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Hi,Welcome to Dave first web site.

Personal Statistics:

Age: 43
Height: 6'
Marital Status: Divorced



Hi everyone I hope you enjoy looking at my webpage, I would just like to say if you find someone speacail hang on to her or him, don't let them get away and if you need to make changes in your life to make each other happy then do it. Life is short enough the way it is so why fight with the one you love enjoy each others company and enjoy life as well, God Bless everyone and take care of each other.
I have found me someone speacail I just waiting for her to be ready.

Please feel free to check out my photo gallery to see my friends

I would like to say thanks to a very special lady for helping me do this.   Her name is Janet and she is from Canada.   Thanks again Janet, couldn't have done it with out you :o)

I have 2 brothers and they live in Northern Wis. along with my Mother.   I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews and 1 great nephew and 1 great niece.   I miss you all


I would like to thank every one from the Divorce Chat room for sending me there pic to be placed on my page. So please feel free to check out the pics of some of the friends i have met in the room they are really nice people in there so if you ever need a friend just drop by the chat room and they will treat you well. The addy is www.divorcesource.com just click on the Java room. I have also started my own chat room, you can find the link at the bottom of this page.


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