Here are all the answers you've been waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Computer Problems????

No matter what your computer's problem is...whether your  is stuck, your  is all one color,

your  is missing. If you need help with 

or are dying to say this:


or your computer  is simply not finding files,


Computer Solutions are here!!!!!!!!!!

WeKnowALot is the answer to all your computer !!!!!!

Worried that your computer might have inadvertently gone to that big computer place in the sky???

We Can Help!!!!!!!

Weknowalot.....where your first answer is always free!!*****

*****Your first answer is free provided that you sign up for a year-long contract in which you agree not to use any other help service for that year or for the rest of the life of your computer, whichever happens first.  By agreeing to our terms of contract, you have no power to sue us no matter what occurs to your computer. If your computer should malfunction during this period, we are not at fault. All of our answers come straight from our enormous heads, we use no dusty outdated books that do not help anything at all. When our instructions are given and not followed right to the letter, computer damage will most certainly result because of the negligence of the user. Again, WeKnowALot does not assume any damage whatsoever for anything that your computer decides to do. The motto here at WeKnowALot is that we may know a lot about out computers, but each computer is made and formed with a brain entirely of its own and it is not our place to attempt to control or harness the beasts. If we can simply civilize them enough that they will do what we ask thirty percent of the time, we have acheived absolute greatness and have acheived the American dream....making our computer work.

Send us your questions!!



Look how much business we get.... :) We are a reputable company. 
