Life Began in a Garden

God chose to place His finest creations, Adam and Eve, in a beautiful garden.

However, Adam and Eve lost their innocence, and were banished from God's presence. They were ashamed, and hid from their Maker. However, God still wanted them to be with Him.

the following is an excerpt from a book
"I believe, that within the heart of every man and woman, the Lord God still comes, walking as it were, in the cool of the evening. He knows exactly where we are. He knows everything that's happened, and yet He still comes. And when he comes, he asks us the same question he asked Adam and Eve. "Where are you? "I believe God will not give up until He gets us back. He comes walking in the cool of the evening, seeking us. Imagine that. He's giving us every chance to come to Him as He calls out, 'Where are you? I want you back. Don't hide anymore. Come back to me. I won't give up because I absolutely love you."

"Isn't it interesting that when God chose to begin a relationship with humans, He placed them in a garden? He could have given them a beachfront property or placed them high on a mountain. But He put them in a garden.

"We don't always recognize the Lord God when He comes walking in the garden of our hearts. But He does, He always comes, persuing us as a relentless lover."

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine."
---Isaiah 43:1

"For I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you in with loving-kindness"

---Jeremiah 31:3

Excerpted from the book Clouds by Robin Jones Gunn. pp 207-208
(I have read many of her books, they are Christian fiction/romance, and they are all wonderful stories.)
