare has made it to the Java High Council.  He is at the main door as Skychannel walks out the doors to meet him.

Nightmare:  I bet you didn't think I would be here so fast hey Bruce?
Skychannel:  Well I have seen faster, but I guess you were pretty fast.
Nightmare:  (astonished at want he has hear) Come-on Bruce you must be joking or something (hoping he isn't joking)
Skychannel:  No I have seen faster.  Forget that we have many more important things to do.  Are you ready, Thomas J?  And before you answer.  Think once you walk through here you can't walk back out.
Nightmare:  Why's that?
Skychannel:  Well the High Council will reject you if walk back, you must face them if you walk through.
Nightmare:  (pondering) Ah . . . (still pondering) . . . Ah (still pondering) Well  . . . (still bloody pondering) Ah ha . . . (pondering along and along Oh just make your mind up).  OK I'm ready Bruce I must face them, I must face them for the galaxy.
Skychannel:  Right then lets walk in then (the door opens).  Let us go then Thomas J.
Nightmare:  Let us go then Bruce.
Skychannel:  I'll have my fingers crossed.

Setting:  In the Java High Council's domain.  Present are all of the nine council members who are formed in a circle with young Nightmare and Skychannel in the middle facing Ben Karoke and the other permanent members of Council.

Karoke:  So this is the chosen one.
Skychannel:  Yes Ben.
Karoke:  Well boy aren't you going to speak up or what?
Nightmare:  (raising his head slowly) I'm ready for Sanitarium.  I feel strong and mentally ready to face anything and everything.
Karoke:  Son your not ready to yet.  It may feel like your ready, but your far from it.
Nightmare:  OK.  Lets get one thing straight here, stop calling me son, skip, sport or any of that bullshit.  Secondly well I haven't come up with a second point yet but let me work on it.
Skychannel:  Ben.  How can you be sure he's not ready.
Lippa Dim:  The boy isn't ready mentally.  Physically he could take on anyone and succeed quite easily.  But to take on someone such as Sanitarium and his Pith Knight he will have to focus all his energy not just for physical aggression, but for mental aggression.  I am sure the kid is close to achieving this, but I can't award him my vote at this time.
Nightmare:  Oh well I can prove you wrong you know that don't you.
Lippa Dim:  I don't.  Sorry kid but I know you can't.
Skychannel:  Listen council I have been with my apprentice now for 2 episodes and he has applied himself mentally on many occasions.
Karoke:  Bruce.  Please be quite.
Aldi Drive:  Due to many contacts I have throughout the galaxy I have come to know more about young Thomas J. here.  In fact I know more about him than he does.  I have been told tales of heroic and extraordinary activities he has taken part in.  I see him standing before us today, as our only chance to defend the galaxy. Deep down he has a passion that none of us cannot ever get too.  He is our only chance.
Nightmare:  Yes come on just a few more votes ( he starts dancing around).
Billada Depa:  Just like myself, young Nightmare will fight with a pure passion that some of the council.  His parents were slain like mine.  This passion is what this galaxy needs, not someone who appears to have the skills that Nightmare alone possess, but the drive to succeed and defeat the Establishment.  I therefore cast my vote towards Thomas J. Nightmare being passed as a full Java Knight of the New Code.
(Nightmare smiles in the background knowing he is up in the votes)
Ratts:  I have one question to you young Nightmare.  If you think your this great fighter than you have one thing coming for you.  I say to you never underestimate the powers of the Vim inside Sanitarium and his Pith Knight.  How do you intend to defeat them?
