Chapter 6


Sea Change

Maybe Spike was unconscious from the bang on the head or maybe exhaustion had overtaken his body and he slept a natural sleep. Angelus couldn’t say, but as he lifted him from the car to their new residence there was still no sign of life. Finally convinced that he hadn’t been followed, Angelus curled up around the cold, lifeless body. He felt dissatisfied. This wasn’t how he wanted things to be. Maybe it would all be better once he’d broken Spike’s spirit, then he could train him into the sort of companion he really wanted. Back to the way he used to be.

Tonight he’d lay another straw on the camel’s back and see if it broke or held firm. Then it would be time for reunions. He shivered to the thrill of the coming confrontation, one in which he held every single ace. He slept the day away, his head whirling with plans and pleasant dreams of blood and pain.

He sensed that Spike was waking and whispered in his ear.

“Hey Spike good news. You’re gonna be seeing your son soon.”

Spike didn’t move but his very stillness hummed with tension. Angelus gave a chuckle.

“I’ve got so many plans… so much that we can do together. Are you looking forward to playing with him? Then there’s Buffy, we really need to get you dressed and looking like a Spike… I figured a collar and a lead.”

He laughed at his own inane humour and tousled the blonde hair.

“We’ll see how much control you have left when he is here, and you hear the cries of your pink, squishy son and Buffy’s pleas as she begs you to do something. You think you won by defying me? You resisted my words but can you resist actions and consequences? Think on that, Childe. I guess we’ll see how strong you really are.”

Spike shivered because he was afraid that all he had were brave words and even those had now been spent.


She awoke and caught her breath. It was dark and her ears were filled by an unremitting roar. Trying to get a feel for her surroundings she moved a hand and hit a barrier, lifting a knee that too encountered resistance and the hollow sound of wood. She fought for her slayer training, the even controlled breathing, the focus. She kept losing it and struggling with mounting panic. Her only thought was, ‘I’m in a coffin again! Oh God! I’ve been buried alive!’

She was a slayer and she needed every ounce of her training. For the sake of her child. She found herself thinking comforting thoughts to him, as though she were soothing his terror. The very act of thinking of him enabled her to control her own fears and she began to focus. The noise was the roar of aircraft engines, she was on a plane. Flying to Angelus. She soothed her baby’s alarm; it’s ok, baby, no harm, no harm, I promise.

That calmed her enough to enable her to meditate on her situation. She had been put in a coffin so that they didn’t have to explain an unconscious woman. That meant her vampire captor was probably nearby. Had she woken too soon? Had he overestimated the effect of the drug? Maybe he’d not taken into account her slayer recovery. This might be the only chance she would ever have. She pushed tentatively on the lid to get a feel for its placement. Then keeping her wrist straight and strong, she thrust up with all the strength and leverage that the space in the coffin would allow. The wood creaked but did not bend. Again. And again. Until eventually she burst through, ripping a shard of wood from the splintered lid and leaping to a fighting stance. Her eyes were accustomed to the dark and she could see that she was in the hold of the plane, with luggage stacked all around. Another coffin lay next to hers. It was empty.

“He told me that his childe killed two slayers.”

The disembodied voice echoed around the hold and sent chills up her arms. She squinted into the darkness, looking for a shadow within the shadows.

“He told me I was too stupid and too slow. That I was nothing.”

Buffy slowly turned. She was beginning to get a position from the voice.

“But he was wrong. I could kill you. Look at you. You’re nothing but a girl. A heavy, labouring, cow of a girl.”

He was moving closer.

“He wanted you alive? Why was that, I wonder? Was he afraid to kill you?”

Come on, just a bit closer. Tempt him in.

“Please, don’t kill me.” She begged, in her terrified little girl voice.

“He told me that slayer blood was the tastiest thing in the world, his childe had loved it. He said his childe was clever and cunning and vicious. I’m not even a moon-shadow of him. Not fit to be his slave. He’s wrong. I will kill a slayer, even if he is too afraid to attempt it himself. He will look upon me with pride. He will see me and accept me. He will call me childe.”

“You’re right.” Buffy said.

The vampire was surprised to find her so close.

“You’re not even a moon-shadow of him.”

