Meditation is a great way to come in contact with yourself. I started meditating in August of 2001. I can tell such a huge difference. I don't have the worried, obsessed thoughts like I used to. It clears your mind and helps you to focus on what is going on. I have read a few books on it and hope I can help you learn to meditate.

When you meditate you are going deep inside your soul, your spirit. You can learn so much about yourself by listening to what your spirit has to say. We all have a spirit inside of us. As they say...when you die your spirit will go to heaven. That spirit is your guidance to learn how to take better care of yourself. It tells you what you need to do to get rid of the stress, anxiety, depression, OCD and panic attacks.

I have downloaded music from and for meditaiton and relaxation. I suggest classical or look up relaxation or meditation in the search. Listening to water falls, rain, etc can help you to focus and come more intuned. I recommend finding some good soothing music. Then once you start, start with some deep breating(see relaxation page). Then do some "mantras." Mantras are things you repeat while you meditate. It can be things like "no more fear" "I am in control of my mind" I am happy" "I enjoy life." The buddhist use words like "om" or various words of the buddhist lanuage. Meditation is for every religion. Here is a website that will help you to understant more of meditation.


If you join our group I will be doing weekly meditation. I will post them and show you how to do them. They have made a HUGE and I mean HUGE difference in my life. I highly recommend trying it. Email me if you want to learn more.