Hello there, My name is AquaUmi, but c'mon just call me Aqua. ^^

Me in EM:
According to Rachel Fu, I'm the boss so erm...yes ^^; I actually think I'm far from it. I write the script as well as the fic with the help of my friends Israfel and Tabris (Our color artist and Publists Somewhat). I also do the concept art you'll see around the site for now. (There will soon be an area for fan art as well as concept designs.)

Me Bio:
Name: AquaUmi
Nick: "Aqua"
Age: About as old  as dirt
hair: Blue
eyes: Green
Fave color: Garnet/Sapphire
Fave food: Beef Ramen and La Choy Chow      Mein Noodles with Cream Cheese
Fave drink: Diet Vanilla Coke
Fave School Subject(s):
- World History
- Drill Team

- Drama Least Fave School...:
-Algebra Xp *Somethi
ng about numbers I jjust don't get*
This Stunning Picture was a gift from my best friend and idol, Galindorf. You can see her site at www.Galindorf.com. And Believe me, its worth the look.