He had no idea how she managed to be in front of him. He could only stare in disbelief at the sliver of wood that pierced through to his heart.

She sank to her haunches and bowed her head as ash drifted over her.

“I’m sorry, baby.” She gasped. “Sorry for bringing you to this terrible world.”

In the diving roll that had brought her within striking distance of the vampire her waters had broken. She used her slayer training to concentrate on her breathing, calming her panic. But she desperately wanted Giles, Spike, Angel or Willow. Hell even Xander would do. Instead she was alone and had to look after herself. Herself and her baby.

The hold was pressurised but it was freezing. She found a large suitcase and knocked of the flimsy padlock. Searching through she found a man’s fleece and a coat. She pulled on the fleece, climbed into the suitcase and tucked the coat around her like a blanket, pulling it over her head to keep in her body heat. There she waited, counting the time between contractions and breathing deeply.

As the plane came into land she considered her options. She broke up her coffin and hid the wood in the nooks and crevices of the hold and then she prepared the other coffin. When she was ready she closed the lid tight.


Angel considered going to the airport to collect them himself but everything was too rushed and he had things to prepare. He sent a couple of minions, all they had to do was pick up a couple of coffins, one of them containing a slayer. Jeez, how hard could that be?

Elle and Smith headed out to the airport looking remarkably respectable, dressed in sombre black. They reported to customs, where they produced the necessary paperwork and explained that they were here to collect two coffins. The customs man disappeared and was replaced by another.

“I’m sorry, Sir, Ma’am, but it appears that only one coffin has arrived.”

“Let me see that.” Smith snatched the bit of paper out of his hand. “It says quite clearly that two coffins were shipped. So where the fuck are they?”

The other man was tense but since he was absolutely certain that it wasn’t his fault he answered calmly enough.

“I understand what it says, Sir. But the fact is, there has been a terrible mistake and there was only one on board.”

“A mistake! There’s a family waiting to grieve over that body. How the frigging hell do you lose a coffin?”

“I understand your frustration…”

“Excuse my colleague’s rudeness.” Elle gave a small, tight smile of apology. “But you understand you are placing us, personally, in a very awkward position.”

“I do understand Ma’am and I can only offer my apologies.”

Smith had regained control of his temper.

“Could we see the one that did arrive?”

“It’s here if you’d care to come with me.”

“And when you trace the other one…”

“We’re investigating and we’ll let you know as soon as we discover its whereabouts.”

The customs man shifted uncomfortably.

“Uh, the problem is we’re going to have to open the casket. The shipping note, which should be attached, must have become dislodged. We’re not sure which… body we have. I’m very sorry for this.”

Smith and Elle looked at each other and then nodded their agreement. The question was plaguing them and they were anxious to find out who they had. If it was the minion he’d die a thousand deaths for this incompetence.

“I’ll need you to sign to say that you gave your consent and that you witnessed the opening of the casket.”

The coffin was before them. Elle scented the air. The scent was mixed and inconclusive. As the lid was slowly unscrewed and raised, they both prepared themselves for whatever might be inside. They took up a fighting stance in the expectation of confronting a very irate and pregnant slayer. The casket lid lifted and their muscles tightened in readiness.

“What the hell…?” The customs man asked.

They relaxed their stance and stared in disbelief.

“Good fucking question. And do you know? I am tired of this little charade and jeez, you know what else? I’m tired of you and your rank ineptitude.” Smith said.

Elle nodded her agreement. Angelus would boil them alive for this and they weren’t going to suffer alone.

The man began to stutter an angry, red-faced protest, followed by a rising screech, stilled by fangs that tore into his throat and sliced through vocal cords. Smith and Elle were frustrated and more than a little irritated but the warm blood soothed them somewhat.

They stared at the coffin, packed with clothes and shoes as though it were merely a suitcase.

“I wish that minion were still alive. He might have distracted the Master’s attention from us.” Elle growled.

