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For Writers

My Logue
DKA Magazine
Dream. Imagine. Do.
Welcome!  This is the home page for my website.  It's still a work in progress, so be sure to check back often for updates.  Take some time to look around, learn about me, or see some of my work; then drop me an email and let me know what you think! 

"Bibliography" is a page listing the pieces I've had published and giving links when the piece has appeared online. 

"For Writers" contains, among other things, a few paragraphs on the places I find inspiration, advice for those who want to be writers (although if you want to be a writer badly enough, you'll make it happen; you don't need advice from me) and some links to websites that I find helpful. 

"My Logue" is a link to my writing weblog; feel free to check it out if you want to keep up with my day-to-day life. 

So welcome!  Kick off your shoes, curl up on the couch, make yourself at home.  Life is a wonderful thing; let's enjoy it together. 

Keesa Renee DuPre
The Sword Review
Copyright 2005 Keesa Renee DuPre
iFiction Navigation Bar

Russka's Last Painting
To Name a Star

Hello, All!  My site has moved; it's now at
www.keesareneedupre.com    This site will stay up, so you're free to keep looking around, but it will no longer be updated. For current news and information, please visit my new site.  Thanks! 
