Author:  Bunny-chan
Dimension Hopping
Chapter 4

	Ossu!  This is my next part!  Since school is out and everything, I hope I can get more
chapters out sooner than I usually do.  Anyways, this takes place during Sailor Stars in Sailor
Moon, and after Endless Waltz in Gundam Wing!  Enjoy!  ^^

Duo:  Hey.... did she forget us?
Wufei: She better not have.
Haruka:  She wouldn't.  Buns is a nice, CONSIDERATE person.  Unlike SOME people I know.
Wufei:  *eyes narrow at Haruka*  I have a feeling I know who you're talking about.
Haruka:  No... now what would give you that idea?
Duo:  *raises eyebrows*  It's not about me is it?
Haruka:  *sighs in exasperation*
B-c:  *comes out in her jammies holding a bunny rabbit*  Hey... some people need sleep, ya know.
Duo:  Please enjoy the fic, minna-san.  
Wufei:  They better enjoy it!
Haruka:  You know, CHANG, I'm really fed up with your attitude....
Wufei:  Oh shut-up, you cross dressing baka!




			It smelled...  Gods... how it smelled.  The smell of dried blood. The 
kind that stuck to your fingers when you touched it.  The thick, warm kind.  The kind that was 
just spilled not too long ago.  

	She wandered... she didn't know how long she was walking, she just knew that she was, and
had for a long time.  The fog shrouded around her, preventing her from seeing mere inches away
from her face.

	Then she heard a noise.  It was like someone was following her.  Footsteps... so lightly.

	"Hello?" She called, giving a it a chance to see if anyone was there.  As long as she 
could remember, it was only her walking.... no one else.  Her.  All alone.

	No one answered her small, mediocre call.  It was almost as if whomever it was that was
following her, was trying to hide, which was not that hard to do in the immense fog.

	"You know what they say about live bait?"  

	She tensed.  A voice, more than likely male, spoke.

	"No?"  It asked.  "Alright I'll tell you..."

	The owner of the voice came towards her...  She could feel the large hands grab her 
shoulders.  The person's face moved towards her neck.

	"They taste the best when eaten..."

	She froze in her place, her visage was pale, and her hands were clammy.  

	"No..."  She whispered, but in the vastness of the place she was in, it seemed like she 
screamed it.

	The figure laughed, and she could see his malicious grin.  "That's what I love about you
little Bunny....  so innocent... and perfect to kill..."

	"I can't believe this..."  Another voice said.  It seemed to radiate with....  
"Picking on little girls.... how disgusting."  The voice spat.

	The first voice sneered.  "You little puss-bucket. Get out of here before I make you
regret being born!"

	She could feel the voice smirk even though she couldn't see him clearly at all.

	"I'd like to see you try..."  He said.

	The first voice rushed towards the second, and she could hear the struggles of a hand to
hand battle.  Then, a figure came to her from the fog, and she gasped.  Eyes....  His eyes were
beautiful.... and they seemed to radiate with Justice.

	His face was still shrouded, but she could make out his eyes... "Odango,"  He said.

	She frowned.  No one but a select few called her Odango.  

	"Odango!"  His voice became more urgent, and didn't sound the same as it was when he 
first spoke. 

	"ODANGO!"  His voice was higher pitched... and sounded alot like...


	Seiya frowned.  "Oh c'mon!  Odango!  Wake up!"  Seiya shook Usagi's form harder.

	Haruka smirked.  "It's hopeless.  Koneko-chan doesn't wake up for anyone."

	Seiya narrowed his eyes at Haruka.  "I refuse to believe that."  Then he continued 
calling her name, and shaking her.

	Haruka shook her head and turned away. "Baka..."

	Michiru glanced at her.  "Be nice Haruka.  We're with these people for a while, until we
can figure out how to get home, so we have to make the best of it."

	"Michiru-mama is right, Haruka-papa!"  Hotaru said, jumping up and down.

	"Yeah, I know.  Don't remind me, Firefly."  Haruka said, grinning.

	"Well, I'm glad you three are taking this calmly!"  A voice said, huffily.

	"Yaten!"  Taiki scolded, but Yaten didn't listen.

	"We have a mission!  A very important one!"  He continued.  "And because of this mediocre
girl, and your fight, we got caught up in this!"

	"Yaten!"  Seiya yelled, "Stop it, now!"

	"I agree..."  A voice said, normally one that would remain silent.  "There's no use in 
fighting.  We'll find you a way to get home."

	"So da ne, Trowa!"  Quatre said, smiling.

