A Little About



 If you were wondering, Lolo isn't really my name. It's just a nickname that has stayed with me since middle school. People are starting to call me by it more and more each year.

I finally decided to update the site. At some point I found dreamweaver and put it on my computer.

I went to San Jose State and graduated with a B.S. in Photojournalism , but I am yet to find a job in the field. Not too many people call me Lolo anymore, but that's okay.

Sorry to the people that actually read my website, I haven't updated for a really long time. I really wanted to and I even bought dreamweaver to inprove my webpage. Lucky me though, I lost the program, it's nowhere to be found, so I am stuck using pagemill on a extreamly slow mac instead of using dreamweaver on my faster pc.

Wow my last entry was long ago, to catch you up, I was also accepted to CSU Long Beach, but decided not to go to either, I'm currently going to a local community college in the hopes to transfering to a 4-year college or university to study photojournalism. I have lots of pictures that I need to put on the site, but I'm looking into someway of making it so people can't just copy them off the webpage, also to add to that, please ask before coping anything of the site. All of the stuff on the site is my work and I would like some sort of credit.

Thank you for reading lots of nothing and visiting my website, I hope to either find my dreamweaver somewhere or to buy other copy to inprove the site. *Lolo*

The plan was to learn dream weaver and start to make my website on that, but senior year has been so hectic! Finals are next week. It's good to know that half of senior year is already over. Guess What! I made it into University of Oregon! I haven't said it enough so I thought I would post it.

Not that long ago one of my best guy friends decided not to talk to me. You can't just shut off a relationship! I guess it was probably a good decision, but it still hurts. If that person is reading this all that I have to say is that I'm sorry, and I wish it didn't have to end this way.

The December holiday's are here, which also means something else is coming up! My 18th Birthday! It's sort of scary. Happy Holidays to everyone and I hope to talk to you all before the new year. If not Happy New Year!

You know what's sad? I write in this more than my own journal. I started going to a youth group on the 24th. I never thought that before this year I would go to one. I'm not the most religious person in the world, but it's also a way to meet people that don't go to your school. My school's cool, but sometimes you just need a break from it. Sad thing is that I probably have more friends that go to another school, than my own. I'm going to have to start another page with these soon, so I don't take up a million pages. Vote no on the recall and have a nice day.

Note to all guys out there(goes for the girls as well), If you break up with you girl friend don't do it over IM! It's really stupid and they'll hate you for a longer period of time(If she doesn't hate you, you are very lucky). The only time you can break up with her over the phone is when you both consider it a long distance relationship, or you live more than 4 hours away. The best was is in person so you truly know how each other is feeling. Another thing is don't ever tell the person your breaking up with them for someone else. It's just painful. Sorry I'm probably boring you with my not so lovely day, but that's my depressing life for ya.

I don't know how many people really like reading about what I'm doing so I don't update this page as much as I could. If you like reading what I do, email me at lolodrake@yahoo.com and maybe then I'll start to write more. Life's how life is right now. Lots of homework, I'm probably flunking U.S. history right now doing this instead. My teacher likes to give us tons of homework, when it seems like we do practically nothing in the class. I don't learn though homework, I learn though experience and lectures. If you are a teacher reading this, take this into consideration.

School started three days ago and who ever made Power School didn't completely look it over. It's know to loose grades and break down all the time. It also completely messes up students schedules. First day of school I was in line for five hours just to get my schedule changed. In the end I was happy with what classes I was taking. I only am taking four classes at my high school and two at a community college. Yesterday my school had something called Challenge day, it's sort of interesting, but a lot of people cry. It's pretty much a huge bonding activity for the school. Most people use it as a time to say sorry to each other.

Currently I'm about to start my senior year of high school. I can't believe it and I don't really want it to start. I'm worried that I'm not going to like my senior year. A lot of my friends that I spent time with during class have graduated, it didn't hit me that that's what happens until the last day of school, when all the seniors weren't in class because they were practicing for graduation. It was almost like a punch to the stomach. So I want this summer to go on forever.






