Bloody Red

The late May breeze sent a tongue of the building bonfire towards Jessie. She leaned out of the way. It was a jolly scene in front of her: all her friends were celebrating their survival through 1B computer engineering.

"Jessie, why don't you go get Mary?" Shannon suggested while dancing to some music singing in Shannon's head only.

Nodding, Jessie left the crowd behind the MC building and headed towards the DC library across the field. She went to the library where she knew Mary was hiding. Jessie always wondered why Mary never wanted to join any of the activities Jessie and Shannon and Heather did. And now that the exams are over, Mary can't even use studying as an excuse for heading to the library at every opportunity.

The library was entirely abandonned, and there was an eerie feeling in the air. Jessie quickly found Mary sitting at a cubicle near the window.

"Come on, Mary, you aren't going to hide here tonight." Jessie said as she pulled Mary up from the chair.

"But I really need to finish reading this before I go." Mary complained, but the look on her face said that she knew it was pointless to argue.

Jessie waited while Mary put all the books away and they headed out of the library. Jessie wanted Mary to head over to the bonfire.

"I can't. My parents are going to pick me up in a few minutes."

"Oh." Jessie said, "Well, I'll walk you home then."

They started crossing the campus heading towards the Westmount Street on the west side of the campus. They talked about inane things, like what was the first thing they'd do once they got home, or what they would buy with their first pay check from coop.

Jessie noticed Mary kept looking back and around. As the sky began to darken, Jessie saw Mary frown at the horizon. They stepped off of campus just as the sun had finally disappeared over the hills. Mary shivered.

"Jessie, let's hurry up." Mary and Jessie hurried towards one of the big mansions that served as Mary's home. It wasn't as huge as the other ones up in the little forest, but it was very quaint. Jessie was very envious of Mary's beautiful house.

As Mary opened the newly painted beige door, and as a magazine held in the mail-hole fell to the ground with a loud thump, Mary jumped.

They entered the house and Jessie didn't went to the luxurious living room to the left of the carpetted staircase. Jessie did notice that Mary hurriedly double locked her front door and turned the security alarm on.

"What's got you so jumpy?" Jessie asked.

It only took Mary a few seconds to get over her hesitation, and she said,"I think someone was following us."

"What?" Jessie exclaimed.

Mary went to the windows and peered out. She fastened the window locks and realized how inadequate they were. She continued, "Well, actually, I think I was being followed. I knew this morning that I was being watched. After the exam, I went to the library hoping I would lose him in the aisles. As we were coming here, I kept seeing shadows moving every time I turned my head to check behind me."

"Mary," Jessie sat down next to Mary, "maybe this isn't the safest place to be. This is a well insulated house. No one will hear you if you are in trouble. The trees are so dense outside and this is such a huge house. Anyone who really wants to get in can toss their body against these huge windows and get in."

Mary looked more scared, and Jessie continued,"Why don't you come to my appartment? Even though Johnny and Aaron have left for Toronto, Tien is still here."

Mary made a face as though saying she doubted Tien would be any help, and they both bursted out laughing. After they calmed down, Mary and Jessie picked up Mary's two bags and headed back down the driveway to the street leading back to school.

They had to cross the Renison College and as they passed the huge parking lot, they both strained to make sure all the cars were empty. They were scared but couldn't do anything about it.

By the time they were near the MC building, they ran towards the loud voices of the people around the bonfire. The fire was very strong now, and the people were feeding it leftover beer and last semester's notes. It was such a festive atmosphere. But Mary and Jessie hurried along. As the crossed the train tracks behind the DC library, they wished they hadn't left the bonfire after all.

Every whisper of the breeze and every scrape of cardboard on cement sent chills down their spine. They ran towards Jessie's appartment building on the other side of the parking lot. Inside the building, they took the empty elevator up. They were still struggling to breath when Jessie opened the door to her appartment.

Just then, Jessie's phone ran, and they both dropped the bags in their hands and panicked. But after a second or so, they calmed down and Jessie picked up her phone. It was Mary's parents informing them that they were coming up to pick Mary up. In fact they were in the Harvey's not too far from Jessie's appartment.

Jessie and Mary went back downstairs and Jessie saw Mary off. She breathed a sigh of relief. Well, at least Mary left safely. No stalker attack.

Jessie wanted to head back to the bonfire, but she realized she hadn't locked her appartment door as she hurried down with Mary. So she went back to the elevator. As she punch up, and the door closed, she thought she saw a flash of gray shadow between the slit.

Oh god. The stalker? Could it be? Had he given up on Mary and decided to come after her instead? Wild and terrified thought raced through Jessie's mind as the elevator made its way up the six floor in record slow time. She was smart enough to get the old umbrella left in the elevator and jam the sliding doors. This way, the only elevator would be occupied, giving her some time to think of what to do.

She knew that it was only a matter of time that the stalker found her appartment if he didn't already know. For some reason, she assumed the stalker would be a guy. So where to hide. Most of the people on the floor were like her, students who either already left for home or was out getting drunk.

She thought of the public washroom in the far end of the corridor that no one ever uses. She headed in there impulsively thinking that the stalker wouldn't come into a girl's washroom. She even went into a stall and locked the door.

She suddenly realized that this was a stupid plan. After all, what would stop the stalker from coming in here. He would surely see her legs and know where she is. So she stood on the toilet. She soon realized that with her height, he'd be able to see her hair over the top. She tried to squat, but it was very slippery.

