Layers of Subconscious

I walked through a small out of date amusement park. I was dressed in a light yellow dress with plaid prints. The park was almost empty and only a few rides were working.

There was one machine that looked like an octopus with seats hanging from the tip of the tentacles, and its arms turn and go up and down. It wasn't working and in fact it looked really rusty. I saw a patch of blue wild flowers, and I climbed over the fence to pick them.

It was much farther in than I had originally estimated. As I reached it, I heard a screeching sound and the machine started turning. Much to my horror, one of the arms of the machine was moving down and would have reached its lowest spot where I was standing. This would have crushed me. Terrified, I froze at that spot.

The next thing I knew, two people wearing jet packs were holding me slightly above the machine. I realized that they must have swept under the arms just in time to pick me up and save my life.

I was very grateful and I tried to thank them. They were silent and acted as though they were robots. I was quite certain they were human since they felt soft and warm.

They finally let me down in the courtyard of the infirmary. My legs were wobbly and they had to help me to stand. A stretcher came to take me inside, and I tried to protest. I explained that I was alright, that I needed to sit down and relax. That was all. But they didn't seem to hear me. They wheeled me inside and people dressed like nurses came over. The nurses too acted like zombies.

Despite my protests, they measured my blood pressure, took my pulse, etc. Then they tried to put an IV in my arm. That did not sit well with someone as terrified of needles as myself. I promptly fell unconscious.

I suppose I wasn't really unconscious because I felt like I was in a lucid dream. I felt like I went back in time and found myself repeating the actions of climbing over the fence, going under the machine, looking at the arm moving quickly towards me. The only difference was that I knew I would be saved, and I certainly hold no interest in the flowers.

Just like before, I found the people coming rushing at me and they swept me into the air. As they were bringing me towards the infirmary, I tried to ask them who they were. They of course didn't respond. I finally came up with a new plan. I suggested that they let me join their organization.

This suggestion surprised them. They seem to be reporting the fact to someone through a com system in their helmet. Still, they brought me to the same courtyard. When we landed, there was a man dressed somewhat like Darth Vader waiting for us.

At this point, some memory must have been triggered because suddenly I felt like film was rewinding quickly. Then I was watching a vision in the past, quite distant past. I was shocked to see the series of events unfolding in my subconscious.

The images began with myself held up by two people dressed in black much like the people who had saved me in the park. I looked like I was about twelve. We were facing a very tall skyscraper. It must have at least 200 floors. We were 100 floors or so above ground. I was kicking and screaming, terrified at being dropped.

Though I wasn't telling my legs to kick or my lungs to scream, they continued to do so. The fear was overwhelming. My conscious felt like it was transported into another being and I can only witness events with no actual control over the vassal. I am however tapped into the vassal's own emotions.

Some loud speaker was placed on the helicopters moving about around me and the two people with jet packs. They seem to be announcing something, but I couldn't quite make out what was said. I was however aware that near the root of the building was a man in a crisp suit leaning against a fancy car. Many people dressed in black were walking around him and consulting him. I couldn't see his face but I can feel the power eminating from him.

Suddenly, a wave of blinding pain swept across my mind. Images passed to my subconscious too fast for me to process. Then the wave was over. I was left adrift in an abyss of darkness. I wonder if I had fainted.

In my confused layer of subconscious, I was transported into a third being. This time a man. I was not aware of his name, only the code he was assigned. H-103. I didn't really understand the first series of events. It felt like a few days worth of events. They seemed to go by very fast and very mundane.

Apparently H-103 was some sort of head agent in an organization that dealt with stopping drug trade and associated crimes. He was not simply human, but enhanced. I couldn't be sure how he was enhanced except that he is extremely fit and able to leap as high as three or four floors. With the jet pack, he seemed invincible.

His current assignment was investigating a new drug that was storming the continent. Much of the science went over my head and much of the technology seemed advanced yet the outward design looked out of date. H-103 was following the lead from some assistant in a lab that the drug was being mass produced at a factory in the desert.