You are a goddess!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Creative: you are an individual at school and thats
why your friends all think you're amazing. you
offer a shoulder to cry on when people need on,
you give good advice and overall a very good
friend. you enjoy being in the company of
others, particularly those closest to you and
sometimes depend on your friends too much. but
apart from being dependent, you can mostly make
it on your own and excel over others. you are
fun, good natured and a great person to be

what kind of girl are you?
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Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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You should be dating a Gemini 21 May - 20 June This mate is inquisitive, entertaining and
charming, liberal, broad-minded and youthful.
Though Gemini has a tendency to be impatient,
gossipy and sometimes irritable, this twin has
the ability to expresses his or her pent up
emotions during sex!

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla  

 You are the Friendly Gryffindor! You have lots of friends or maybe just a couple of very good
friends, and a lot of regular friends. There
are some people who may not like you, but they
have no reason not to except for the fact that
you don't swing with the crowd. You don't want
to do what everyone else does. You are very
original, and thats y most people luv u. You b
who u want to b, and you don't let anyone stop
you. You also don't let anything get in the way
of your dreams. You march to the beat of your
own drum. You are not shy at all, in other
words, you are one of the bravest types of
Gryffindors! Being friendly has its ups and
downs (even if you can't see the downs at first
sight) but no matter wut happens your friends
and loved ones are always there beside you!

What kind of Gryffindor are you? (im going to add more later)
brought to you by Quizilla  


You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
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You are the Creature of the Forest! You can at times be shy, and you value your alone
time, but also love your family. You are a
daydreamer, and your imagination goes for miles
and miles! When you focus on something, you
show determination and hard work.

What Being Are You
brought to you by Quizilla  

You Are A Romantic Kisser!

About Your Kissing Style:

You'll only kiss if the mood is right and if you think you are falling in love.
Some may say you're old fashioned, but when you kiss, you see stars!
One kiss from you, and anyone will be hooked forever.
What Your Kissing Style Says About You:

You're no prude, but if you're going to get sexual, it needs to mean something.
You prefer to take things slow, because it only makes them better in the long run.
You're much more likely to find yourself engaged than in some stranger's bed.
How Do *You* Kiss?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

cute but psycho
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla  

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla  

You are The Merovingian-
You are The Merovingian, from "The
Matrix." Wit and danger, with a French
twist. You are adamant about the slightly
materialistic things- power, wealth, possession.
Dominating, aren't we?

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla  

Yoshimi - "Happy Beauty"

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla  

Elizabeth Swann: Pirates of the Caribbean
You're Elizabeth Swann! As you play the role of
"damsel in distress," you still
manage to keep your cool and whoop pirate-butt.
You, however, have a knack for being captured,
and taking out heirlooms
"coincidentally" at the same time
that undead pirates attack your hometown.
However, you still manage to keep it cool under
times of mass stress and destruction.

Which Pirates of the Caribbean Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla  


You're Jupiter, tough tomboy. Don't wanna get on
your bad side!

What Sailor Moon character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla  

After the first week of August:

Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla  

Before the first week of August:

Blue info
Your Heart is Blue

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla  

Sweet in a Shy way.You're so shy!And it makes you so cute all the time.You don't know how to act
around other people,and that's your appeal.

How Sweet are You?
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You are ice. You have a cold exterior but a warm

What element is your soul?
brought to you by Quizilla  


Water Goddess
Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Marie, AKA Rogue. People think of you as
maybe a little insecure. You like to be totally
isolated from other people, but know you want
to change that. Well, still, tons of mutants
and people alike love you!