They lowered the customs man into the coffin, settling him amongst the clothes and then wheeled the body out to the waiting van. They worked silently and efficiently. They might be young but they were old enough to know what sort of welcome to expect when they returned. They daren’t even run. Angelus had a long memory and a damned long arm. They only had to look at his treatment of the blonde vampire for an object lesson in what happened to those that displeased him


Buffy was once again in an enclosed space. The large suitcase was slung on to the conveyer belt, out of the plane and down on to the motorised baggage trolley. It was standing upright, which unfortunately meant she was standing on her head. She wriggled herself around and then stopped as another contraction hit. Ok, they were getting close she needed to get out now before she entered the terminal. She couldn’t go through customs, the x-ray would reveal her. In desperation she kicked out and heard the material rip but there was further resistance. As she feared, her case was in the middle of the trolley. She kicked again and could feel the whole pile rock. Her legs were now free and she kicked out through the ripped side, dislodging bags that were wedging her in. The baggage handler hadn’t noticed his loss as a case tumbled to the ground. She pushed out against another case so that there was now enough room for her to wriggle out of her confined position. She braced herself grabbed a soft sided bag to help cushion her fall and then she jumped, protecting her stomach as best she could.

She thought about nothing except what she had to do next. Make it to the perimeter fence. Her stomach pulled heavily on her spine, pressing down uncomfortably on her pelvis and she put a hand underneath her distended stomach, supporting it as best as she could. Still clutching the bag she’d taken, she began to stretch her stride, heading to the right of the main terminal. Normally it would have been an easy task for her with her slayer stamina but she was burdensome and slow, her breath came in gasps. When she finally made the perimeter fence she sank down in exhaustion and lay helpless as the next contraction took her.

She had to get herself up again and not give in, not after making it so far, but the pain and the tiredness were sapping her strength. The fence was razor edged and was covered in voltage signs. Under or over or through, she considered the possibilities. There was no way she could jump it given her current condition. So under or through? She began a quick search of the bag she had taken, a spade or a pair of wire cutters would swing her decision one way or another. She discovered some dollars, a metal nail file, nail cutters, nail scissors… Oh God. Not good, Buff. Ok think. Rubber souled boots and thickly insulted ski gloves maybe… but no, she couldn’t climb in those. What did she know about electricity? It needed to be earthed. Birds on electrical wires don’t get fried because they have no contact with the earth. If she jumped on to it, maybe she could climb to the top... stop thinking and do it. Oh! After this contraction. She sat for a while and curled up around the pain.

As soon as the contraction passed she took the money and emptied the bag, opening it fully and hooking the handle around her wrist. Then she nervously took a jump, landing halfway up the fence. She moved carefully but as quickly as her weight would allow. She was clumsy and ungainly but managed to reach the top, where she slung the open bag over the razor wire. Awkwardly she pulled herself over the top, slithering over the bag, which protected her from the barbed edging and finally found herself hanging down the other side. She finished the breath she’d been holding and with some relief lowered herself and jumped to the ground, stumbling slightly before recovering her balance.

Making her way to the main terminal exit, another contraction hit but she was nearly there, the bright lights announced Seattle / Tacoma International Airport. Thank God, her destination was in sight and the taxi ranks actually had cabs queued up for customers. She finally sank into the warmth of the cab.

“A maternity hospital please. Can you make it quick? I think the baby is about to arrive.”

“Oh, lady, why d’yer have to choose my cab?” The driver groaned as he put his foot to the floor and radioed the office to warn the maternity hospital of an incoming patient.


Wesley and the slayers gloomily awaited their flight back to L.A. Another fiasco. Wesley blamed himself, he should have guessed that there would be contingency plans in place. It had been his decision to move quickly, maybe if he’d thought a bit more. The ring of his cellphone interrupted his self-recriminations. He walked away with a hand to one ear trying to get a better reception. The others listed intently to his side of the conversation.


“Thank God, for that!”

“I agree.”

“Yes. Goodbye.”

He turned towards a row of inquisitive faces.

“That was Giles. He’s received a message on the Council’s emergency number. Buffy has escaped. She’s currently at the University Hospital in Seattle. No don’t worry, she’s fine, but she is in labour.”

“Oh my God!” Andrew whispered. “Spike is going to have a baby.”

“I believe it’s Buffy who is doing the bulk of the work, but essentially you’re correct.”

There was awed silence.

“This development throws a completely different complexion on everything.”

“Did the revered council leader have any instructions for us?” Andrew asked.