Nightmare:  Well that's simple.  My vicarious training from Master Skychannel here (pointing towards him), he has taught me how to master the Forz and how to fight as I showed against Large Banker.  I am also undefeatable in combat.
Quadinaros:  Well you have to admit Large Banker is not much of an opponent.
Nightmare:  Not much of an opponent, why I orta . . . 
Ratts:  (standing in) Please tell me why you are undefeatable in combat Nightmare.
Nightmare:  Well I can predict my opponents every more and be able to stop it.
(silence in the council as they grip what Nightmare has just tried to proclaim)
Ratts:  Well then.  You must be the chosen one they speak of the the ancient stories.  If this is so I will have to cast my vote for Nightmare.
Nightmare:  Come on!!!!! (Doing the Leyton Hewitt fist pump)
Karoke:  (butting in) Skip.  Let me tell you this now before later.  If you fail to receive over half of the votes, see that chamber (pointing to a chamber in the far corner of the room).
Nightmare:  Yes.
Karoke:  Well you will be placed inside it and it will be pressurised until your head explodes.
Skychannel:  (with anger) I was not aware of this new outcome Ben.  I told the boy that he will be rejected and never become a Java not that that his head will explode this place is corrupted as much as the Senate was, how dare you call yourself masters of the council let alone the Forz.  This council disgusts me.
Karoke:  That's right.  Bruce please stop with this outrage.
Skychannel:  Why should I?  Tell me why the hell should I Ben tell me that?
Karoke:  Because we know what Thomas J. Nightmare is like.  We have seen his talents in action.  So our minds were already made up before you ever got here.
Skychannel:  Well why put so much pressure on the Haako for?
Karoke:  Firstly it is Java Knight (begins to smile for joy) and we just wanted to play some games with Nightmare, who may I say handle them quiet well.
Kitster:  Yes my mind trick worked rather well on you Bruce, maybe your losing your grip on the Forz.
Skychannel:  No I just wanted this Haako to succeed because I can feel something quiet strong inside of him.
Kitster:  Ah yes and it may have something to do with your last apprentice failing to succeed last time too hey Bruce.
Skychannel:  No it was something I felt inside this kid.
Kitster:  (using his mind tricks) No it was the last Haako failing not this feeling inside you do you understand.
Skychannel:  I understand totally.  I guess it was my last failing that has driven me to the point of insanity that I am at today, I'm ficking tripping dude help me out here.
(Odd Peell that's control and pulls his blaster on Bruce)
Peell:  Calm down Bruce or I will have to shot you.
Skychannel:  (Begins to laugh) HA HA HA.  I fooled you all.  Your Java tricks aren't working at all I still have the power to stop you all.  So the boy has passed this test.
Hattese:  Well we know he is the centre of this series so he has to pass so why would we not pass him?
Nightmare:  Because you just couldn't even if I wasn't the centre of the story.
Hattese:  No we would lose our job as actors idiot, not to mention all the other qualities of life we now are able to live being in Space Worz.
Nightmare:  Oh right then well thank you very much I will not let you down High Council.
Karoke:  Good we know you wouldn't in the end.
(Simon the director, writer, creator butts in)
Simon:  Hey Ben Karoke?
Karoke:  Yes sir.
Simon:  Shut up with the story line you will spoil it for the reader.
Karoke:  Oh sorry sir it won't happen again.
Simon:  I'm sure it won't.  Because next time Ben, "lock and load".
Karoke:  Right then thank you.
Simon:  Listen I'm sorry about that reader, but sometimes these silly actors can't help themselves and open their bloody mouths.  Right back to the story.
All the Council:  Good luck Thomas J. Nightmare, may the Forz be with you always.
Nightmare:  Fight for the Future.
(Skychannel and Nightmare leave the High Council bound for Duodena)

