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Did you ever wished to have your own FREE website? Well, I have provided you with some for starters, and when you're ready to have your own domain (ex:, then you can pay them. But just don't forget to sign-up!
Tips with backgrounds

If you want to have a fixed background (background that doesn't move but your things on your website does), all  you do is follow the instructions.

Let me just cut through.  This is what the HTML code will look like:
<body background="

That's how the code will look like.  All you have to do is add bgproperties="fixed" but son't skip a space or else it won't work.
Maybe you would want to do a website like me, for example, with backgrounds.  Just make sure that your backgrounds work.  I tried it on Geocities (the free one) and Angelfire but it didn't work, but you just have to find a good place to upload it and that will work.  In case you haven't visited my background pages, they are all linked to "Boomspeed" but I'm pretty sure that Liquid2k works too.  To make sure if your background or image works, just put in the code and save it.  When you get to your website, just refresh to make sure.

Once, I put a link to my picture on geocities, and then put it on
my neopets shop , it worked just after because I went to my website first and saw the image but after I refreshed it, it was plain white!