Author:  Bunny-chan
Dimension Hopping
Chapter 2

	Ossu!  This is the next part!  Aren't ya happy?  I would be.  But then, that's just me!
^_^  So, Enjoy!

Duo:  Buns doesn't own Gundam Wing or Sailormoon
B-c:  Arigato, Duo-kun!
Duo:  *grinz*

Nice little Japanese to English thingy:
Minna	Everyone
Oi	Hey
Baka	idiot, moron, stupid
So da	That's right, I agree
Yamete	stop (begging)
nani	what
honto	really
koneko	kitten
Hai	yes
ne	Well, right? (used in context)
Odango	Dumpling
Ii no	It's nothing
Sumimasen	Please excuse me
Yurusai		Shut-up
Ohayo Gozaimasu	Good Morning
Sayonara	Goodbye
Ja ne	See you later


	Hiiro and Wufei stared at Setsuna for a long time, deciding on how to act.

	Haruka wrapped her arms tightly around Usagi.  "What do you mean?"

	Setsuna's gaze never left the two boys as she spoke, "They don't belong here.  I've never
seen them in the Time line."

	"Minna!  Oi!"  A deep voice called.

	Three boys came running up, one with blonde hair, one with chestnut colored hair in a 
long braid, and the other with redish brown hair with wild bangs.

	Usagi stared at the boy with blonde hair in familiarity.  'The boy in the park...'

	The one with the braid stopped short as he saw the girls.  "Hey... Hot chicks.  How you
do'in?"  He said with a smirk.

	Setsuna just glared back.

	"Now, how can I get one of your numbers?"  Duo asked, advancing towards her, not 
realizing the dangers.

	"Protect the Princess!"  She shouted, raising her hand in the air.

	Haruka grabbed Usagi to the side.

	"Pluto Crystal Power!  MAKE-UP!!"

        "Neptune Crystal Power!  MAKE-UP!!"

        "Saturn Crystal Power!  MAKE-UP!!"

	"Yamete!"  Usagi yelled as the transformed.

        Duo stepped back as he saw the three girls turn into one of the Senshi he had seen 
earlier.  "What...?"

	Quatre glanced at Usagi, noticing her left arm sleeve was dotted with red and brown.
'That's blood....'  "Sailormoon."  He whispered.

	Usagi watched him, unsure of the words that had come out of his mouth.  'They... they're 
going to hurt them....'  Usagi began to struggle in Haruka's hold.

	"Koneko-chan!  Calm down!"  Haruka yelled, trying to keep her grip.


	"Silence Glave..."

	Pluto and Saturn readied their attacks to protect their Princess.

	"Iie!!!"  Usagi screamed.



	Usagi struggled out of Haruka's arms.

	The boys scattered quikly out of the path of the attacks, all of them moved except 

	Usagi ran out infront of the two attacks, shielding Quatre.  Her eyes shined with tears 
as the attacks came closer and closer.

	Pluto frowned as she saw Usagi run out in front of their attacks.  She swung her Time 
Staff out in front of her.  "TIME STOP!"

	The attacks froze in place, just inches from hitting Usagi and Quatre.

	Usagi breathed in and out heavily.  "They're good people..."  She managed to get out 
before she fainted.

	"Princess..."  Sailorpluto whispered.

	Haruka picked up Usagi's unconsious form.

	Pluto glared at the boys.  "Whoever you are, I suggest you go back to where ever you came
from because the next time we meet, she won't be able to save you."

	Hiiro glared back.  "We are not here to disturb your world."

	"How do we know that?"  Neptune asked, coldly.  Her sea-green eyes were blazing.  "You 
could just be a spy for Galaxia.  We've had enough threats in this galaxy, we don't need 

	Then they walked off into the night.

	"Man!  What was that all about?"  Duo asked.

	"Baka..."  Wufei muttered.


	"That girl..."  Quatre whispered.

	Hiiro turned to him.  "That girl who saved you was Sailormoon."

	"Honto?"  Trowa asked, raising an eyebrow over one of his green orbs.

	"Hai,"  Wufei answered.  "That weak onna is one and the same."

	"Then who were the four people with her?"  Trowa inquired.

	"Her senshi,"  Quatre responded.

	"I don't know if any of you noticed,"  Duo said, thoughtfully.  "But that woman with the
dark green hair kept calling her Princess."

	"Then,"  Hiiro said.  "She might be the one we need to talk to."


	The Next Morning....