Setting:  A bar on a unknown moon in the Fortuna system where Nightmare, Skychannel, Obo-jon and Spurr are sitting.  Enters Bib McCool who recognizes the group and take a seat.
Obo:  Congratulations Nightmare.  Man so you are a Java Knight now just like Brucey here (patting him on the back).
Nightmare:  Why yes Obo mate I can't believe it.  What are you eating there Obo?
Obo:  My favourite potato pie, and man it is good.
Skychannel:  You are always eating potato pie Obo.
Spurr:  You don't have to put up with it.
Obo:  And what the hell is that suppose to mean Spurr?
Spurr:  Nothing Obo nothing.
Obo:  You what to step outside Spurr?
Nightmare:   (jumping in) Have we any news on the Establishment.  They must be trying to find us now after the demises of the Federation over a month ago.
Obo:  Well the base is still taking in a few refugees a day from all over the galaxy.
Spurr:  Yeah this would be the perfect time for them to discover the base Krammer is having some trouble keeping security tight and organised.
Skychannel:  Listen I better get back there and help Krammer or we could have some trouble on our hands.
Nightmare:  Good idea I'll stay here for a while then Bruce.
Skychannel:  Yes good good, I must get going then.
Spurr:  Hey wait up Bruce I'll come too I think to get away from Obo you know.
Obo:  (with pie in his mouth) Are you asking for it or what Spurr just wait until I get back there will be trouble in stall for you ya hear.
Spurr:  Oh you really scare me Obo.
Obo:  Oh really (getting up).  I really don't scare you Spurr?
Spurr:  Yeah that's what I said (standing up for himself).
Obo:  Well let me refresh your memory Spurr.  Remember the whip I have not to mention the blaster at my side, but now I will this blaster at my side.  All those night I've been there for you Spurr, every night you know.  And now you are going to be a smart-arsed hairless dick.  Well let me tell you something (being face to face now), how would you like me to make your life a living hell Spurr?
Spurr:  Well Obo, I'm not ready for that kind of relationship yet but thanks for asking.
Obo:  Okay you got me there, but you watch next time you will not be so lucky.
Spurr:  Okay bye bye now.
(Spurr and Skychannel walk out and everything in goes back to normal)
Nightmare:  Shit Obo, you can get pretty angry with Spurr sometimes.  I mean that was scary I thought you were going to shoot him although something told me inside you weren't ever considering it.
Obo:  I wasn't going to shoot him at all.  I got to take a shit.
Nightmare:  Right then.
(Obo walks off to the toilet.  Bib McCool calmly approaches Nightmare at the bar)
McCool:  He can get pretty wild hey.
Nightmare:  Obo yeah.  I haven't known him long but shit he can get scary.
McCool:  Yeah there's been sometimes when I thought Obo was going to attack me.
Nightmare:  You know Obo do you.
McCool:  Shit yeah we go back many years.  Bib McCool's the name (shaking his hand).
Nightmare:  Oh pleasure.  Thomas J. Nightmare.
McCool:  So Thomas what's Obo doing with himself now days?
Nightmare:  Well he's with the Confederacy now, but he has had some trouble with Zuckuss Rebo a while back but he put some bounty on his head so he joined up to hide away.  Now flies with myself and Bruce Skychannel.
McCool:  Oh Bruce he's a good man Bruce.
Nightmare:  I can't believe it you know Bruce?
McCool:  Yeah Bruce saved me from the Establishment a while back.
Nightmare:  Shit eh.
McCool:  Yeah (seeing Obo coming out of the toilet) Listen I've got to run do you know where I could find Bruce and Obo?
Nightmare:  Well Obo is over at the toilet and Bruce has gone back too the Confederate's base.
McCool:  Well where is it?
Nightmare:  What?
McCool:  The base so I can drop in on Obo and Bruce.
Nightmare:  Oh right.  Yeah it's in the . . . 
Obo:  (abruptly interrupting Nightmare) Bib McCool.  Take cover Thomas J. (drawing his blaster)
McCool:  (drawing his Rifle Blaster) OBO!  How dare you.
Obo:  Oh shit.
Nightmare:  Watch out Obo.
(Bib McCool begins firing at a running Obo with his high powered Rifle)
McCool:  AHHHHHHH (firing away).  AH Obo-jon I'll get you.
(Obo begins to return fire at Bib hitting him in the shoulder forcing him to retreat back to hide. By this time Nightmare has prepared himself for battle and pulls out his Laz Sword, causing many creature in the Cantina to start having epileptic fits)
McCool:  So the boy has become a knight?
Obo:  Come on Bib lets finish this (demanding).
Nightmare:  Leave this to me Obo.  Why yes Bib I have and what business is this to you?
McCool:  Oh maybe the Emperor's.  You see I have been sent here on an assignment to discover your hidden base, (to Obo) and just as the little pick was going to tell me Obo you decided to spoil it.
Obo:  Can't help bad luck Bib.
McCool:  No we can't.  Well anyway I now know where you base is.
Nightmare:  But I never told you.
Obo:  You don't have too.  Bib knows other ways of finding out where the base is.
McCool:  That's right.  And thanks to colour of the Tarkins you have I know what system your in and It will not take to long for them to find you considering they already know.
Obo:  That's it (raising his blaster to shot).  I am going to be done with you for once in my life.
McCool:  Don't try it Obo or I will shot the boy here.
Nightmare:  Don't call me that.
McCool:  What? . . . . boy.
(Obo can't resist anymore and fires at the same time Bib fires at Nightmare.  Silence falls)
Nightmare:  Holy shit. (Nightmare deflects the blaster bolt).
Obo:  What are you hit.
Nightmare:  No I repelled his shot with my Sword.
McCool:  You haven't heard the last of Bib McCool, Obo. (Bib falls to the ground)
Obo:  Okay we have to get out of here now and warn the base of an attack.
Nightmare:  Crap.  Kari, lets go Obo.
(They run out in a hurry to get to the YT-1900 and fly off).