	"So... what do we do?"  Duo asked.  "Do we take them to Dr. J's?  We have to get in touch
with him anyways and tell him we're back home."

	"We make contact with Dr. J and the other scientists,"  Hiiro said, "And we bring them 
along.  They'll want to see you people."

	Haruka rose from her spot on the rock, and stood protectivly in front of Michiru, Hotaru,
and Usagi.  "That's not going to happen!  You know what scientists would do to us!  They would
want to preform experiments and such!  You know it, too!"

	The gundam pilots squirmed in their spots.  They did know it.  Any scientist, given the 
opportunaty, would definitely preform experiments on a being from another dimension.

	"Well, we're going to have to take at least one or two of you with us.  They'll be 
expecting information.... plus they'll want to know why we're back.  We can't say 'Oh, we just 
pushed the button to come home on accident!'  Besides, if we don't have proof to what Usagi-san
told us, they'll think we're nuts!"

	Haruka glared at Duo, "And what makes you think you're going to tell them anything?"

	"Stop it now, you two,"

	Haruka glanced over at an awake Usagi and a proud looking Seiya.  "Koneko-chan.  Setsuna
said that they-"

	"Haruka-san!  You should know better than that!  Setsuna said that any future could be 
changed or altered by any event.  Whatever future she said she saw.... I won't let it happen!"

	Wufei opened his eyes.  The solitary dragon had been silent, listening to the 
conversation between the people of the other earth.  It was hard for him, believe it or not.  
Trying to decide what the right thing was to do.  He stole a glance at Usagi, she was the only 
one, he noticed, taking this calmly.  'Not for long,'  He thought, 'When she sees our Gundams and
space colonies, she'll freak out.  Our worlds are so different from eachother... but then, not 

	"Meiran..."  He whispered, very lightly, so no one would hear.  "What would you have me
do, Meiran?"

	Usagi looked at Wufei, who was apparently having an inner conflict.  "Wufei-san...."


	"Sailor Iron Mouse!"  Sailor Galaxia called, sitting on her throne of gold.

	"Hai, Galaxia-sama?"  The timid, little mouse girl asked, appearing into the room of 
darkness.  Her silver eyes held immense fear.

	"Did you find a true Star Seed?"  Galaxia asked, her golden eyes narrowed as she looked
at Sailor Iron Mouse's trembling form.

	"Iie, Galaxia-sama.  The last target turned into a phage...  I promise this next target 
will be a true Star Seed!"  She finished quickly, trying to avoid Galaxia's anger.

	"I see...."  Sailor Galaxia replied, playing the words on her tongue.  "I can no longer
feel the true shines of the wandering stars...  Or a few of the shines of this Solar system."  
Then Galaxia began to talk to herself rather than Sailor Iron Mouse.  "Have they found a way to
evade me?  Those shines of the newly born planets of Love and Justice...."

	Sailor Iron Mouse looked on, confused.  "Galaxia-sama?"  She asked, uncertain of what 
action to take next.

	Sailor Galaxia regained her composture, "Go Sailor Iron Mouse!  Get me a true Star Seed!
You had better get one this time!"

	"Haaaaaiiii, Galaxia-samaaaa!!!"  Sailor Iron Mouse called out, running out of the dark


	"Well, our next task is to figure out exactly where we are on earth..."  Quatre said, 

	Yaten stood up indigantly, "You don't even know where we are?!  And this is your home
dimension?  What kind of a-"

	"Yurusai, Yaten-kun!"  Seiya yelled, getting tired of Yaten's uncooperativness.

	Yaten closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.  His fists were clenched tightly at his 
sides.  Taiki put his hand on Yaten's shoulder, trying to help ease his pains.

	Yaten's voice was shaky as he spoke.  "We traveled so far... so far to see her... and we
might have done all of it in vain!  Everything was for her!  And, we may not be able to ever see
her again...."

	"Yaten,"  Seiya said, looking at him.  "It was not in vain.  And we'll continue to sing
our songs for her when we get back to our earth.  We can sing here as well, if it will help ease
your mind?"

	Usagi stepped up.  "Yaten-kun."  She said, her blue eyes shining with trust.  "Whoever 
you are looking for... you'll get the chance to meet her.  I promise I'll help get us to our
rightful homes."  She placed her hand out for a truce.  Yaten stared hard at her for a long time,
not moving.  Finally he relented.

	"Hai.  I trust you to get us home."  He said, his green eyes were sparkling.

	Usagi grinned.  "Yokatta!"

	"Well, with that settled,"  Hiiro said.  "Who's coming with us to Dr. J's?"

