A Match Made in Heaven...

Athene and David

David and I have a long, fascinating story together.  Our relationship was born out of unique circumstances and is, I think, the best way for a relationship to be.

Fred M. Hale School of Business at ETBU

David and I met in February of 1999.  We both worked at East Texas Baptist University in the Fred Hale School of Business.  I worked in the office as a student worker secretary and David worked in the Computer Lab as a computer lab assistant.

At first, David would come into the office to talk with me and the secretary.  I was engaged to another person at the time and didn't really pay that much attention to David, other than to talk to him occasionally.

Our first "real" meeing occured in the computer lab at Fred Hale...

The computer lab...gateway to paradise... (heehee)

I was the webpage editor for the Fred M. Hale School of Business webpage, and needed to use the computer lab to do my job.  David was working that day, and he really didn't know me yet, so he had not yet associated me with working in the same building.  I walked into the computer lab, and he saw me and said,

"Will you sign in please?"

Of course I knew that as a worker, I did not have to sign in.  However, I did so dutifully and without complaint.  I took a seat near him to start the webpage work, and we talked a little.  He realized that I worked in "Fred" and then felt badly that he made me sign in.  (Such a romantic beginning!)

Time went on, and David and I gradually began to grow closer.  All of ETBU thought we were dating, but this was never the case!

In November, 2000, I broke off my engagement.  Although David and I had never really discussed ourselves as a couple before...I started talking to him one night....

November 11, 2000

and we both realized that we had been holding back feelings for one another.  We began our relationship that evening and have been growing together ever since.

And Now...

David and I have had a lot of fun changing our relationship from strictly platonic to one where we can express feelings for one another!

We're Engaged!

Please click on the picture to read our engagement story.

The About Me Page