“He’s travelling here to be with Buffy and to oversee the situation. I’m going to return and continue working on finding Spike and Angelus. We believe they have left the city and this is given even more credibility by the fact that now he has lost Buffy, he can have no further reason to linger here. However, there is a small chance he might attempt to track her down. He is notoriously persistent in pursuit of his prey. Therefore, four slayers are to remain here and guard Buffy and the child. Andrew, Giles is entrusting you with her safety until he reaches her.

Andrew put a hand to his heart.

“I swear. I shall protect the Last Slayer and her offspring with my own life if necessary.”

“Yes, well. Let’s hope that doesn’t become necessary.”


Giles felt as if he’d spent the last week sitting in a cramped aeroplane and he’d crossed so many time zones he hardly knew if it was yesterday or tomorrow. He’d been running on adrenaline and anger for so long, but with the news that Buffy was safe and being guarded, his body had given in and he’d finally managed a few hours sleep, grateful that his emotions had finally roller-coastered themselves out.

Yawning widely he felt for his glasses, just as the request was made for all passengers to fasten their seatbelts. He was getting far too old for this. They were coming in to land and he swore this would be his last flight for a while. He’d drive back to L.A. rather than subject himself to another minute of air travel. He unfolded his tall frame and felt his bones creak and his muscles complain from lack of use and desperately tried to avoid all thoughts of deep vein thrombosis.

It felt good to be back in the States, everything looked so bright and clean compared to Europe. Rome was old and its antiquity closed in around him, the years crowded and stifled him, but the U.S. was young an adolescent trying to find its way. He found that he’d grown accustomed to noisy, brash youth and the arrogance and certainty of the young. He smiled to hear the familiar accents as he passed grim-faced customs staff. Climbing into a cab, he asked for the University Hospital and, to his surprise, felt tears pricking his eyes. She was safe. His brave, beautiful child was safe. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to hug her or scream at her for putting herself in such unnecessary danger, just for him.

He arrived at the hospital and was directed to her birthing suite. He stopped and rested his forehead lightly on the door, trying to compose himself before he entered and then gently opened the door, knocking lightly as he did so.



He looked at her. Her hair was bedraggled and her eyes ringed with black.

In two steps he was by her bedside and she threw an arm around his neck.

“Dear girl. My dear girl. Thank God you’re alright.”

“Oh Giles! I’m so glad you’re here. “

“Of course I’m here. Where else would I be?”

“Look.” Her voice was soft and full of wonder “I have a son and he’s beautiful.”

Giles drew back and looked at the bundle she held in her other arm.

“He’s perfect. I’m so happy for you, Buffy.”

“An addition to our family.”

“My grandson?” Giles asked with a slight smile.

“I’d like that.” She replied, blinking back tears .

“I’ll always be there. For you and the child.”

The birth had been hard and the stress and trauma had taken its toll. She’d lost blood and was now on a drip, but as Giles wrapped his arms around her, she felt safe within that protective circle and let her eyes drift shut.

Andrew, Chris and Erica stepped outside to afford them some privacy. Andrew wiped a tear away and sniffed.

“I’m not crying.” He told the girls defensively. “I think I got some dust or something in my eye. Or maybe a bit of lint. There’s always lint floating around in hospitals, all the bandaging they do. Though not so much in maternity hospital, I guess. Maybe it’s…”


“Yes, Erica?”

“Sometimes the situation demands that a real man sheds a tear. I’d guess it adds about 2 percent to their manliness quotient.”

“Really? And is this that type of situation?”

“Mr Giles was crying and he’s always manly.”

“Yes, he is isn’t he? Well I’ll admit there might have been a glint of manly tears.”

“So what’s your current percentage?”

“Well, I have to admit, a girlish scream escaped me about a month ago, which set me back a little. However, with today’s incident and my general command of the situation over the last few weeks I would put myself as high as 49, which is a 96 increase in manliness.”

“You started at 25? Hey, in no time at all you’ll be up to Spike and Angel levels.”

“Really. So… what would you estimate them at?”

“Hmm. What do you think, Chris?”

“Well Angel has to be 100. But Spike… maybe only 99.”