	"Is Koneko-chan still asleep?"  Haruka asked, sipping her coffee.

	"Hai.  Hotaru is asleep, too.  She healed that wound on Usagi-chan's arm, so she was 
exhausted."  Setsuna answered.

	"Did you find anything out about those boys?"  Michiru asked.

	"Iie.  I haven't even gone back to the Time Lines yet.  I wanted to make sure Usagi-chan
was alright before I left."

	"Did you tell her parents that she was here?  They must be worried."  Michiru said,
watching Setsuna sip her tea.

	"Hai.  I called them last night and made an excuse."  She responded, getting up from her
chair.  "I need to check the Time Lines.  Take care of Usagi-chan."

        Haruka sighed and took another sip of her coffee.

        "Doushite, Haruka?"  Michiru asked.

	"I'm thinking about those boys last night.  I think I heard one of them say 'Sailormoon'.
I'm wondering how they could know that.  And then, she protected one of them.  Why?"

	"I don't know.  But you know our Odango, she sees the good in just about everyone."

	"Yeah.  I'm going to go and check on her.  Ne, Michiru, are you making breakfast?"

	Michiru smiled, "Hungry?"

	"Don't tempt me..."  Haruka responded playfully, leaving the kitchen.

	Moments later, Haruka came running down the stairs in a panic.


	Michiru turned towards the door, "Nani?"  She asked, totally confused.

	Haruka leaned into the doorframe, breathing heavily.  "She's gone."


	Usagi stumbled down the sidewalk, a bit disorientated.

	"Odango?"  A voice asked.

	Usagi turned towards the voice.  "Seiya..."

	The boy with the black ponytail smiled.  "What are you up to this morning?"

	Usagi's eyes focused and unfocused.  "I'm nto too sure.  It's very strange."

	Seiya smirked.  "Yes, you are a strange girl,"  He commmented, for which he earned a 
nasty look.  "But that's why I like you, Odango.  Seiya put his hand on her shoulder.  "Well, if
you're done figuring out what you're doing, would you like to accompany me to breakfast?"

	Usagi grinned apreiciatively.  "That would be great!"


	Duo yawned very loudly, stretching his arms.  "Man!  That's the last time I sleep on the
ground!"  He remarked, pulling a twig out from his braid.

	Wufei sat up, slightly disheveled, "Well, if you hadn't been kicking me the entire night,
one of us might've gotten some sleep."

	Duo pouted.

	Quatre laughed and patted Duo's back.  "It's okay.  We need to investigate this world 
today, however."

	Trowa nodded while opeing up his backpack, pulling out his food and water rations.

	Duo pulled out his food and began to shove it down his throat.

	Hiiro watched Duo out of the corner of his eye, and spoke to him without turning,  "You
realise, if you eat all of your food now, you won't have any later when you need it."

	Duo gulped down what was in his mouth.  "Yeah, but Q-man here wouldn't mind giving me 
some of his food,"

	"You should be more responsible, Maxwell."  Wufei snorted.

	"Awwww!  Wu-chan!!  Wouldn't you want to give me any of your food?"  Duo whined, reaching
for Wufei's plate.

	Wufei grabbed his plate away from Duo's hands.  "Get off of me!"

	"C'mon Wu-chan!!  I'm hungry!"



	Usagi sat in a booth, scooping and shoveling her food.

	Seiya blinked and sweatdropped.  "Odango..."

	She looked up and gulped her food.  "Nani?"

	Seiya smiled and shook his head.  "Ii no.  Ne, what are you doing this afternoon?"

	"I'm not sure.  I don't think I'm doing anything."

	"Well c'mon then!"  Seiya exclaimed, leaving the money on the table and dragging Usagi 
out of the resturant.

	They were running down the street when suddenly they bumped into someone, literally.

	Seiya helped the person up, "Oh, Sumimasen!"

	"That's alright."

        Usagi picked herself up from the ground and glanced at the young man she and Seiya had 
collided with.

        She gasped, 'It's him.'

        The young man heard her gasp and looked over, "Oh, Good Morning."

        Seiya's eyes narrowed at the young man with blonde hair.  "Do you know eachother?"

        Usagi nodded numbly.

        The young man looked to Seiya, "Would you mind if I had a word with her alone?"

        "Nope.  Odango, I'll be over there."  He said, gesturing to a bench across the street, 
then he walked over and sat down.

        "How can I help you?"  She asked, near whisper, apprehensive of the boy.

