Show Star Union Philippines

 The Philippine Fan Club of Luo Zhi Xiang

WeLcOmE To ShOw StAr UniOn PhiLiPpiNeS!!!

Warning: Enter at your own risk! May cause severe addiction to S-h-o-w!!!

 Last updated  03/27/2005 08:59:35 PM 

*This site is still under construction. 

[HoMe] [PrOfiLe] [NeWs AbOuT ShOw] [ThE SSU FaMiLy] [FoRuM] [EmAiL Me!]


    Hiyee! Welcome to Show Star Union PHILIPPINES! A place dedicated to the one and only SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG aka ALAN LUO/XIAO ZHU. Here, you can find stuffs about this fast-rising idol who started to gain the hearts of women and men alike all over Asia. 

    It's very hard to find sites in English about this Taiwanese Star so this is an effort made by someone who experienced that hardship (*sigh*). Anyways, this site is pretty new so you might encounter problems like dead links (not to mention that the webmistress is dumb,lol!) so there's nothing much to see yet. But surf on and be ready to swoon!!!

    SSU Phils is recognized by the international fan club SHOW STAR UNION as its chapter in the Philippines. This IFC has branches in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and now in the Philippines. 

    Ok, as a brief introduction, Show started in the Taiwanese ebiz when he joined Heavenly King look-alike contest some years ago and won by mimicking Aaron Kwok. He formed a band which is coincidentally known as the Four Heavenly kings that brought him more fame. But this group didn't last long-- leaving him with another member Eddy Ou Han-Sheng and formed a duo called Romeo.

        He also tried acting and landed on the roles of Xu Da-Lun in Hi! Working Girl opposite Taiwanese Pop Princess Jolin Tsai Yi-Ling and Ah Lie in The Outsiders II with co-stars Dylan Guo Pin Chao and Audrey An Yi Xuan, among others. His name started to ring a bell as a wacky blabbermouth TV Host in TV San Jian Ke, Winning Go! and now in 100% entertainment with Xiao S of ASOS.

Now. he's gone solo and his effort sure made a difference in his career as a performer. He now has two albums under his belt, SHOW TIME and the latest called EXPERT SHOW.

He said he wants all eyes to be on him! (haha! you have mine now, Show!) In his second album, still crammed with dynamic hip-hop and RnB flavor, Show extends his charisma, multi-talents and to-die-for-looks! (so much for the compliment.. haayyy...) to his beloved and loyal fans.


Let's spread our love for S-H-O-W!

If you're interested to join, email your particulars to:

visit our MSN group: 

Important notice: Only legitimate members can gain access to this website. Nonmembers are prohibited from copying any of the stuffs posted here especially in the news section. AGAIN, YOU CANNOT COPY or GRAB ANYTHING WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE WEBMISTRESS. All fan stuffs (e.g., photos, song lyrics, wallpapers, etc.) are located at the forum section. However, you'll have to register as a  member first.   

Join our forum now! Further adjustments are still being made. So, please bear with us. Thank you and enjoy your stay! 

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