“You think? I see where you’re coming from but it’s hardly his fault.”

“What?” Andrew asked anxiously. “I don’t understand why Spike has lost a percent.”

“Half a percent for those gorgeous cheekbones.” Erica explained.

“And half a percent for his slender build.”

Andrew thought for a second.

“I get that, but shouldn’t he get an extra point for his deep growly voice that just sends shivers right through you?”

The girls kept their faces appropriately solemn.

“Good point, perhaps we’ll have to recalibrate the scale to take that into account.”

Andrew nodded in satisfaction. It was nice when the girls took his views and opinions seriously.


Spike awoke.

He realised they couldn’t have travelled far, the scents and the sounds remained unchanged. But what did it matter? Here he was trapped in yet another sodding basement, impotent, his limbs were chained and fettered, and he was unable to protect the ones he loved. Buffy, his baby… Angel. He could have cried a river at the predictability of the coming night, as inevitable as the tides.

Haunted by the ghost of the weak fledging he had once been and the physical reality of his fearsome sire, who was watching every move, every flicker of emotion. He was that fledgling again, with all the helplessness, the dependency on the whims of his sire and the sense of being completely alone.

Which was bloody ridiculous, when he thought about it, even now Wesley and Fred would be searching for him. The slayers would be gearing up the way they’d been taught and he wasn’t a weak little fledging but a master vampire. They’d found him once, they would do it again. Or Angelus would eventually slip up, present him with some opportunity. If he could just feed, build up some strength, get free, seize a chance...

Angel saw the light of hope sparking in Spike’s eyes and knew it was time for yet another straw.

“By the way I forgot to say I found this.”

He held in his hands the tracking device. Spike gave no reaction as it was slowly and deliberately ground to dust and scattered at his feet.

“Not that it matters, I’ve had the place protected against detection. I guess it’s the symbolism that I love so much. Your symbol of hope, crushed and gone and scattered. I can’t help it. I love the dramatic gestures.”

“Yeah, you have a real talent for them. You’re a regular sodding drama queen.”

“Come on, Spike. Don’t be like that, just as we were starting to get on so well together.”

Unknown to either of them the dramatic gesture was a bad mistake. It triggered the innovation developed by Wesley and Fred, a failsafe, in case all else went wrong. It sent out a flare strong enough to break through the protective barriers and lit up the location like a beacon. Spike hadn’t been informed,  for fear that if the bond was in place, the older vampire would read a flash of hope, just as Spike’s final hope was supposedly destroyed.

Spike’s posture spoke of defeat. There was no cavalry charging to his rescue. He was alone. Alone with his pain and his doubt; he felt close to despair. Heavy in heart and limb, all strength leaking from his bones. Maybe the strength to lift his head but why would he want to? Not sad, not happy. Not anything. Behold this creature. Behold nothing.

Tomorrow maybe he would rise again and pretend to live. Celebrate his life as a testament to the genius of Einstein, proving yet again the incontrovertible relationship between mass and time, as he was crushed by the weight of his years, Tomorrow he would rise and find a thousand reasons to rejoice in life. Tomorrow he would fight again for Buffy’s sake and for the baby. But now, at this moment, he wished to lay down this burden. Just for a minute he wanted to let it go. Just for a minute he wished to lay down his head and rest and not rise again tomorrow.

The dark figure lifted up the head and wondered how he could have imagined rainy days or blue skies in those eyes. All he could see were icescapes. What had once been as sharp and bright as newly worked flint had been crushed and ground, pulverised moraine, and he, Angelus, was the mighty glacier, cold, heavy and lifeless. He tried to look with pride on his work but somehow the rules of the game had changed without him noticing and just as he was about to crow in triumph he realised he’d won a game but lost an entire world.

He grinned and tried to laugh; it cracked and broke unnaturally in the stillness. What was wrong? What was this feeling? Shame? Angelus knew no shame, so instead he named it regret. He regretted the light that had faded from those eyes. He acknowledged his fatal mistake; he’d forgotten where he ended and Angel began. He’d forgotten the place where they met and briefly entwined, one indistinguishable from the other, the place where wounds to the soul were wounds to the demon. Spike was their meeting point, his dead body vibrating with a life force, which overflowed and brought to life all who were near him. Even Buffy. Even Angelus. He’d thought that by breaking him he could twist Spike to his will. Instead he found he’d broken all the things he cherished most in his childe: his life, his humour, his defiance.

