Hey everyone, its Aqua, bringin' you the scoop on our color artist and fellow comic artist extrodinaire, Tabris.

Name: Tabris
Nicknames: Tab, bloodsucker, etc etc..poor guy
Age: About as old as dirt
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Fave color: Red
Fave food: Blood (he's a vamp, what would you expect)
Fave school Subject: Senior Studio
Hobbies: Wiccan Studies, Reading Tarot, Surfing, watching Anime, drawing, playing video games, Highway Tag. Drama. and talking to yours truly. (I really don't know if it would count as a hobbie but we talk everynight over the phone ^^;;;)
The Image to Your Right was brought to you by the wonderful peeps at animewallpaper.com. If you would like to see more, please check out our link for them in the LINKS section.