Setting:  Back on Duodena.  Where the word has just came through that the Establishment are onto the Rebels whereabouts.  Krammer and Skychannel are running around like crazy preparing for an attack.  Obo and Nightmare land in the Centaur Eagle.

Control Tower:  You are clear to land.
(the Centaur lands and Nightmare runs out)
Nightmare:  The . . . 
Skychannel:  We know.  We have reports that Establishment sensors have landed so we are calling everyone inside the base.
Nightmare:  Where's Kari?
Skychannel:  She is up in Blur City.  (Nightmare begins to run off) Wait Thomas.  (Nightmare turns around).  Where are you going?
Nightmare:  I'm going to get Kari cause . . .
Krammer:  We have incoming.
Nightmare:  ETA?
Krammer:  T-minus 10 minutes.
(Nightmare quickly runs to a Landspeeder.  Followed by Skychannel)
Skychannel:  What are you going to do Thomas J.
Nightmare:  Listen just worry about the base I'll get Kari and bring her back, trust me.
Skychannel:  Don't go and get yourself killed.
Nightmare:  I won't (starting up the Landspeeder) besides I've just become a Java so I'm not going to get killed before I can tell everyone.
Skychannel:  All right then.  If you used your brains like your wits you would challenge master Karoke as a Java.
Nightmare:  I thought I already did.
Skychannel:  Only in your mind my very young apprentice.
(the Landspeeder lifts off and speeds off to Blur City)

Meanwhile:  We go to the Flagship of the Establishment, Starship Mayo.  Present is Emperor Sanitarium, Darf Bald, Shamrock Sean, Lieutenant Nope and the newly appointed manager of the Establishment Large Banker.