Angelus, so cunning in reading and manipulating the emotions that surrounded him and so innocent of his own, frowned and wondered how to mend his boy. He didn’t know how to start, he only knew how to break and ruin. Angel was the one who picked up the pieces he left behind, love and guilt driving him to attempt to mend, carefully filling the cracks and making everything anew. Or his boy, always following in his wake, sweeping up his debris and patching up his playthings – Drusilla and Buffy – wreckage he’d left behind.

Now who was left to mend and heal?

“Spike? Childe…little one?”

There was no answer. He realised that he couldn’t rebuild this broken thing, instead it was up to Spike to win back any last vestiges of sanity. Spike needed to fight, needed to prevail and once again roar his power to the world.

Angelus sat back and contemplated the still figure and calculated how much he was willing to lose to bring his childe to life.


“The beacon’s been triggered. We’ve finally got it!” Fred called.

“I’ve got a fix on it.” Wesley replied. His voice was coloured with excitement and hope. “Oh my God! We must call Giles and let him know.”

“Why? Where is Angelus now?”

“He’s still in Seattle. In fact, if I’m reading this right, he’s simply crossed the river from his old place. The sneaky bastard had a bolt hole prepared.”

Giles picked up the call from the hospital reception and then sat silently in the lobby. Andrew approached tentatively.

“Mr Giles?”

“Hmmm? Oh, I’m sorry, I was thinking.”

“Has there been a new development? It’s just your face. You look kinda pensive.”

“The tracer has been destroyed.”

“So we know where they are?” A smile lit up the young man’s face.

“Yes. He’s still here, in Seattle.”

“I’ll get the slayers. We’ll move quickly and mount a surprise attack.”

“No, you are not to hunt Angelus. We stay here and guard Buffy.”

Andrew’s face fell but his own distress changed to a focus that he’d rarely attained before. He had to help Spike and he couldn’t allow himself to give in to nervous mumblings or talkative hysteria that so often overwhelmed him and underwhelmed those around him.

“Mr Giles, we need to find them. Who knows how much longer he’ll keep Spike alive? Or what will be left of him when we do find him. The slayers will want to…”

“The slayers will do as they’re damned well told! Angelus will come for Buffy and the baby, and we have too few resources to allow us to cover both the nest and the hospital. The logical choice is that we remain here and capture Angelus when he attempts to take Buffy or the child.”

“But… he’s tricky. Supposing he has some cunning, nefarious plan…”

“We have four slayers. Each of them would stand a good chance against Angelus, over the past months they’ve improved beyond recognition and they’re even more determined than you are to get Spike and Angel back.”

“Mr Giles, if I may speak frankly? I feel that I should point out, your view of the situation is distorted by your fatherly love for the Last Slayer…”

Giles voice was emotionless but he could almost feel himself shaking with anger.

“Mr Tucker, if I may speak frankly?” He asked coldly.

Andrew gave a nervous nod.

“I feel that I should point out, your view of the situation is distorted by your far from brotherly love of the vampire.”

Andrew froze to the spot and his face flushed red as he stared at Giles, his mouth opening and closing.

“I…” he cleared his throat and looked Giles in the eye, “I’ve never tried to hide it or deny. He died, saving my life and even if I’m labelled an idiot for my devotion, he has it nonetheless.”

“An extra 1% manliness for the boy.” Chris whispered.

Giles suddenly felt uncomfortably as though he were in the wrong.

“I apologise. I didn’t mean it as an accusation or as something shameful. Love in all its form brightens this sad world. You’re right, I am biased, but I do assure you that in this particular situation I truly believe that if we wait here then Angelus will come to us.”

Andrew gave a dignified nod.

“I too apologise. Our duty should be to the Last Slayer and her newborn.”


Elle and Smith returned nervously and found Angelus sitting on the stairs, obviously deep in thought.

Angelus eyed the coffin. He could smell recent death and fresh blood.

“What the frigging hell is this?”

“When it was opened we found it filled with clothes, Master.”

