Hey everyone =)
Nice to see you visiting me here lol . This site will be a little different then my other's here you will find all my artsy stuff and maybe a little fanfiction here and there you never know ! Ok as for the layout , the girl in the top pic is "Kate Beckinsale" . I find she is very pretty and kinda looks like those old china dolls your grandmum used to give you when you were little huh ? lol ...
Besides she was deadly in "Underworld" and i love that movie so i just had to use this picture when i saw it . Ok well obviously it will take me a little bit to get this site going cause of all the art i have to add but it shouldn't take that long actually you all know how fast i work he he .. Ok well i think that's it for now if i'm not working on this i'm most likely in my forum or blog so you can find me and say hi to me there lol .
XOX Nancy

[ Sept 6 2004 ]
Hey all =) added 10 more pieces in the fanart section . I'm trying diferent thing's to brushes and stuff so lol lemme know how you all like em ! Also have you seen the new mindsay layout ? Man it sucks lol . I mean i spent all this time making mindsay themes and now we can't even upload them =( what a bummer LMAO ... Oh well at least we can still upload one at a time right ? I will be looking for a new blog out there today one like the old mindsay cause the new one is just too confusing and learning all over again is just so tiresome !!! I hate it when they do stuff like this i mean people get used to this certain thing and then poof all gone out with the old in with the new i guess but i hate it lol i like things easy ahahha enyways i will be adding some of my old fanfiction to the fanfiction.net today too so keep on the look out for that ! I might just spend all my time into that and this site from now on we'll see if i feel like doing things all over again ;)
[ sept 5 2004 ]
Ok well finaly i picked something lol ... It might not be as nice as the frames were but damn i new they would screw up on me big time lol , So i made something easier to use =) ok well i added all the pages so they are all there i just gotta add the stuff which shouldn't take me too long ! Now this is the same as eny other sites i have owned lol i might get sick of the layout fast and add a new one probably once a month or maybe more you never know with me lol ...


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