Sanitarium:  Prepare for a surface attack Lieutenant.  This shall be our finest hour.
Nope:  Yes sir. (Nope statues Sanitarium and walks off to board the lead ATE-WT)
Sanitarium:  Now we shall show the galaxy we mean business.
Bald:  Master.  Bib was able to give me some information on the one they call Nightmare.
Sanitarium:  Well report then, Darf.
Bald:  The boy was able to defect one of Bib's blasts from his Rifle, with his Laz-Sword.  To my understanding this boy bear quiet a remarkable power for the Forz inside him.  He may be more than we have expected him to be master.
Sanitarium:  My Knight.  This, . . . boy would not yet understand his powers, so we must take advantage of them now.  He will be here, find him and kill him.
Banker:  Excuse me, Emperor, but I have that finance report on the tax that I have put on the galaxy (handing him the report) it seems that our taxes aren't being paid and that's why we are behind our instalments with Gun's R Us PTY LTD.
Sanitarium:  Send them what ever we find here.
Sean:  Why don't we just destroy the planet with the Death Cigar.
Sanitarium:  These two reason why (looking at Banker).
Banker:  Firstly it costs 6 billion Tarkins to fire the Cigar and another 2 billion to recharge it.  Secondly, Duodena is known to have a special gas called Bespin an antigravity gas that can only be found here.  If we were able to get our hands on this then (interrupted)
Sanitarium:  Then we will hold a technical edge over the rest of the galaxy.  Our spies told us that in Blur City, city among the clouds the Confederates were in the development stage of this.  So somewhere here there is a city in the clouds.
Sean:  So there is some reason to not destroy this planet.
Sanitarium:  Yes that is correct.  How's the drinking problem going.
(before Sean can say anything a pilot report they are in the drop off zone)
Pilot:  Emperor we are in the drop down zone.
Sanitarium:  Thank you.  Prepare all units for drop down.
Pilot:  This is a full alert to all units.  Drop down will commence in T-minus I minute and counting.
Sanitarium:  Sean?
Sean:  What?
Sanitarium:  Have you?
Sean:  Ah you going to have to be more specific there Emperor.
Sanitarium:  Have you been (miming drinking a beer)?
Sean:  Ah what was that Emperor eh.
Sanitarium:  Have you been drinking you stupid little twit.
Sean:  Eh you'll have to make more sense their Emperor I don't understand.
(Suddenly Sanitarium puts his hand out and rasing it forcing Shamrock Sean to rise off the ground)
Sanitarium:  I said.  (working himself up) Have you been drinking you fucking stupid bastard who wouldn't know bloddy if he had a dick or not let alone what a dick was, so have you.
Sean:  Yeah (Sanitarium starts to calm down a bit then . . .) I have dick who do you think I am.
Sanitarium:  That's it you have exactly ten second to get out of this room before  unleash the Vim on you Sean.
Sean:  Oh yeah.
Sanitarium:  Yeah I will.
Sean:  Shit your serious.  I out of here see ya later (Sean rushes out).
Pilot:  Drop will commence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Drop down commencing Emperor.
Sanitarium:  Good.  Patch me in will the lead ATE-WT please pilot.
Pilot:  Patching you in now Emperor.  (an uplink was confirmed) Emperor you are clear now.
(a holographic image of the Emperor appears in Lieutenant Nope's ATE-WT)
Sanitarium:  Report your status Lieutenant.
Nope:  Yes Emperor.  We have 6 division's of ATE-WT's heading toward reference code Alpha 45378.  EKI fighters are inbound to the same reference code ETA 4 mins Emperor.
Sanitarium:  Excellent.  Prepare to attack.
Nope:  Aye Emperor preparing to attack, this is the lead ATE-WT out. (the holographic image disappears).

Meanwhile:  Nightmare is running through Blur City trying to find Kari when in the distance he see the incoming EKI's.  He finds Kari and quickly runs back to the Landspeeder.

Nightmare:  (seeing Kari) Kari thank god are you ok.
Kari:  Yeah wants the problem?
Nightmare:  I'll tell ya on the way we have to move we don't have much time. (suddenly the warning siren starts saying an Establishment boarding craft has docked) Shit.  Come on lets go now we are out of time.  Take this (giving her his blaster).
Kari:  Thomas what is going on?
Nightmare:  The Establishment have found our position I have to get you out of here.
Kari:  But where are we going to go?
Nightmare:  They are hopefully preparing transports to get civilians off the planet.  Anyway  lets go.
(they begin to run down the halls heading for his Landspeeder.  Suddenly they come across 3 Hurricane Troopers)
Trooper 1:  Stop right there!!
Nightmare:  Kari get down!! (Nightmare draws his Laz-Sword)
Trooper 3:  This is your last warning throw down your weapon immediately or we will shot.
Nightmare:  Go ahead fire but I bet ya I know who dies.
Trooper 3:  Open fire!!
(Nightmare reflects all the blaster shots and then runs at the dazzled Troopers)
Nightmare:  AHHHHHHH!!! (Nightmare kills the first 2 Troopers with one slash and on his reverse swing cuts the third in half).  Sorry you had to see that Kari.
Kari:  (suddenly another Hurricane Trooper come around the corner and raises his blaster at Nightmare.  Nightmare senses the look on Kari's face and quickly drops his head in time to see a blaster bolt fly over his head at the same time Kari fires killing the Trooper)  Thomas!!
Nightmare:  I'm okay, I'm okay.   Come on (he grabs her hand helps her up and they run out to his Landspeeder).  Here get in. (more Troopers run out and begin shooting at the Landspeeder.  Nightmare grabs the controls and begins to return fire, while lifting off).  We are going to be all right now.
Kari:  (while flying) Thomas where are we going to go?
Nightmare:  I'm going to drop you off at the base you will then get on the first transport you see and get off this planet.
Kari:  But . . .
Nightmare:  No arguments.  You are to special to me for you to remain here.  I will see you again I promise (as the Landspeeder lands.  Skychannel runs up).  Bruce please make sure she gets on a transport.
Skychannel:  I will Thomas J. but where are you going?
Nightmare:  Someone needs to but up some resistance, and I'm definitely not going to let them take Duodena without a fight.
Kari:  No Thomas J. please come with me, please don't go and die.
Nightmare:  (closing the hatch) I promise I will see you again, I love you Kari.
Kari:  As I do to Thomas J.
(with the hatch closed Nightmare blows a kiss to Kari and the Landspeeder lifts off and flies towards the on coming Establishment invasion squad)
Skychannel:  (yelling) Get more in the sky they are on to our position hurry up!!
(many more pilots run out to their Speeders and prepare to attack)

