I Love Bologna

(a work of fiction)

Once upon a time, there lived a man. The man lived alone because it drove him crazy to know someone else lived in his house.

The man lived in a very small house.  Actually, it was a glorified closet. Also, this shack had no windows  because the guy who built it learned from one of those Time Life book series,  and the part about installing windows wasn't shipped until the shack was completed. (Also, the only light in the man's house came from porch lights with "bug lite" light bulbs.) (The inside light manual wasn't included in the builder's subscription.)

Eccentricity was one of the man's strong traits. Every night, the man had a really big phobia about the lights going out while he was eating. Well, on this particular day, the guy's worst fear came true.

He was sitting at the dining-room table,  eating his favorite dish-a bologna sandwich, when……the lights went out! The house, of course, was totally dark. The guy panicked. He couldn't light any candles (He was really scared of flames.)  He couldn't use a flashlight because he had taken the batteries out of it to use them in his automatic card shuffler. What was he to do? Then he remembered-he had a new roll of 24-exposure film in his camera! He immediately went and got it, and anytime he felt scared, he'd simply click the flash, and everything would be fine.

He used the whole roll that night. He took out the used film,  and intended to throw it away, but forgot.

Thirty years later, when he was senile, the man found a roll of film sitting innocently in his silverware drawer.  He thought, "Wow! What's this?!"

Immediately, he rushed down to the 1-hour photo lab and ordered 3 copies of each picture. (He always wanted 3 copies of each picture-he kept one set in a scrapbook, sent one set out to friends, and used the other remaining set as postcards.)

When he went back to get his pictures, he was amazed at the cost. One-hour photo is expensive, but 3 copies of each picture-we're talking about a month's salary!  He gladly paid it because he was so eager to see his pictures, then he rushed home at breakneck speed to see how things looked before senility struck.

He took a deep breath and opened the precious envelope. 

Inside he found 72 pictures of a bologna sandwich.

By Athene 8/31/96