Which X-Men: Evolution Girl Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla  

You belong in the preppy, yet still killer surf
city of San Luis Obispo!! it's a hot college
town with *hott* college students! and yea,
there's malls nearby to get your preppy
Abercrombie and Hollister fix! have fun! (hey,
or you could live in Ruby Hill, in Pleasanton
California... ultimate preppy-richness! hey,
worx fo me!)
Where should u live in Cali?
brought to you by Quizilla

mystery angel
Mystery angel...there's something about you that
others don't understand. You're very secretive
and like to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Some say you're that beauty in the corner...

What kind of angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You evil person you! Your Amanda Clearwater! A
seventh year Slytherin, prefect, Seeker and
Captain of the Quidditch team. You are a
straight o student!(O=A)You have a dark mark
and have been a death eater since you were 11.
you have a major crush on Oliver wood (but
thats a secret.) You have brown hair and green
Which of my made-up harry potter characters are you???
brought to you by Quizilla  

Death, the second of The Endless, you are responsible for ending all lives and taking them to your realm, from which no one ever returns. You are bright, positive, happy, optimistic%2
Death, the second of The Endless, you are
responsible for ending all lives and taking
them to your realm, from which no one ever
returns. You are bright, positive, happy,
optimistic and enjoy everything about life, but
that does not mean your silly or stupid. You
can lay the smack down when you have to!
Everyone loves you, and they don't know why.

Which Endless are you?
brought to you by Quizilla  

You are the funny person that everybody likes. Yay,
go you?
(girls only) What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla  

EARTH is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Hermione Granger of Gryffindor. You love
reading books and working out spells, and you
have some feelings for the Bulgarian Seeker,
Victor Krum.

(Girls Only) Which Hogwarts student are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Sensitive and you'd like to stay that way..
-Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to
stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much
Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally
charged. You definitely love the person you're
with, and always want to know how they're
feeling so you can make sure they're happy.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Your magical style is Witch.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are Beauty
You are Beauty. You are beautiful, whether it be on the inside, the outside, or both. People are drawn to you as strongly as you are drawn to the beauty in the
world around you.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have for urself a pure thug...damn they are the

What kind of Boy friend do you need?
brought to you by Quizilla


What's your sexual appeal?
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your the water fairy..you in general love the
water...duh...your a free soul and love to make
friends...sometimes...other times you just love
to be around freinds and water ^^

If you were a fairy what element would you rein over?(for girlz) :-p
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You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete. So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
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You are NEMO!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

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The ULTIMATE personality test
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The Night Fairy
Night Fairy: Congratulations you are the nigh
fairy! You are the fairy who creates the stars
within the sky. Legend goes that your are just
another shotting star among your creations,
disguising yourself, as you streak across the
sky creating more stars. Little is known about
you but your powers are known to be great.

Fairy categorization: Which elemental fairy are you?
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Sorrowdweller. You are not overcome by anger nor
happiness. Your emotions are pretty well
balanced, but you do tend to get somewhat
emotional at times leaning towards depression
and saddness. You have your own views of the
world and while you do not see the beauty of
life, you are not completely overwhelmed by
darkness. Live and let live just because.

How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

forest fairy
you are a forest fairy. you like to be amoung the
trees and animals and you are kind to everyone.
(Used with permission of the artist. All
rights reserved Jasmine Becket-Griffith.

(has pretty pictures) what kind of fairy are you? (for gurls)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Blue. You are very tranquil and peaceful,
though some could call you shy. You depend a
lot on your friends, but are very sweet and
caring. Boost up your confidence, you're far
from egoistical!

What color are you (Girls)?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sea Elf: Unlike the myth, you are not elven
mermaids/men. You do have the ability to stay
under water for extremely long time periods,
but you do not breath the water, nor have gills
or fins (just some slight webbing). You always
live near water, and often keep safe holds for
your goods in hidden underwater caves. Some of
your kind actually spend more time in the water
than out, and thus how your kind developed the
strange marine coloration of blues, greens and

Which Elven Race are you?
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You're a CASUAL AIM-ER! Congrats, you're
normal...or you're pretending to be.

What kind of AIM-er are you?
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