Meanwhile:  We go back to the leading ATE-WT and Lieutenant Nope has just gave to order to fire apon the incoming fighters and outer perimeter defenses.

Nope:  All units move in for an attack.  Gorp 3 and 4 attack perimeter defenses at Beta 78643.
(the intercom is heard with a roger Gorp 1.  Sanitarium appears once again)
Sanitarium:  Lieutenant
Nope:  Yes Emperor.
Sanitarium:  Status report
Nope:  Yes Emperor.  We are beginnning to take some resistance from enemy fighters and ground defenses.
Sanitarium:  Casualties?
Nope:  We have no reports of casualties on the ground as yet Emperor, but like I said we have only begun to take resistance.  We have reprts of minimal casualties in Blur City.  Emperor I have just had a report of a Java Knight who has taken out numerous Troopers in Blur City.
Sanitarium:  Skychannel!!
Nope:  Pardon Emperor?
Sanitarium:  Never mind.  Continue with the attack as planned Lieutenant.
Nope:  Roger that Emperor (his hologram disappears and Nope sits back down).  Must be something wrong with the Emperor today.
(the inetrcom is heard)
Gorp 6:  Gorp 1 this is Gorp 6 over.
Nope:  This is Gorp 1 over.
Gorp 6:  We are under heavy attack Gorp 1 and we need some assistance immediately.
Nope:  Roger that Gorp 3 this is Gorp 1 can you respond over?
Gorp 3:  Gorp 1 this is Gorp 3 can you repeat that over.
Nope:  Can you respond Gorp 3 over?
Gorp:  That is an affirmative Gorp 1 we are preparing to respond over?
Nope:  Roger that . . . (suddenly interrupted by the emperor's hologram again)
Sanitarium:  Negative Lieutenant we have not got the time to respond to help situations call the ATE-WT back into formation.
Nope:  But Emperor . . . .
Sanitarium:  No But's Lieutenant call him back, immediately!! (hologram disappears)
Nope:  (saying this slowly) Gorp 3 this is Gorp 1 over.
Gorp 3:  This is Gorp 3 go ahead over.
Nope:  Proceed to map point Theta 6789er.
Gorp 3:  Can you repeat that please over.
Nope:  I say again proceed to map point Theta 6789er immediately over.
Gorp 3:  Are you saying we are to forget helping Gorp 6 over.
Nope:  Roger that over and out.
Gorp 6:  Gorp 1 this is Gorp 6 where is out support over?
Nope:  Gorp 6 this is Gorp 1 there will be no support, I repeat no support over.
Gorp 6:  Then we are as dead as ducks Gorp 1
Nope:  I'm sorry over.
(at that instant the Landspeeders begin there final attack on ATE-WT Number 6)

Meanwhile:  We enter the small attacking fleet on Landspeeders who are preparing to destroy the crippled ATE-WT.  Leading th group of 8 Speeders is Nightmare.