        "You are Sailormoon?"  He asked, and then continued once he saw her nod.  "Let me 
formally introduce myself.  My name is Quatre Raberba Winner."

        "Watashi wa Tsukino Usagi desu."  She replied, bowing.

        Quatre crinkled his brow.  "Your name is Tsukino?  I thought it was Usagi?"

        "It is.  Tsukino is my family name."  She said.

        "Oh."  Quatre responded, bringing his finger to his chin in thought.

        "Where are you from Quatre-san?"  She asked.

        Quatre smiled, "I don't think you'll believe me.  It's even hard for me to believe."

        Usagi giggled.  "No more than what my life has been like.  Tell me."

        Quatre cleared his throat, "My friends and I come from a different demension."

        Usagi turned her head to the side, "That's it?"

        Quatre's eyes widened, "Well, yeah."

	"Oh okay.  I would've thought that with all the fuss you were making, that you were a 
bloodsucking alien or something!"  She laughed.

	"We were sent here to investigate this world.  Can you help us?  Tell us about this 
place, It's history, and your home?"  Quatre asked, grabbing Usagi's hands.

	Seiya visably stiffened at the action.  His eyes narrowed at the boy, and it bothered him
even more that he couldn't hear what they were saying.

	"Looks like someone's jealous!"  A voice said, teasingly.

	"Yurusai, Yaten-kun!"  Seiya spit out.

	The boy called Yaten put his hand to his heart in mock hurt.

	"Seiya, you can't get hung up on such a girl.  We must devote all of our time to finding
Kakyuu-hime."  A boy with a brown ponytail said, holding a book.

	"Yeah, by the way, we have practice for the musical.  We have to get down there."  Yaten
said, waving his hand for Seiya to come.

	"Alright, let me tell Odango that there's been a change in plans."  He responded, getting
up from the bench and walking over to Quatre and Usagi, Taiki and Yaten on his heels.

	"Odango!  I forgot I had practice for the musical.  We'll hang out later, okay?"  Seiya
said once he reached the two.

	Usagi nodded.  "No problem, Seiya.  I'll see you at school then."  Usagi turned to Yaten
and Taiki.  "Ohayo gozaimasu, Taiki-san, Yaten-kun."

	"Ohayo Gozaimasu, Tsukino-san."  Taiki said politely.  Yaten didn't even respond.  "Well,
we have to be going, Tsukino-san.  It was good to see you.  Sayonara."  

	"Ja ne, Taiki-san, Yaten-kun, Seiya."  Usagi said, slightly confused at Taiki's behavoir.
She turned to Quatre, "Well, it turns out I'm free after all.  I'll help you out as best as I 
can, okay?"

	Quatre smiled.  "Thank you very much, Usagi.  Let's go to where my friends are."


	"Sailor Iron Mouse!"  A woman's voice called.

	"What can I do for you, Galaxia-sama?"  The little mouse girl from earlier appeared, 
bowing in front of the woman and her golden throne.

	"Have you found a True Star Seed yet?"  Galaxia asked, obviously impatient.

	"Hai, Galaxia-sama.  I believe that this is the one."  Sailor Iron Mouse said, confident
in herself.

	Galaxia only frowned at her.  "I do not tolerate failure for very long.  If I do not get
a True Star Seed soon, you will be very sorry."

	"Hai, Galaxia-sama.  This is the one, I guarantee-"  Sailor Iron Mouse gasped out, trying
to get herself on Galaxia's good side.

	"GO!  Find me that True Star Seed!!"  Galaxia barked out finally as Iron Mouse ran out of
the room.  Galaxia turned in her throne, going back to her brooding.


	Sailor Pluto stood at the Time Lines, watching as the years went by, trying to find the
point in which the boys had come.  Her maroon eyes watered at watching so long.  She turned her
head and rubbed her eyes, trying to make the pain leave her.

	'Why are they here?  They aren't supposed to be here.  This will ruin the Future 

	Sailor Pluto waved her staff at the Time Lines.  

	"I had better check up on the Future, just to be sure."  She whispered to herself, 
breaking the silence.

	The lines shifted, and showed a picture Pluto was not expecting.  

	"Nani?!"  She gasped out.  "Whe- where's Crystal Tokyo?!"


	Hi!  Well, that's it for now.  I'm working hard on this, so please review.  For those of
you who care, I'm working on A Cosmic Fate and Son Goku To Yume No Tenshi as well.  So the next
chapters for those should be out soon as well.

	Take care, Minna!  Ja!  ~Bunny-chan  ^_^