	Everyone stood silent.  No one really wanted to... didn't want to be found out.... didn't
want to take a risk.... didn't want to.

	"I'll go."

	Haruka's mouth was open in shock.  "Iie, Hotaru-chan!  You don't know what they might do
to you!"

	"Haruka-san is right,"  Usagi said.  Haruka smiled, glad someone was agreeing with her.
"So, I'll go with you."

	"Koneko-chan!"  Haruka's mouth was open again in shock.

	Michiru smirked.  "You could catch flies with that thing, you know."  She pushed Haruka's
jaw up till it clicked.

	"Then I go with Odango,"  Seiya said, walking up to Usagi and Hotaru.

	"Seiya!"  Taiki said, astonished.

	Seiya threw Taiki a victory sign.  "It's also an easier way to find a way home.  Trust me
on this one, guys."

	"Well, we're definitely on the Earth.  Then we find out exactly where we are, then we 
get transportation to L1."  Trowa replied.

	"Of course we're on Earth,"  Hotaru said.  "We wouldn't be in outer space."

	Duo smirked.  "We could be in outer space in one of the colonies."  But Duo was only met
byt the confused looks of the senshi except for Usagi.  "We'll explain it on the way."


	"Shimatta!  This is a strong one!"  Sailor Jupiter claimed, dodging an attack by the 
latest phage they were fighting.

	"Yeah, I Know what you mean!  Crescent Beam!  SHOWER!!"  Sailor Venus agreed, calling
out her attack.

	The shower of yellow beams did nothing but annoy the phage.

	"Shabon SPRAY!!"  Sailor Mercury called out, hoping to confuse the phage about their 

	"Mars!  Flame SNIPER!!"  Sailor Mars called out.

	"Venus!  Love and Beauty SHOCK!!"  Then Venus.

	"Jupiter!  Oak EVOLUTION!!"  Then Jupiter.

	"Mercury!  Auqa RAPSODY!!"  Then, finally, Mercury called out her attack.

	The four magical attacks slammed into the phage, destroying it.

	Sailor Jupiter kneeled on the ground, catching her breath.  "I can't believe it... we 
aren't saviors anymore.  We murderers!"

	Sailor Mars grabbed Jupiter's shoulders and began to shake her.  "Stop it!  We didn't 
kill anyone!  We're protecting this world!"

	"Rei-chan,"  Sailor Venus spoke.  "She's right.  Those phages that we've fought were 
actually once people.  We didn't save anyone, we killed them."

	Mars' violet eyes began to water.  "Iie...."

	Mercury wiped the tears away that were forming at her eyes.  "Oh, Usagi-chan... Where are
you when we need you?"


	Hiiro stopped in front of a large gray door.  Hotaru, Usagi, and Seiya tensed with every

	Hiiro turned his emotionless, prussian blue eyes to his comrades and to the three senshi.
"This is the lab.  Don't worry too much.  If they try anything, we'll stop them."

	"Don't worry, Usagi-san,"  Quatre said, placing a hand on her shoulder.  "Your friends 
are waiting outside, and they have a communicator with them.  If anything happens, they'll come
in, and you'll be safe."

	Usagi nodded and took a deep breath.  It had been two days since they had first come to 
the new world.

	They found out they were near Saudia Arabia on Earth.  They traveled to Quatre's mansion
about 25 miles away from where they first landed.

	When they were at one of the Winner estates, they rested up, got some new clothes, 
cleaned up, and we're on their way to Colony L1.

	Usagi remembered her first space flight.  It wasn't very enjoyable.  She spent most of 
the flight sick.  And she remembered Haruka's amused laugher.  And Michiru's laugher after Usagi
threw cold water on Haruka.

	Duo laughed when he saw Haruka all wet, running after Usagi, then Usagi when she bumped
into Wufei, causing them to fall down on top of one another.

	Hiiro opened the door to the laboratory, and walked in.  The others walked in after him,
and Usagi followed uncertainly.  

	The room was huge.  White, and huge.  There were many machines, beeping, calculating and

	Usagi watched everyone's expressions as they walked in.  Hiiro and Trowa were the 
emotionless ones, Quatre was awestruck, looking at everything going on around him, Duo was also
looking around, no doubt looking for some type of mischeif, and Wufei had a cynical look on his
face as he eyed everything.

	Seiya and Hotaru looked around in awe.  Such machines of technology were around them.  
Almost looming, or towering over them threateningly.  

	Usagi had no doubt that the same expression as Hotaru and Seiya was on her face as she 
walked through the room.  She began to feel small and insignificant the more she stayed there.