Nightmare:  Prepare for death run Blue squadron.
Squadron:  Roger that Blue 1.
(as the fighters make their final pursuit the crippled ATE-WT aims it twin autocannons at Nightmare's speeder)
Nightmare:  Oh shit they have a lock on me.  I repeat they have a lock preparing some emergency manoeuvres . . . .

At the same instant:  We go to the control room deep with in the mountain where Skychannel and the others are witnessing the attack on the various cameras on the speeders and through the valley.  Commander Kramer is attempting to direct Kari out of the room when Nightmare distress call come over the audio.
Over Audio:  Oh shit they have lock on me.  I repeat they have a lock, preparing some emergency manoeuvres.
Kari:  Oh Thomas!!!! (running free of Kramer)
Skychannel:  Thomas can you read me?
Over Audio (Nightmare):  Roger that Bruce.
Skychannel:  Get out of there immediately.  We have reports of support coming, so get the hell out of there.
Nightmare:  Roger that.  But first I have to bring down this ATE-WT and please tell me Kari has gone.
Skychannel:  She has just left, now get the hell out of there, immediately!!
Nightmare:  Beginning my final attack run . . . 

Back to the Sky's of Duodena:  Nightmare has began his final run at the crippled ATE-WT.  Suddenly the heavy-duty blaster cannons on the Landspeeder begin to fail leaving Nightmare exposed to the the ATE-WT's turbolasers.

Nightmare:  Beginning my final attack run.  Prepare to follow Blue Squadron.
Squadron:  Roger Blue 1
Nightmare:  Prepare to attack.  (pressing the trigger and finding out on the onboard computer the blasters have failed) My blasters have failed, I repeat my blasters have failed.  (beeping of the master alarm) I now have a critical failure on the onboard computer.
Blue 4:  Blue 1 get out of there now!!
Nightmare:  I can't they have lock.  Transfering all available power front deflector shield.  (The ATE-WT fires on the Landspeeder destroying it's right wing and sending Nightmare into a death spin towards the ground) Ah I can't get out of this spin, Mayday, Mayday.
(Nightmare is able to pull the landspeeder up so that it crash lands not on it's nose, but still quiet heavily)
Blue 2:  Blue 1, this is Blue 2 over.  (No response) Blue 1 this is Blue 2 over, come on Thomas.
Nightmare:  This is Blue 1 over.
Blue 2:  Thomas get out an ATE-WT is heading your way ETA 15 seconds, hurry.
Nightmare:  Dammit the door is jammed.  (the ATE-WT approaches the Landspeeder).  Open you stupid door, come on please, I'm too young to die oh please let me out.  (Suddenly moments before the ATE-WT foot come down on the Landspeeder Nightmare is able to open the door and jump away).  Thank god for that.  Now to get the hell out of here.
(As Nightmare gets up he views the battlefield and the Establishment flag flying from the base.  A Hurricane Trooper patrol approaches Nightmare.  He draws his Laz-Sword)
Squad Leader:  There he is, shot him now.
(Nightmare pulls out his Laz-Sword and begins to deflect the Laser blots from the Troopers guns.  Some Troopers breakout into fits)
Nightmare:  Ok, ok I give up.  (raising his hands.  2 troopers take him away to a transport situated near by).  Where are you taking me?
Squad Leader:  No questions and get those camera's away. (waving his hand in front of them)

Setting:  The opening of the secret base on Duodena.  Nighmare is dragged up to met Emperor Sanitarium, Darf Bald and Large Banker.