H-103 and two of his agents went to the remote location and found the factory. Its signs indicated it was government run operation. With much planning and caution, H-103 sneaked in through an open vent on the roof. He must have floated near the ceiling and travelled through the vents. He found the assembly lines and the technical labs. The workers all behaved like zombies and he thought their behavior was similar to those on this particular drug.

In one lab, he used his enhanced vision to read some documents on the desk. The document showed a senator had signed a series of documents pushing for this project and forcing the mass production. The name of the senator was not revealed to me, however. But somehow I am certain H-103 had identified the person.

As H-103 was sneaking out, he heard a sudden commotion, and saw the two man that had come with him were caught. They were injected with some of the drugs, and the two man quickly fainted. H-103 knew he can't save them now, and continued his escape. He went to the headquarter and took as much artillery as he could carry. He pulled an alarm to vacate the premise and he destroyed the buildings.

Then he destroy the factory he had visited, and many locations I didn't quite know their function. They all looked government related though. It must have been within two or three days that he went on his binge of destruction.

With absolute certainty, I felt he was onto his final target. With a highly advanced weapon that had exceptional aiming and timing abilities, he was going to destroy the person who had authorized this entire drug development and production.

H-103 went to a remote location dressed as average passengers on the local bus. He carried a briefcase that must have contained the weapon. The bus took him out of the city and into the rural area. There was a large farm in a valley or a basin of sort. It was used either for hunting or for golf. He was standing on the plateau with other people waiting to buy tickets to enter the place. It was quite early and quite empty, but the ticket master was slow and they waited.

A sleek black car pulled in through the side gates and went directly down a dirt path. It stopped at the foot of the hill, and a man dressed with exquisite taste stepped out. H-103 finally saw his target. The target seemed relaxed and in high spirits. Several man dressed in black circled him like a busy bumble bees.

A cellphone was passed to the target, and his relaxed features became stormy. He yelled into the phone and said some harsh orders to the men around him. He got in the car and slammed the door. The car left and his men started climbing up the hill towards the ticket booth. H-103 must have realized his previous actions had finally reached the target.

Before the men in black could catch up with the ticket booth, H-103 casually wondered off. Near the closest hill, he got out his jet pack and left as quickly as he could. He went to the near by town where he had stashed the rest of his equipment before heading towards the target's home.

H-103 never made it that far. Light beams were shot into the sky from the nearest metropolis. Load broadcast were demanding he turn himself in. He travelled quickly towards the location knowing that it was a trap.

He was hiding near the top of the building before which a little girl was held off the ground by the two men that had once worked with H-103. H-103 was froze.

The loud announcements switched to the target's voice. It said, "I know you are here. Your men can detect your presence. They aren't as strongly enhanced as you so they can't tell your location. But you are here. I have a little surprise for you. I wanted you to have a family reunion of sorts. A family reunion before you join forces with me.

"Did you think I can't find your sister just because you snatched her from the hospital and hid her with a common family? It was clever to hid her in such a poor family with so many kids already. No one would have realized they had adopted another child. But I control a lot of things now and I can get the information I want.

"So surrender. Either you join forces with me or your sister will be forced to join forces with me."

H-103 could see the tube of the blackish liquid that contain the drug near his sister's neck. He couldn't risk it.

In a fluid of motion, I found that I had woken up in a hospital bed. I was dressed in my plaid cotton dress and a friendly nurse was telling me how close I had come to being crushed. She said something about the new security organization had expanded into this region. The people of the city had been against it, but the way those "flying dark angel" had saved me, the people were changing their mind. She reminded me that I should be more careful and that whenever I was ready, I can leave the hospital.

The dream or whatever the events I had seen while I was unconscious confused me. I left the park and strolled down the streets of this new town I have moved to. The walk allowed me to tread through the confusion and the revelation.