	"Hiiro?"  A voice asked.  "What are you doing here?  Who are these people?"

	Hiiro stepped up to a man with a long gray beard.  "There was an emergency, and we had to
leave the dimension where we were.  These people got caught in the area when we were leaving."

	"What kind of an emergency?"  Another man asked, coming up to the group.

	"The people there knew we weren't from there.... and were intent on protecting their 
world.  They opened fire on us, and we had to leave."  Duo said, shifting in his place.  

	The first man looked at them quizically.  "They opened fire on you?  We supplied you with
a large ammount of firearms and ammunition.  Please tell me there is a better reason as to why
you had to leave."

	"It's true, Dr. J!"  Quatre said.  "They were going to-"

	"That's fine, Quatre."  Trowa said, putting an arm over the blonde arab, calming him.  
"No need to get worked up over it."

	Hiiro continued.  "Our guns wouldn't have worked on these people.  That's why we had to

	The man known as Dr. J nodded.  "I see.  And who are these people?"

	Seiya stepped forward and bowed.  "Kou Seiya desu."

	"Tomoe Hotaru desu."

	Usagi held back a moment before stepping forward to introduce herself.  "Tsukino Usagi

	"Those are very interesting names,"  Dr J commented. "Kou, Tomoe, and Tsukino."

	"Ano,"  Seiya said, shaking his head.  "Those are our family names names.  My name is 
Seiya.  This is Hotaru,"  He said, pointing at Hotaru, and then at Usagi.  "And that's Usagi.  
But I like to call her Odango.

	Usagi crossed her arms over her chest, "Yurusai nai yo, Seiya!"

	Seiya smiled and patted her head.  "Hai hai."

	"Now tell me, how is it you had to leave so soon?  What was the great emergency?"  He 
asked, trying to get back to business.

	"This."  Hotaru said, raising her hand in the air.  "Saturn Crystal Power!  MAKE-UP!!"

	The purple lights and sparkles surrounded Hotaru's body, transforming her into a white
fuku, with a purple skirt, purple knee-high boots, purple collar and choker, white gloves with 
a purple trim, and a gold tiara with a purple jewel.

	Dr J stared hard at what had just transpired.  "Masaka...!"

	Sailor Saturn stood with her glaive in her left hand, her dark eyes watched Dr J's every
movement.  "I am the Senshi of Death and Silence.  I wield the power of desruction and rebirth."

	"Pretty awesome for an 11 year old,"  Duo commented.

	"There are more that have many powers,"  Hiiro said, continuing.  "She's just one of 
them.  That's why we had to leave.  They were intent on killing us, and we wouldn't have been 
able to defend ourselves against them."

	"How many more are there?"  He asked.

	Usagi began to count on her fingers and Dr J watched her doing so, unable to keep in 
mouth shut in surprise.

	"Twelve more," She said, like it was nothing.

	"T- twelve more?!  Are they human?  Beings with such fearsome powers...."

	Sailor Saturn gave Dr J a dirty look.  "They are not fearsome.  We aim to protect our 
planet and solar system from invaders and those who seek to take over Chikyuu.  And if you dare
insinuate that we're fearsome, I'll show you the powers of the strongest Senshi!"

	Usagi put her hand on Saturn's shoulder.  "Now, Hotaru-chan.  We don't need to get off 
on the wrong foot the first few minutes we're here."

	"Please come back here tomorrow,"  Dr J said, "That way, we can set up our machines, and
you may tell us all about your world."

	Hiiro nodded.  "We'll be back tomorrow."  Then he and the others turned to leave.

	Hotaru detransformed and they left.

	A few other doctors walked up to Dr J.  "Well,"  One of them said.  "What shall we do?  
We can't have that kind of power out of our control."

	Dr J nodded.  "Hai.  It seems that their bodies are vulnerable out of that 
transformation.  Once we get every piece of information from them, we kill them when they're not
expecting it.  It's the only way to ensure our safety."


	Hi!!  That's all for now!  Please review this so I can get them out faster!  
Ja mata ne!  ~Bunny-chan

Ps.  Happy Birthday Usagi!!  Tsukino Usagi is officially 23 years old!  Whew!  Takeuchi Naoko-san
made Usagi's birthday June 30th, 1978

Also, 12 days until my birthday!  ^_^

And 14 days until my very first anime convention!

One more thing.  I've been having trouble with lately, so please don't get too 
miffed at me if I can't get my chapters out soon.  This was delayed 3 days because of trouble 
