Why I'm Getting the Word Out about Hamsters...
    The purpose of this site is  NOT to overwhelm you- or make you feel guilty if you are not doing all the things listed here. The purpose of this site IS to inform hamster owners of something that the pet-stores will not bother learn about, much less tell you- and that is this: If you are expecting your hamster (a wild animal) to become so "tame" that he will love living in a small cage day after day, PLEASE do not buy him until you are done here! You can buy him a cage, and he can live in it- but unless you know what his natural needs are, he will never be truly content and happy.

     With all the fuss I am making about hamsters being wild- why would I still reccomend them as pets? Well, because I have raised
several very happy, secure, and loved hamsters over the last 2 years- and it has been AWESOME! It CAN be done- but you will have to commit to making it happen-- by knowing ahead of time-- what he will need to keep from spending his life like most hamsters do- alone, bored and under-stimulated.

     Before I learned the art of "Hand-Training" (highly encouraged throughout this site) my hamsters were miserable behind th bars of their cages. Since I started hand-training, some of my hamsters have occasionally escaped-- just out of pure curiousity... but they will always return! Why? Because they truly depend on me- and they do not fear my hand as the "big thing that keeps me locked up." They know that my hand means the most important word to all hamsters living in captivity- that word is------------------ "O-U-T!"

     So, with all that said, I am so relieved to have finally learned what my hamsters want from me- and what makes them eagerly come right up to my hand what it's O-U-T time. But, the
bigger success here is that when it's time to back "home"-yes, the cage- they are just as eager! I call it "Guilt-Free Hamster Keeping." The motto in this hamster house is "If he must be caged, then he MUST be spoiled!"

     I hope that you understand now a little about how a hamster views humans. That is they major key to raising any breed of hamster. It is NOT hard-- as long as you do what you are doing this minute- educating yourself.

     After reading this page, (I know it's alot of reading but well worth the benefits) you will be led to TONS of information about what your little guy (or gal) will need from you. Some of it will be what you already know- the rest may seem a little overwhelming at first- and that is ok. You will not need to have/do every single thing listed on this site immediately- you will just need enough to start out with. Please keep in mind that your hamster will need more (things you will read about as you explore this site) as he grows, matures and attempts to give you his trust..
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