“The slayer?”

“There was no sign of her.”

Angelus rose and strode towards them, ripping off the coffin lid to reveal the body inside.


“The customs man. He was an idiot.”

“We were discreet, Master. There were no cameras and no witnesses.”

Angelus scented something beyond the blood and death. He picked up a fleece and held it to his nostrils. It smelt of Buffy and pain and… birthing waters.


“Elle, call the maternity hospitals. Say your name is Dawn Summers and you’re trying to find out how your sister Buffy is doing. I want to know where she is. You never know, there’s even a chance that you might live through this debacle.”

She ran off to obey.

“What do you want me to do, Master?” Smith asked trying to ingratiate himself back into Angelus’ good graces.

“You can go out and buy some blood. Pigs, cows, frigging stoat, I don’t care as long as it’s not human.”

“You want me to buy blood?”

Now the master was truly insane. What was the point of buying inferior blood when the real stuff was walking around on tap? He caught a glimpse of the lowering brow and decided not to question further.

“Yes, Master.”

Then he too scurried away, leaving Angelus alone with his thoughts.

This was such a frigging mess.

And he could hardly believe what he was considering. He gathered some blankets and a bowl of hot water and released Spike from his bonds. He sat with the blonde head resting in his lap and began to gently wash him. The bruises and the cuts brought him no delight. If anyone else had inflicted such wounds upon his childe he would have roasted them slowly, years of torture would not have satisfied him. It was finally occurring to him that it had all been in vain. The Spike he’d wanted had been there all the time, but never his. He’d been made for Angel. No matter what he did, this childe would never be his. This world would never be his. Like the time of the Old Ones, maybe the time of Angelus had passed.

He bit a finger and began rubbing his blood into the wounds, watching as cuts disappeared and skin became whole. Once he had healed Spike’s body he would consider his mind. He’d broken many people. Would Spike join their ranks? Or just this one time would he use his talent to mend. Angelus was undecided which direction to go, should he make or break?

He heard Smith return, covered Spike with blankets and returned upstairs. Elle was waiting for him with her good news.

“I’ve found her! She’s at the University Hospital and has given a birth to a son. She’s in birthing suite three.”

He nodded. “Try to get a plan of the hospital and a location on that birthing suite. I think we should go visit the proud Mom this evening.”

He took a couple of bottles of blood from Smith and returned to Spike.

“Frigging pig’s blood! It stinks.” He complained, as he barged into the basement, waking Spike with his loud tones and noisy entrance. “And if you refuse it, after all the hassle of getting hold of the stuff, I’ll shove it down your throat.”

The figure under the blankets just curled deeper into them. Jeez, he was so irritating. Some people just didn’t want to be helped.

He reached under the blanket, grabbed a handful of hair and tipped Spike’s head back.

“Well? You gonna drink or am I gonna force it down?”

Blue eyes slid away from his glare and a white hand snuck out and took one of the bottles. Angelus released him and moved out of his sight, listening to the gulping sounds. This was the first he’d drunk since the bloodplay in the cellar, when Angelus had threatened Buffy and his childe.

A few minutes later the emptied bottle rolled across the floor.

“My blood would be better for you.”

“Sod off.”

Angelus smiled slightly. That was more like it. He made a small gouge in his wrist and placed it under Spike’s nose, hoping the rich aroma would cast its spell. This time Spike did not succumb, not even when the blood was smeared on to his lips.

“Come on Spikey. It’s not over yet, we’ve more games to play.”

No reply.

Angelus picked up the empty bottle and let his own blood fill it. He placed it within Spike’s eye-line.

“I’m giving you a sporting chance and bringing you back to full strength, so wake up and smell the frigging corpses. I might not be feeling so generous later.”

He slammed out of the room but then listened outside the door. He heard the clink of the refilled bottle. The boy was beginning to think about fighting again. Jeez, this was such a bad idea. But eventually Willow would return and shoehorn that soul back in. Better to arrange it on his own terms.

Now that he’d worked out that his motive was wholly selfish he could relax again. He whistled as he considered the work to be carried out before his guest arrived. Make the cellar a bit more homey and feminine. Maybe fur covered manacles would do the trick?


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