Sanitarium:  So you are the chosen one? (Nightmare fails to response).  You will response my boy or your family shall perish.
Nightmare:  (slowly)  I have no family.  No thanks to him (looking towards Banker).
Banker:  Hey now I don't have to take thses accusations.  Tell him to stop that.
Sanitarium:  Oh shut up Banker, go and count something.
Banker:  But Emperor.
(suddenly Sanitarium lifts Large Banker into the sky using the Forz)
Sanitarium:  I said go away Banker.  Don't make me hurt you like I have done in the past hey now.
Banker:  No please don't it hurts.  I couldn't walk right for days after the last time.
Sanitarium:  Be gone then (Banker runs off).  As you can see child I have the power of Forz within me too and it is quiet strong.
Nightmare:  Ok then.  Lets get a few things straighten out right here now (Sanitarium nods).  1.  I'm not a boy or child and will not tolerate being called one.  2.  I have to say you are underestimating my ability to master the Forz to, take a close look cause it will be the last time you see me.
Sanitarium:  Well then.  (to Bald) The Forz is quiet strong within him.
Darf Bald:  Master leave him to me.  I will get rid of him for you.
Sanitarium:  I thank you for your loyalty pith lord, but in this case I have another ace up my sleeve.  (to Nightmare) I require some valuable information from up.
Nightmare:  No I don't have any change.
Sanitarium:  Ah very funny but no I require the coordinates of the whereabouts of the rest of the Rebel Confederacy forces.
Nightmare:  Ok then well I quick question do I have dickhead written across my face?
Sanitarium:  Ah the typical attitude I expected from a young Java Knight.
Nightmare:  Ah the typical attiutde I expected from a young Java Knight (repeating him in a satirical way).
Sanitarium:  That's why I planned something that would turn the tides.
Nightmare:  That's why I planned something that would turn the tides (repeating again)
Sanitarium:  ENOUGH!!  Bring her out here immediately.
Trooper Guard:  Yes Emperor.
Nightmare:  Who may I ask is her?
Darf Bald:  Oh I think you are going to tell us everything when she arrives here.  And I mean everything.
Nightmare:  Oh shit the nasty pith lord scares me help help.
Darf Bald:  Stop that
Nightmare:  Oh hide me please I'm so scared.
Darf Bald:  (while Nightmare keeps going on)  Please stop that.  Stop doing that now.  Stop it Stop it!!
Nightmare:  Hide me please hide me (pause).  Oh shit (Nightmare notices that the Trooper is bring out Kari).  Leave her out of this Sanitarium.
Kari:  Thomas!!
Nightmare:  I thought I told you to get out of here.
Kari:  I could leave you Thomas, I love you.
Darf Bald:  (grabbing Kari.  Nightmare tries to fight the Troopers off but can't)  Oh how sweet (putting a blaster to her head).  Now you have ten seconds to tell us where the Confederate forces are hiding and she will be spared.
Nightmare:  I need more than 10 seconds for you to understand.
Darf Bald:  Just tell me and she will be spared.  Five seconds.
Nightmare:  Ok then.  I'll tell you.  The forces are hiding in the Starlight sector that's all I know ok now let her go.
Darf Bald:  No I think we will keep her with us.  I sort of like this one.
Nightmare:  You lay one finger on her and you will pay the ultimate price.
Darf Bald:  What's that 12 Tarkins.  Hahahahaha (he starts laughing but no one else laughs with him)
Nightmare:  You have crossed the line Bald.  Your life shall be mine.
Darf Bald:  Oh no I think.  You are the man in trouble Thomas J. Nightmare, you see no one is going to stop the Establishment from ruling the galaxy.  We are unstoppable, and we will win.  (to Kari) Say goodbye to Thomas my dear (he shoots Nightmare.  He falls to the ground motionless)
Kari:  THOMAS NO!! (she begins to cry and scream as Darf Bald grabs her and takes her away)
Sanitarium:  Welcome to the real world.  What a waste he would have been a good fighter for the Establishment.  Commander lets get your people out of here.
Darf Bald:  Lets move out.
(exits everyone expect a few Troopers who check to see if Nightmare is alive, once they are certain he is dead they leave.  Establishment landing craft begin to leave Duodena as carriers move in to pick up the ATE-WT's and Hurricane Troopers.  The Destruction of the secret base and debris remains on the planet).





Will the Establishment rule the galaxy?
Krammer and the Confederates are able to muster an attack on the Establishment's heart and soul of their military might.  The Death Cigar.
Plus a new hero is born.
But the biggest question is??
Have we seen the last of Thomas J. Nightmare?
All questions will be answered when the WORZ continue
All animals and characters that were featured in Episode 3:  Establishment Bite Back were not harmed and most of them survived.