Jessie was realizing the hopeless position she was in. After all if the stalker wanted to check, he would no doubt push all the stall doors open. She would be caught in the washroom with no way out.

She had to get out. She got down to the floor and opened her stall door and started to head out. Just as she looked up, the washroom door opened, and the face she had only seen on her computer screen looked back at her in all of his six feet.

"Eric." She breathed.

"Jessie, I found you." Eric said. There was a funny grin on his face that terrified Jessie.

She tried to smile but could only croak, "What are you doing here?"

He said, "I came to surprise you, Honey. I knew you were really busy before the finals and could make time for me. But now I know you have lots and lots of time." He smiled again, and Jessie wanted to scream.

"Come here," he said gently, but when Jessie hesitated to respond, he commanded, "Come here, sweetie!"

Jessie knew she would have to get past him to get out of there, so she meekly went to him. He took her arm in a strong grip and pulled her out of the washroom. As they passed the elevator, he looked down at the umbrella holding the door open.

Then he looked at her, and said, "Now who would do an inconsiderate thing like that?" He kicked the umbrella away forcefully and the elevator doors finally closed and began makings its way to the first floor.

Jessie saw her last chance slip away.

"Come on, Jessie." Eric said firmly as he pulled her towards the open door to her appartment. Jessie wondered if she could make a quick dash for the fire escape. After all there was no way she could match him in strength. But she could be faster. She didn't take those aerobic lessons for nothing.

"I wouldn't consider it, Jessie." His grin didn't waver but his hands shifted such that he was behind her and a prick used for sculting was held against her waist. He urged her towards her door.

She wondered what he would do to her. What did stalkers do? She didn't even want to start thinking about this. They walked through the central livingroom and he pushed her into her bedroom. How did he know this was her room?

She was panicking now and she almost made a mad dash out of there. Before she could however, Eric pointed to the bed and said, "Look what I got you." Lying on the bed was a very simple burgundy dress. Eric smiled and said, "I remember you told me burgundy is your favorite color. Even when you drink stuff, you would pick cranberry juice because it's such a gorgeous shade of red." Jessie tried to smile and said, "Wow. I am surprised that you remember so much."

"I remember everything you say." Eric replied, and pointed to the dress again, "Try it on." He stepped out of the room gallantly to let her change. She wished she had someway of leaving her room, but she can't jump out of there. There were scissors and stuff, so maybe she could get him first.

The door opened and she saw Eric holding the little puppy that Jessie had taken home only half a month ago. It was an ugly stray dog, but she loved it. She saw that the prick was still in Eric's hand and pointed just beheath the collar of her puppy.

"I forgot, there is a flower in the box next to it. I remember that too." Eric said and he closed the door.

Jessie changed her mind and changed into the dress. It was a little small and certainly very short. She opened the box on the bed and found a yellow chrysanthemum with it's tips dyed red. Instead of pinning it on the dress or holding it in her hand, she pushed it behind one ear to contrast with her black hair.

She opened the door, and Eric stood up immediately from the couch. He smiled as he studied her, and said, "Sweetie, you look great."

Jessie was only slightly relieved that at least Eric seem pacified. After all, if he was upset, who knows what he would do in his madness? Right?

Eric still held her puppy and walked to lean on the door frame of her bedroom door. Jessie looked at him from the center of the livingroom wondering what will happen now.

Suddenly, the front door opened and Tien came in. Jessie had been frightened and was now quite relieved, figuring that between her and Tien, they can restrain Eric.

Tien looked up and saw her in her red dress. He said, "Oh, I didn't you were going to be entertaining. I'll just leave then."

Jessie wanted to scream, but instead she said, "No. This is your appartment, too. Besides, I am not entertaining at all. Come in."

Tien looked uncertain for a bit, then entered and said, "Hey, if you are sure." He tossed his bag on the sofa, tossed her sneakers near the door and headed for his computer outside his bedroom door.

He propped down in front of his computer and turned it on. He didn't say anything and began working on the computer. He was entirely absorbed in what he was doing.

Jessie was desperate now. She wondered what would happened if Eric disliked Tien's intrusion. Would Eric harm her puppy?

Eric said, "Honey, I'm going to the washroom." He took the puppy with him. Knowing how thin the walls are in this appartment, Jessie didn't dare to speak. So she reached for paper and a pen that had long ago ran out of ink. She tried to write, "Go get help. Eric is dangerous." She figured Eric wouldn't notice blank scribbling.

When Eric came back out, he sat on the couch playing with Jessie's puppy. Jessie said, "Tien, I think there was a message for you." She hoped that Tien would check the message pad and figure out the situation.

Instead, Tien said, "Oh, whatever! I'll check that later."

Jessie wanted to fall down in despair. There was an unnatural silence and Eric seemed completely content playing with Jessie's puppy.

Almost an hour after Tien had returned, Tien suddenly turned towards Eric and asked, "Who are you?"

Eric looked up pleasantly, and answered, "I am Eric. Nice to meet you."

Tien, of course, remembered Jessie's stalker earlier that semester. He was so shocked that he jumped out of his chair, or more like fell out of his chair.

Jessie looked at Eric to see what he thought of Tien's reaction. She was shocked to see that Eric had plunged the prick through her puppy's abdomen, and the faded blue couch was turning blood red.